
40 Reviews
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I Love a Mama's Boy (2020– )
how dumb do they think we are?
29 August 2021
I watched a couple of these out of curiosity and am offended that the producers would assume we viewers out here in the hinterland would fall for something so ludicrous. No possessive mother is this bad nor are there young men in existence who are such wusses as these. It's downright insulting they would put this trash on the air under the guise of possibllity, much less truth. I feel there are enough true stories in real life available that you don't have to fabricate garbage like this so I'm washing my hands of this network/production company/ etc.
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24 March 2018
I have always loved faith-based films but I was disappointed in this one. I was not familiar with the song and went primarily as I just love Trace Adkins voice. Unfortunately, he was cast in a non-singing role but did a good job. However, the film was slow and dragged on with boring scenery and hard-to-understand conversation at times. I just can't in all good faith recommend this film.
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La La Land (2016)
23 December 2016
I so looked forward to this film and was greatly disappointed. I find it hard to believe that it is being spoken of as an Oscar contender. Ryan Gosling was fairly good in his movements but rather weak in singing. Emma Stone is awful; I do not comprehend her popularity at all; she never seems genuine to me; I feel I can tell she's acting and cannot get into her character. Some of the dancing scenes were downright silly and the songs unrealistic, thereby giving a feeling of falsehood. The main premise was believable but depicted poorly. The cinematography was fine as were the period artifacts displayed, lending authenticity to the era. However, overall it was simply a letdown and I cannot recommend it to anyone at all.
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Hacksaw Ridge (2016)
good but loud
16 November 2016
I can safely say I'm glad I saw this film for the truly remarkable and awe-inspiring underlying story. However, it was extremely loud and gory in the battle scenes. I had to cover my ears and look down several times. But the humanitarianism of the central figure and how he came to influence and change the minds of his fellow soldiers was remarkable. I believe both the film and Andrew Garfield deserve Academy Awards. The cinematography of the rural scenes was very good but I was simply astounded during the battle scenes. They were so realistic that many folks in the theater were exclaiming and jumping every few seconds. I was caught up and fearful and often shed tears. It was a very emotional experience for me both in sadness and joy. It truly told a story of the horror of war and one man's effort to help no matter what. I was very moved and inspired to spread peace on earth in whatever way I can as an individual.
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hauntingly stressful
11 October 2016
I never read the book so did not know what to expect at all. At first, it seemed like an interesting mystery compounded by the black-out memories of the main character and I was anxious to solve it. As it progressed it became apparent that she was truly off kilter due to mainly drinking so it was very confusing. Without revealing the end, it should be noted that this is truly a sicko story filled with dysfunctional people all selfishly pursuing their libidinous desires. Each one cares not for the rights or feelings of others so multiple people get irrevocably hurt. I don't comprehend how anyone can come up with a story like this or would want to. I felt that no one in the theater truly enjoyed it and I know I didn't although I remained till the end in the hopes of some redeeming quality; there was none so I cannot recommend it to anyone. Emily Blunt did a wonderful job though, as did most of the actors.
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The Dressmaker (I) (2015)
4 October 2016
I stayed thru the whole film although disheartened. Never have I witnessed a tale of such dysfunction and hatred. The majority of the characters were downright evil. I can't understand anyone writing such a story nor producing it into a movie. Kate Winslet was brilliant as usual and it was certainly a treat to view eye candy Hemsworth almost nude but other than that, I did not enjoy it. But the fashions she produced were fabulous as was the transformation of one of the young ladies; that was truly inspirational. The stark setting, although realistic, was boring as was the deprivation of most of the townspeople.The need for dental work alone in many characters was deplorable. All in all, I'd say this film is a true downer.
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The Meddler (2015)
delightful and insightful
2 June 2016
I didn't quite know what to expect of this film but was delightfully entertained and informed. I could identify with the main character in wanting to share my inheritance upon the death of my beloved too. I think the term "meddler" was a bit harsh but perhaps apt in the instance of her relationship with her daughter. The acting and cinematography were very good. And it was a delight to see two of my favorite character actors from "The Closer" within it: Chief Pope and Sgt Gabriel; what a treat! All subjects were treated with dignity except perhaps the pregnancy test but I can overlook that. All in all, I recommend this film to all mature folks, who filled the auditorium when I saw it and seemed to greatly enjoy it!
