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A special movie about special situation in "special" town
13 September 2013
Now here's a movie 99,9% of you have not heard of. I have just been to the movie premier and whole cast was there. I am full of pleasant impressions of this movie.

This movie is more special because it's about small town Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina, a town where I live in. It's a town that was in the war and that is split into two parts. On one part live Muslims while on the other live Croats (Catholics). People in town coexist but it's complicated relationship. This movie has very interesting plot because a friend of Croat dies and he's a Muslim. He's in doubt if he should go or not because he's afraid of what people will think about him going to Muslim funeral.

It's a movie that I believe will hardly be understood outside Mostar, since we know the situation and small details that can only be familiar to someone living here. Though I was proved wrong since movie has won prestigious awards from Pula film festival, Motovun, Berlin etc. It is by far most successful Croatian movie this year. It's probably going to be Croatian candidate for the academy awards.

Besides this movie being only fully familiar to someone living in Mostar, it appears that it's having influence on wide audience even despite that.

It's very hard and heavy movie to see. Perhaps those are not most precise words to describe it but that's how I felt. It's movie with less dialog and with more facial expressions. It's movie that you need to watch and understand. It was extremely demanding on the cast and they did amazing job with it. Having said a lot more with your facial expressions that with words in not easy to achieve!

Movie will shock you at times that you wonder what did you happen. It's pleasant surprise from a movie of this kind. Production wise it reminded me a lot of one of last year's academy awards nominee Amour. It's hard to explain why but if you see both movies you'll see what I'm talking about.

Overall after meeting director and cast of the movie, it will always have special place in my heart and I wish it all of the success in the world!
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This is one of true examples of masterpiece and best possible example of purest form of love!
17 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Can't repeat the past? ...of course you can!

This will be my first review containing spoilers because right now I want to write about everything that I saw in this movie!

First of all let me start by saying that this is definition of masterpiece movie. Words just can't describe how beautiful this movie is, in every way possible. Story, acting, dynamic, visuals, music.. everything. It's crafted to be masterpiece and I applaud Baz Luhrmann. I don't know for how long he had this vision, but I get feeling he's been waiting for technology so that he could make his perfect vision of this classic.

While watching the movie, I've had review written in my head. Up to a point where everything goes downhill, I've had thoughts like "Best love story ever""; ""If love could be shown it's Great Gatsby".. Those were my thoughts, not taken quotes. Actually, even after that point in the movie, I still think those things. Leonardo DiCaprio brought one of his best performances ever. I believed every second in his love and pain that he felt. Love that Gatsby showed for Daisy was pretty much perfect. If true, purest love, could be shown, it was in Gatsby's eyes.

Sadly, I have to admit that I have never read The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, it was never mandatory in my school and I have missed it. People always say that book is always better than movie adaptation, but if book is even close to the movie, it's masterpiece.

Up to a point where Gatsby and Daisy are about to declare love to Tom, you get feeling that I could end there, with a happy end. But the very moment when Daisy moves hand from Gatsby, you get a feeling that it can't end well. After they go to town, and when they are in hotel room, entire time I was waiting for Tom to do something bad. Make a scene, hit Gatsby, even kill him. But no, that's not what happened. He chose to fight for her the only way he could win, with arguments and memories. He gave her freedom and fought for her. I hated Tom but at that point, I completely understood why she couldn't say she ever loved him. After Tom's mistress is hit and killed, you can see that Tom actually loved his wife and mistress, despite being a scumbag.

Nick Carraway has described Gatsby best. He said that he has not seen a man as hopeful as he is. And point where he's waiting for her call and slightly losing his faith is amazing. Nick's call at the end could not have happened in more perfect moment. Gatsby died happy thinking she called after all. He died having his faith. Entire cinema was quite after the movie ended, I guess everyone was in their mind rethinking movie, as I was. Even though extremely sad and tragic, I didn't feel too sad. I think he got what he wanted just before he died, and it would destroy him completely if he survived and she didn't call. Love, dream, future.. they would all have died in one day.

Gatsby from the beginning of the movie is portrayed excellently. As a mystery man, but you can sense that he's much more than what you see. Slowly discovering real character layer by layer was excellent. I was so excited to see what it was all about. The real story behind him. And it was biggest love story ever written.

Cast was perfect. Leonardo DiCaprio has done his best role in my opinion. Oscar nomination for him is a must, if not win! Carey Mulligan has showed class once again. Although not definition of beauty, there's something in her that makes you want to hug and protect her, and love her. Perfect for the role she played. Once again top performance after Drive. Tobey Maguire - I just love this guy. His performance was maybe crucial to gluing the entire cast and making it all fluid and connected. Joel Edgerton was fantastic. I could not hate him even though I wanted to, so much. His character I mean.

Soundtrack of this movie is most talked thing about, and it's deserved. It had huge influence on the entire movie and the atmosphere.

Visuals of this movie are perfect. So much color, design, it's perfect. You have to see this in 3D, if you don't, you'll miss out on a lot! Trust me!

Overall I find this perfect example of masterpiece. If I ever want to see a movie about love, it won't be Notebook but The Great Gatsby. True definition and example of purest form of love. Now I'm going to go and read the novel. I don't want to forget about Gatsby soon. And soundtrack will be playing in my love for a long time.
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