
5 Reviews
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Pleasure to Watch
23 November 2007
With this Film we can see that their are still Directors out there that don't need Millions of dollars spend on giant explosions and CGI effects to tell a good story,cause that is what films are basically about.And this one was a nice story,that had some very good moments.The movie i would recommend for older audience because of the dialog and subjects at hand.A kid or teenager would simply not understand and would be bored.With a very small amount of Money the Director created something Beautiful. During the Movie you get the feeling of actually being there and experience a sort of sensation of -is this real or is this a lie?. You enter a stage where you almost would like to ask the main character things you would want to know.The location is warming and relaxed but gets its climaxes from now and then.The movie resolves into an ending you spend your 90 minutes waiting for.With a good twist. i recommend this movie highly to audiences who like to think about the movie even days after watching.Its very entertaining and well shot too.So don't miss this one its a pleasure to watch.
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Blood (2005)
Worst Movie i have seen in years
16 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Well i just finished watching SANGRE and it was painful.The acting was lousy and the camera shots were always the same,the story has no message at all.I don't know what the director was trying to achieve here.I am really a fan of art movies ..but what was that??? The actors could not even cry ,and it really puts the Mexican way of life to the worst.The couple are constantly fighting over stuff that isn't important and its total rubbish.I live in Mexico and my life is full of happiness thou life is never easy.But letting your daughter commit suicide is really f..... up.The movie is garbage and there it cant even call this contemporary art..its not artistic at all.Bad acting ,bad story bad lines.I think the best of all was the camera..but not how they moved or filmed with it..don't waist 90 with this piece of GARBAGE
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Could have been much better,but was good!!
2 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
waited for this movie for about 15 years since i saw Return of the Jedi almost every day as a kid ,(well not the entire movie but the endor space battle i could not get enough).So when i suddenly heard in 1998 that there was a new Star Wars Movie coming out i could not believe it. So i waited for the big Day .And went to the Theater ...Alone of course. And the Star Wars Title started rolling up along with the Great Fanfare of John. Williams..i didn't know what to expect,cause i had avoided every star wars trailer poster or whatever had to o with the Film. So the beginning was great a usually pan down and i space ship flying by.The first 20 minutes or so its all lighsaber battles ,you see obi wan young with his master and its very exiting.The visuals are great and all is fine.Than the movie starts to slow down when our heroes meet jar jar and save the princess.We finally meet r2 d2 for the first time and he saves the day.By this time i was still very exited about the whole thing.Enter anakin...well this was i guess my first moment when i started to say ,wait a minute...the acting of this little boy was not convincing,his tatooine accent was terrible American,compared to watto's.By the way i love watto's voice and Animation.I had thought that we would meet anakin way older and i was hoping for a little more Acting skills...i cant believe that over thousand's they choose this little kid.Well tha pod race really blew me away.but overall there was no character development ,obi wan had a couple of lines only...and thats like the main guy here.If it wasn't for Obi Wan ,Anakin never would have become so powerful nor Darth Vader.So i expected more story on Obi Wan.Not why jar jar was banished and nonsense talk like this. Well the movie went on and i got a little frustrated..i really was missing the old folks..and the Final Battle was exactly as the first and that sucked!!! Anakin destroying the Federation Comandship by accident was just to lame if you compare it to how hard it was to take out both death stars.Every time i watch episode 4 i still get nervous in the trench.So the day was saved by anakin this time.And he got accepted for being trained by obi wan.The Duel against Darth Maul is the best lighsaber duel ever!!! Even better that Ep3.

When i went out of the Theater i was sad and confused..OK it was alright and it was star wars !! But not what i had dreamed about for years. Its a good movie for younger audiences and new star wars fan's but for people that grew up in 1981 like me it was a disappointment. I do own it on DVD and have watched it several times but it could have been made better

7 out of 10
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Better Than i Expected
1 November 2007
I came across this Movie by accident in a Blockbuster sale of used movies.Since i am a Fan of Martial Arts i picked this up not really being sure what to expect.I did not about the Comic Book or nothing,i decided to pick this one up.I had so many movies to catch up with that i had this Movie laying at home for a couple of week's,and damn what i had missed.This is really an awesome Martial Art Movie.The Fight Scenes are very over the top sometimes.But thats the good thing about it,,who doesn't love the Matrix Reloded fight or the one from Kill Bill?? Of course these fight are completely different,one uses Cgi and the other one more a Wirework Style. But in this Movie i don't know how they pulled the fights of,well first of all the Actors are Top Martial Artist's so much is done by themselves.But there must be some whirework and CGI in there fore Shure. I usually watch more Good Plot Movies and Many Art Films but i am open for anything that will get me a good time. Well this one has a little plot,but its not very deep.But in this kind of movies who needs a good plot.Five minutes into the movie people are flying trough walls and so it goes on.There are only a couple of slow moments that are: THE PLOT.So this is really all about punching,kicking,awesome stunts and Martial Art moves that will make you stop motion watch it cause it was so fast.The weapon's used in the Movie are also very cool.You can really feel a Comic Like feel when you are watching.Typical long hair fighters a la King of Fighters. If you enjoy movies like Kung Fu Hustle,Kill Bill or the Matrix you'll like this one.They are all over the top.Thing with this movie is that the fight scenes look quiet realistic cause of the skill of the Actors who are top snotch!!

if you like fast action and Kung Fu don't miss this Movie
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7 December 2006
I am happy someone borrowed this movie to me .Is't just Awful!!! The Plot is just plain stupid.The Acting is Terrible and the Director must have been on Drugs.I didn't even Finish watching the Movie cause i couldn't stand the bad acting no more. It's really sad that some of the Actors like Edward Furlong and some other familiar faces accept Stupid Scripts like these!! Do yourself a favor and don't even rent this Movie,you would be angry for waisting your time-

i think this Movie if didn't even get to play in theaters

Just Plain Bad

if i could rate this movie from 1-10 i would give it a big 0 it doesn't even deserve a 1
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