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Black Mirror: Mazey Day (2023)
Season 6, Episode 4
24 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I don t like the story nor the characters. But don t understand the statement about this season doesn t involve Technologies in this episode or Loch Henry one. I liked the plot of Loch. Both of them has the tech both as something taken for granted. While in Loch, the cameras and the vhs serves as a way to discover the truth at high price, Mazey takes the cameras as a threat to privacy. The werewolf stuff. Well, I think it s an allegory, but without sense and ends up muddying the concept of the episode. Clearly to me, they wanted to play a hunted-hunter thing, but it s badly performed. Come on, what a waste of time developing the drug issues plus the sense of guilty to finish that with nothing of substance and and preferring to reduce everything to that premise of persecuted pursuer or hunted hunter. It ends up mixing several themes without addressing any in depth. And that's why the episode is bad. Not because there's no connection to the technology, which there is. Only that it's present technology.
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This Is Us: Family Meeting (2022)
Season 6, Episode 16
1 March 2023
But not anyone can show it in this perfect version in which children learn to love fighting with their egos to finally, before the great challenge, return that unconditional love. It s not easy. The Lion Kind did it in its way, This is Us accomplishes the very difficult task of showing us through a story, a human and probable way of living life, receiving, learning, struggling but above all, as the series said, "offering without expectations". And I believe this is a beautiful way to understand the circle of life.

There is two chapters left. But at this point I must say the work is done. This Is Us.
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Ozark: Pick a God and Pray (2022)
Season 4, Episode 9
Poor writing? WTF...LOGICAL STEPS
23 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I don t understand what reviewers means with poor writing...what so you expect to happen? After Javi's death, there s a void to fill, i understand why clare doesn t trust on byrde. They, for another hand, need Navarro to take over control. It s a risky move but expected.keeping in mind narco world they re moving season after season. What fails? Lines? The curse of action?

Very interesting the intervention of wendy s father and well developed ruth's process of grieving. I like this.

I don t know what you expected here, but it s a necessary episode to move on. Transition episode? How do you say?
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Mr. Robot: 404 Not Found (2019)
Season 4, Episode 4
26 May 2022
Precious episode. Someone could say that almost nothing happened in order to the plot, but that s the posmodern needs of "everything now". The music, superb. The atmosphere created to feel sadness, pain. Loneliness, anxiety and much more is deep!!! The lights and shadows...the photography...excellent. Reminds me a brilliant episode of sopranos in which tony is alone at the hotel and take the phone...feelin nobody s home, with moby music.

This episode will remain in my mind....
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24 February 2022
John Oliver starts the main theme without criticise the concept of race applied to human being. The fact we are only one race don t mean not different culture, or ethnics. Said that, i think it s important the discussion of what we learn, in USA, Argentina or whatever. For another hand, I think this week Oliver eluded nefarious Biden's foreign policy and the USA v Russia conflict. Perhaps he would have to admit that Trump at least don t lie in this matter like democrats, who appears to be the anti-war people but it s only double dealing...without honesty. This show now has a stronger bias and makes no difference with FOX bias. It started being independent thinking program with hilarious moments to be now a propaganda show.
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The Handmaid's Tale: Progress (2021)
Season 4, Episode 9
19 December 2021
First, I don t understand why the commander and his wife who visits the Waterford don t get arrested. Why they have immunity but Serena not? And why is so easy to June to have a meeting with Nick, who is another Commander without any surveillance from Gilead? And...why Gilead feels for moments so powerful but for another hand so chaotic, as if nobody was really in charge, as if the only symbol of authority was Aunt Lydia? I like the development and understand certain creative license but it feels annoying so many inconsistency. In the first seasons, all were compact and one would see where resided the power. The Canada subplot developing into main plot is threatening the quality of this story.
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13 November 2021
John Oliver is funny and clever. I like the show, but when abortion is the matter, he loss the critical thinking and dedicates all his efforts to humilliate the pro life thinking. He forgets always the main discussion if inside pregnant woman is or not an human being. Because if it is, there's no legit way to privilege women's body freedom up to life. Clearly it s a controversial issue, but in this point Oliver forgets journalistic principles and all he repeats is roe v wade and the right of abortion as if it were a indubitable right, and in case of being, as if the right were absolute. For the rest, he has a good show in general.
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29 September 2021
The segment And Now was very hilarious and the main subject showed a problem almost not covered by the media. Good for John.

PD: He proved his critical point of view without flags, questioning why Biden don t repair Trump disasters.
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10 September 2021
I m glad with many episodes of this show with contains excellent investigations and research plus the hilarious and in very levels a deep criticism of John Oliver. It s his trademark. But when he falls into his own political bias and fly all the left wing flags he leaves the critical thinking to encourage a violent fight against republicans and all of right wing people. Here in Argentina we are victims of this fight many decades ago and at one point it becomes very stressful and useless.

I m progressive in many causes and traditional in other and I feel attacked when he says abortion is an human right. I understand there s no need of punition to women who decides to abort but never promoting this as a right. As a last resort, it s an emergency procedure. But it s my own conviction. But it s not positive that such a big production like this one promote abortion as a human right ignoring the massive opinions in contrary who believes that leting live is the human right and that begins in uterus. We think different in this matter, but please do not silence the dissent believing that all of us who think this way are Trump a**hole followers.
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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: The Mole (2014)
Season 2, Episode 5
29 August 2021
I m not one of these people who believes they re the elite of good taste and nothing like that, I know all of this is merely subjetive but come on, i feel one would be capable of.basing their 9, 10 ratings in a couple of elements. This tv show is very dumb, there are few moments one can laugh because it contains a lot of common situations, common dialogues about typical stuffs, but without the ingenious of Seinfeld (for another hand, if this episodes are 9 or 10/10, what remains to Friends, Seinfeld, the.first seasons of Two and a Half (because I think we perfectly can evaluate comedy with high rankings without the restriction to reserve those to drama or policial series). In summary, I think the show peaks occasionally a 7/10 as much in two or three episodes, but in general lacks of hilarious situations and the performances are very poor. In some cases, some of the cast seems amateur and I get surprised by the poor attempts of Andy Samberg who made me laugh in a couple of comedy stuff like Tour de Pharmacy or the one that plays an 7 day tennis match. But here, he limits to make idiotic faces to steal a laugh. The only one that pay the show is Terry Crews but still under his capacity. It s a poor show and I needed to express my opinion. Maybe the fans of this have a different standard to evaluate or maybe I don t understand where is the funny on this show, But I ve seen a ton of american comedies with the usual stupidity and they re better than this.
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20 July 2021
I am from Argentina and the pisioners or criminality issue is a recurrent theme covered by media and discussed with an usual poor knowledge of the matter. I suppose something similar occurs in US. It s impressible watching how they earn money suffering bulls attack menace or how difficult are made their lives making more expensive at their own cost the communication with family, if they had. But I would like the research w' have been more sharp about why a constitution amendment clause that allow slavery treatment still persist in the US by now and if that degrading permit clause had been discussed on congress in the last decades. John Oliver is recognized, at least in this good tv weekly show by inquiring changes to different goverments and institutions. It would be great if he would have demanded a serious debate of this repulsive clause of the US CONSTITUTION. No any form of slavery should be allowed in a civilized society.
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15 June 2020
I m running The Simpsons from zero and this is the first episode I found excellent. Made contact with being human and his primal fear: death. And the show performs this deeply and with his trademark sense of humour. Close applause.
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