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Sing Street (2016)
26 May 2016
Read reviews and thought oh goodie, 80s music. The only tunes I recognized were Duran, Duran; Hall and Oates. The rest I'd never heard. The actors were good, the cinematography and sound good. The storyline was interesting and I liked the characters. However, the whole film was presented with so many negativities, some downright nasty and hateful that is was depressing. And many lines were obscured by heavy accents which made it hard to understand at times just what was going on. I was also disappointed to see so much smoking; I do believe our consciousness was already raised about the evils of tobacco during that era that it was not quite that prolific. I stayed till the end altho tempted to leave earlier but really cannot recommend this movie to anyone.
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boring, whiny
9 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
After seeing the trailer I expected a highly-thrilling film. It was not. In fact, I was rather bored. I also like the work of Helen Mirren and Alan Rickman so was looking forward to this. I was sorely disappointed. About the only really interesting thing was realizing the scope of the intelligence personnel and equipment in place all around the world and how quickly they can all communicate verbally and visually. The premise was simplistic and I guess some writer's idea of reiterating the unfortunate consequences of conflicts between nations and unforeseen casualties, as if we don't already know that. I was not the least bit upset about the mission going forth and feel it should have been accomplished the first time. I was downright ashamed of our lieutenant and his unmanly attitude. I feel this was a whiny, liberal diatribe intended to make us all feel guilty but it surely did not work on me.
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Boring and unbelievable
24 March 2016
I found the premise of this film mostly boring and unbelievable. That a woman of her age should even imagine being romantically linked with someone of his age is just ridiculous. That she would go to such lengths to try to pique his interest is unfathomable. The introduction to the rock band and their entourage was interesting and colorful with an insight into another world unknown to me. However, I kept sitting there waiting for her to come to her senses and move on. Her friends were interesting as was her wardrobe but for the most part I was bored and waiting for it to end. Sally Field was charming as usual but that didn't save it for me this time. Tyne Daly was superb as usual too.
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Joy (I) (2015)
too long and somewhat boring
25 December 2015
Although a good and inspiring story, I felt this film was way too long and somewhat boring at times. It was loaded with stars who were nice to see and they all did a fine acting job. But I feel they could've found better child actors throughout. It just dragged in spots and I found myself thinking: "let's get on with it." The driving scenes and peripheral mundane action with family members could have been eliminated and not affected the story very much. And I definitely could have done without all the negativity and bad language in the wedding scene! When it was revealed that the story was of Joy Mangano near the end, I would've enjoyed seeing more about her other inventions and successes.
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25 November 2015
I thoroughly enjoyed this inspirational and uplifting film. Altho I don't quite understand the game of football and abhor the violence of some of the plays, I still enjoyed this film. The acting was superb in almost all of the actors. The cinematography was very good. I didn't realize it was a true story till the end but feel real good to have gotten to know the main characters. It is a wonderful example of the true team spirit that can be found if we try and the keep on trying attitude of those who succeed in life. I highly recommend this film for all young men and women, especially high-schoolers. Altho I consider it a faith-based film, it was not preachy or overbearing in its message.
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silly waste of time
1 July 2015
Decided to forgo the R rating and inevitable sickening language in order to enjoy some eye candy doing amazing dancing. Wrong, as we had about 5 minutes of dancing. The rest of the film was just silly, inane filth. It's hard to imagine such debauchery actually exists in the world. I am ashamed of everyone who participated in this disgusting project, including myself for contributing to its revenue. I read somewhere that Channing was dismayed to have to work out in prep for his request to do it again (I didn't see the first one) but it turns out HE was the producer. I guess the almighty dollar won out over good taste. I'm so disappointed in Andie McDowell, Jada Pinkett Smith and Michael Strahan that they lowered themselves to this sickening nastiness and will find it hard to view any future projects of theirs. I wonder how they justify this to their children?
