
12 Reviews
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Z Nation (2014–2018)
So very, very derivative of much better show and games!
23 January 2024
Good points first:- The production quality isn't too bad to be fair. The special effects and zombie creature makeup isn't TWD but it isn't terrible by any stretch.

Hmmm. Run out of good points.

Bad points now:- The story and plot points are more or less a rip off. In the first 2 episodes alone I was already getting massive TWD plots (the protagonists being a group of survivors battling it out against a never ending hoard of Zombies/Walkers with the real threat being other humans?) and the video game "The Last of Us". The latter is especially ripped off for the plot of the first season as far as I can tell so far. A lone "immune" being chaperoned across the country to a group of scientists so a cure can be found at the expense of others- remind anyone of the plot the very video game?

If that wasn't enough, even the characters themselves in terms of look and personality are ripped off from at least one of above.

At best it feels like a fan homage to better shows but with a bigger budget.
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The Meg (2018)
Stick your brain into neutral before watching
19 May 2023
I didn't have very high hopes for this movie considering the premise but I did hope, considering the budget, that they would have leaned a bit more towards the original Jaws movie. Alas it is not the case.

The acting is mediocre and Jason Statham plays the same character in every movie he's in. Your typical action star but lacks any kind of acting range.

The most egregious problem, for me anyway, is the violation of even the most basic physics. Here you have a creature that has evolved to live at 11km depth but can also reach the surface (it would be dead almost immediately due to the laws of physics). It also travels at over 500mph in some scenes based on the locations travelled from and to. To name but two issues out of many many this movie has.

Can't believe they are making a sequel to this junk.
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The Last of Us: Look for the Light (2023)
Season 1, Episode 9
Not the best episode
13 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Although this season has been pretty good, the fact that they chose to cut so much out of it is a let down. This episode is a prime example. It was a speed run, missing out nearly all of the best bits. It should have been double length.

I was also disappointed that we don't see the Bloater again. That being said, the styling of Joel's battle with the Fireflies, although far too short, was pretty good. I liked attenuated sound design with the music being in the foreground. A nice touch.

Many people have complained already about this season being too short and rushing through the story. I get it, the producers didn't know they had a hit on their hands so why risk a 16 episode failure? Let's hope they realise their mistake and take their time with season 2. Part II of the game is much longer than Part I and although not as good as Part I, Part II does deserve to be given more depth and content.
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M3GAN (2022)
Derivative and predictable
14 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie could have been great if only it had a better writing team. The plot as it is is very derivative, lazy at times and formulaic. Something straight out the cookie cutter sci-fi mould.

Smart person invents sentient AI robot (M3gan) which goes on to befriend a vulnerable person (traumatised child). The AI turns bad (of course it does - lazy writing) and starts killing people. The creator tries to destroy the robot but fails (predictable) and the befriended character ends up being the one to kill it (again predictable) but not before defending and disputing the accusations against the robot. Hints of The Lawn Mower man at the end suggesting the AI lives in the closing shots (leaving an opening an opening for a sequel).

The VFX aren't too bad and I'm glad they didn't go down the Ex Machina route of making the robot have a realistic human face although that does present a plot hole. If you've got the technology to give the robot the levels of dexterity and motor control as M3GAN presents then you'd easily have the technological ability to make the face and facial expressions realistic to pass as human.

Sounds design isn't great though as it was difficult to understand what M3GAN was saying at times but maybe that is just my hearing.

All in all, not a terrible movie but don't expect any surprises.
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Boxing Day (2021)
Shockingly bad
8 December 2021
If I could give it zero stars then I would.

From within the first 10 minutes I sat in the cinema and realised this movie was going to be terrible.

Completely formulaic and predictable from the very beginning. The acting is terrible, the sound mixing is terrible, although the cinematography isn't too bad in some scenes, it is very inconsistent. Too many characters have too many lines with little idea of who they are in respect to the main characters so they may as well not be there. It became very clear that some scenes were only inserted to pad the runtime and characters often have the ability to virtually teleport from one scene to the next across London in a faster time than the main characters managed which gives you a hint as to how bad the editing and continuity management is.

All in all it tries to be a "Love Actually" clone but with a near all black cast, which could have been a refreshing bit of cinema but fails miserably due to the above.

If you have not seen it yet then save your time and money and give this one a solid miss.
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The Grand Tour (2016–2024)
... Top Gear with all the charm and none of the boring bits however it does have a few boring bits of its own that need work.
28 January 2017
Although I can understand the decision of the BBC to drop Clarkson, it was an impossible decision for them. They would have known that the gravy train that was Top Gear was over as the real essence of the show was the three presenters and how well they go together.

I was worried that the Grand Tour would be over-hyped and under performing but they have managed to take with them all the best bits of Top Gear and leave a lot of the dull bits behind.

That being said I'd make the following changes to the format for a subsequent series.

1. Dump the Celebrity Brain crash. It's just pointless and not as funny as it should be.

2. Dump 'The American' as he has none of the charm that 'The Stig' had and has zero charisma. It just feels forced and out of place. The timed lap segment itself is fine, they just need to go back to the drawing board as to the Stig replacement.

3. Put in more 'challenge' episodes where the boys build stuff. They were always fun.

4. Put in more and dangerous (perceived) challenges. The beach buggy episodes were excellent and in that direction but they need to be bolder like in the old Top Gear ones (Bolivia, Artic, etc).
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A truly cringeworthy sequel
11 August 2015
Firstly I enjoyed Horrible Bosses but this sequel is dreadful. Outside of the 3 main characters though is well acted and quite funny but the 3 guys have graduated into some sort of parody of the 3 stooges!

