
3 Reviews
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Prisoners (2013)
A Miserable Symphony of Human Ugliness
11 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
At first glance "Prisoners " is what most critics and viewers would hail as a brilliant film. I myself would have thought the same thing 10 years or more ago when I was an aspiring young film critic. However, with age comes wisdom and I found "Prisoners" quite disturbing, quite sickening.

Prisoners tells the story of two families the Dovers and the Birches who while celebrating thanksgiving manage to have both of their young daughters kidnapped the same night. Jake Gyllenhaal plays the seasoned Detective Loki, assigned to what must be the most trying case of his career. Hugh Jackman plays patriarch Keller Dover a supposed Christian and ironically a carpenter who has taught his family to hope for the best, but be prepared for the worst. In the hours after the kidnapping, with view leads and what he views as an incompetent police investigation Keller slowly slides into the deepest abyss of morality all in an effort to find the would be kidnappers. Keller also enlists the aid of fellow grieving patriarch Franklin Dover ( played by Terrance Howard) to assist him in his nefarious plot to retrieve both their missing daughters.

I can't imagine the thought of having a daughter go missing, however from a Christian perspective it seems the reaction of The Keller is rather anti-Christian. Part of that is the whole theme of the movie. Nevertheless, I think from a true Christian perspective , a father would never sink to the lows if Keller Dover if his child were kidnapped. The response may not be automatic, but much prayer would follow such a devastating kidnapping and also a trust in an all powerful God that no matter what the outcome that God is still in control. Even if it means that one's child might pass, there is a satisfaction in knowing that Jesus will someday bring that child back.

However, on film the Keller's cuss and argue. Faith in God is completely shaken once the youngest child is missing and no one is praying, until the very end during a sad cinematic twist. This is a film wrapped in darkness and it shows the true ugliness of humanity. After watching "Prisoners" I regretted allowing this film into my psyche for over two hours . It was very unsettling and shook me to the core. Yes there are horrors in this world, but do we as an audience need too feed off of sure horrors and better yet, should we? A film as bleak as this one was felt oddly demonic, perhaps Detective Loki was name appropriately so, with Loki being the evil god of malice and mischief, because this film was a trickster of sorts maligning Christianity and mingling it with all that is frail and sinister.
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Judge Hatchett (2000–2008)
Televisions Most Underrated Judge!
4 September 2006
I don't know who wrote the prior comment but it seems way off. I personally think this is a great court show because Judge Hatchett gets in peoples business so to speak. That's her hook and it makes her show different from tons of others. yet , unlike most talk shows and even court shows she trys to help people whenever she can rather than just air problems and dirty laundry. This is a television show and a television medium as well as reality TV so of course their is going to be some degree of exploitation, I mean give me a break!!! But Judge Hatchett at least attempts to use her position to try to help others which is great. The woman worked as a juvenile court judge so I believe she really does care about helping people especially the out of control teens that visit her courtroom. Anyway , shes cool , shes smart , she's fiesty and she rocks!
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So Underrated Yet So Great
8 June 2006
I have seen this film probably a dozen times since it was originally released theatrically. Anyone who calls this movie trash or horrible just doesn't understand action films or recognize a good one. Perhaps to some the incidents and outcomes may seem far fetched, but in my opinion screenwriter Shane Black ( Lethal Weapon/ Kiss Kiss Bang Bang) crafted one of the most well thought out action adventures you will ever come across. Over the top or not this film flows like clockwork and the action just keeps coming. The final action sequence is one of the best I have ever seen in any film. The cast in this film crackles. Genna Davis gave a tremendous performance and its a damn shame there was never a "LKG" sequel. Samuel L. Jackson is hilarious as her sidekick Mitch a down on his luck private eye trying to help her discover her lost past and make a few bucks. If Baffles me how anyone could not like this film. It packs so many thrills and its so funny. The wisecracks in this film still make me laugh just as hard 10 years later. In my mind the first Matrix film and the Long Kiss Goodnight were easily 2 of the best and most original action flicks of the 90's. Incidentally Shane Black made a fortune when he sold this script. At the time it was the highest selling screenplay and its worth every penny. It's so sad that audiences never gave this movie a chance, cause they would have witnessed Renny Harlins best film and Genna Davis like you have never seen her before. Long live "The Long Kiss Goodnight"!!
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