Actually that is unfair, Jason Bateman's character is the only sensible one and doesn't make you want to scream. The other 2 however are nothing short of awful. They act and react in ways that no one would in reality.

The movie is so bad that I struggled to actually watch it. I was determined to see it through the end though but could only watch it in segments 15 minutes long at a time as it became just too painful otherwise.
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Poltergeist (2015)
A poor remake of a classic
25 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Not sure what I have to say could be considered spoilers but I've marked it as such anyway.

I have to say that this film was a bit of a let down. Why I had greater hopes I'm not sure but I did. Anyway, this remake doesn't have any of the depth, charm or creepiness of the original and feels very rushed. As seems to be the case with all 'horror' films these days, the characters are hollow and act in ways which real people just wouldn't. Even the way the children are portrayed is not realistic (or maybe it is for American children). The children end up being complete liabilities and by the end of the movie I was on the side of the 'poltergeists' and was thinking 'just kill them all for goodness sake!'. The adults are two dimensional.

Case in point. I know for a fact that if my children heard voices coming from the closet or the TV they would tell me immediately. If my children found creepy clown dolls and were frightened of them then I would simply dispose of them that very day at the local tip. I could go on and on.

For once I'd like a horror movie where the adults act like real people would and the children as children would. Of course this would make for a much darker movie but one that is much more enjoyable. It is obvious the writers were clueless and did zero research into how people actually behave in moments of extreme fear and stress.

If you are a fan of the original then my advise is to give this one a wide berth.
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Lucy (I) (2014)
Had high hopes but ultimately disappointed
14 September 2014
This is one of those movies where the trailer is better than the movie itself or at least shows all the good bits.

The premise of the movie itself is, as the trivia says, complete nonsense and based on a much spread myth that humans only use 10% of our brains. It is just not so and this has been proved by numerous studies and scans of the brain however I don't think any really holds on to this myth nowadays (or at least those who do should perhaps read more).

Anyway, without giving anything away, there are numerous plot points that end up either going nowhere or are at least completely unexplained. In short there is no real depth of story to this movie.

I knew before even going that it certainly wasn't original and was more of a mashup of ideas from numerous sci-fi books and movies that have very similar ideas but a mashup was all it that is very loosely tied together with string.

I'm actually surprised that the book from which the movie is based hasn't been exposed as a work of blatant plagiarism of those other works.
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Mediocre, too long and somewhat dull
12 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed the very first movie, the second was good but a step down and the third still good but another step down from the second. This fourth one seems to disregard a lot of back story from the previous movies which was confusing. In the first movie we had the 'All Spark' which was supposed to be where it all started, but now we have 'The Creators' and don't get me started on this whole 'Energon' thing - not a mention of or indeed need for it in this movie despite it being the entire plot of the second movie.

Now the story itself was not a bad one really although it really did go on and on and on without really progressing much. I also found the endless wave after wave of improbable mass destruction and action sequences to be somewhat tiring. It reminded me of playing "Galaxians" as a child!
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Showgirls (1995)
Pure genius if you look below the surface
9 June 2014
I have read many of the reviews slating this film, the acting, the choreography, etc, etc but those people clearly just don't get it.

Is this a masterpiece of cinematic prowess? No it's not however it is genius direction to subtly make something that should be sexy, very unsexy and almost mechanical and that is the whole point that is being made.

Verhoeven was clearly trying to portray the sleazy, almost conveyor belt meat grinder that this sort of industry is like under all the glitz and glamour.

As for the acting, yes it was over the top in places but again it fits with the tone that Nomi is clearly unhinged and in serious need of counselling.
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Ender's Game (2013)
Terrible adaptation of the book
20 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a big fan of the book and I know it is often disappointing when they turn great books into terrible movies (thinking of I am Legend as another example) but come on!! It is clear that the person who wrote the screen play for this has either never read the book or has totally failed to understand the key points of it. It has a real bubblegum feel to it.

The story is only true to the book at a superficial level. They made some very strange casting choices. Couple of examples, Firstly, Ender is supposed to start off being a little boy (age 6) and end up age 12/13 at the end. They clearly decided to drop the idea that Ender stays at the battle school for a long time. Secondly, Bonzo Madrid is depicted as this sniveling runt with clear "small man's syndrome"! He is a foot shorter than Ender and that is quite comical. Following the book, it should be the other way around and this an important plot point to the psychology between the "boys" (a sort of Lord of the Flies situation). I could go on!

Why are the "aliens" not called "The Buggers" as they are in the book? Would "bugger" offend the yanks or something?? It is a slang derogatory derivation of "bug" as the aliens are insect/ant like creatures. Then there is Command School and that it is near the Bugger's home world????? When I saw that I thought "ok, they have decided to drop the Ansible device" but no, it is still mentioned so the change to this planet makes no sense. Incidentally the Command School is on Eros (huge asteroid in our solar system) in the book.

The M.D. device has also been completely misrepresented from it's description in the book but by that time I had lost most of my energy to be disappointed further and had left the "anger" phase of my "grief" and reached the "acceptance" phase. Acceptance that it wasn't going to get any better!

I could rant on for hours but basically you get the idea. If you are a fan of the book(s) then you will likely hate this movie.
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