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Little Boy (2015)
27 April 2015
I loved it for its beautiful message of hope. However, it is a tearjerker with witnessing racism and cruelty. Also disheartening to view a doctor's maneuvering the politics in a small town. The acting is not stellar but adequate. The cinematography is lovely and you get a real appreciation of a small coastal town in the 1940s. The length of the film was just about right. The historical references seemed to be correct. The representation of the era via clothing, cars, etc. was authentic and led you back into that time. However, I feel the little boy's haircut was not indicative of the era. I recommend it for anyone over the age of 10.
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1 September 2014
I basically enjoyed this film although it certainly could be considered a downer. The acting was superb by the entire cast and entirely believable despite the eccentricity of the characters. I found myself wanting to analyze them and being grateful for the blessings in my life so that I don't feel the need for such drama on an everyday basis. I wonder if anyone else noticed the seeming familiarity of the background music in several places? It seemed to resemble what was heard in the film Steel Magnolias if I'm not mistaken; that same soft instrumentation that evokes slow easy living in small southern towns the fellowship of large clans of folks. As for that house the girls lived in, that's my dream house and I'd love to go see it in person!
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Get on Up (2014)
8 August 2014
Although I basically enjoyed it, I found this film emotionally exhausting as well. It was way too long for my taste. Some of the chitchat between James and his agent could've been shortened as well as the horrific scenes of his childhood. I had never even heard of people organizing fights between blindfolded children; to me that was shocking! I don't remember hearing all that breaking the law stuff concerning him in the news at the time so it was a real eye-opener. I recommend it with reservations. The acting and dance moves were spot on so very memorable and entertaining. The true friendship between James and Bobby was particularly heartwarming; that brought the most tears.
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waste of time
8 August 2014
I went to see this film with high hopes, considering the fine lineup of actors involved. However, despite the talents of Michael Douglas and Diane Keaton, not to mention the always delightfully campy Frances Steenhagen, I felt this movie was a waste of my time. What was a rather interesting storyline was dragged thru the mud of filthy innuendo and nasty language. A delightful premise of family reunions and new-found love was marred by unnecessary crudeness. I don't understand why the media feels that we all enjoy the seamy side of life or have low moral values; we don't. What ever happened to decent love stories? The little girl in the film was absolutely delightful and showed much depth, especially for one so young; her part of the story was truly inspirational. Too bad the rest of the film wasn't of that quality. Ms. Keaton's vocals were a nice surprise though!
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Noah (2014)
interesting and enjoyable
28 March 2014
Despite seeing and hearing things I never encountered in Sunday School, I feel the film is interesting and enjoyable. It was a bit lengthy and slow in areas but not too bad. The actors all did a fantastic job and the cinematography, as well as the special effects were very well done. I was pleased to see a big crowd rather than the usual few patrons on a Friday afternoon. This attendance signifies to me a thirst for Biblical knowledge and a relationship with God. There was nothing offensive to me other than a bit of gore, to which I turned my head for a few seconds. The entire audience, including children, were quiet and attentive; all stayed till the end and there was even some applause. I hope more films of this genre are forthcoming.
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Son of God (2014)
lovely, interesting and inspirational
28 February 2014
I was amazed to find the theater filled at the very first showing of this film at 11:45 on a Fri afternoon as I'm usually there with 3-4 other people. This attests to the desire for spiritually inspiring "entertainment" in our world today. We were not disappointed. The acting was good, cinematography nice and for the most part, Biblically correct as I was taught in Sunday School decades ago. The audience was quiet and respectful for a change and virtually all of us stayed thru the credits, not wanting to miss any other film footage. I found it sensitive and moving in several instances, thereby inducing tears. I can't imagine anyone being disappointed in this film except those who crave constant fast-paced action.
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exciting and thought-provoking
28 June 2013
I hesitated going to this film, thinking it would be all noisy action with little plot but I was very much wrong in this assumption. The storyline was interesting and believable, a little mystery solved at the end. The action was believable and intense and somewhat noisy but not too disturbing. I didn't even notice any bad language or sexual scenes. There was enough emotion displayed as to involve the viewer in the whole scenario. To me, it showed just how much can be accomplished when folks work together and care about one another. It also revealed how destructive revenge can be and how innocent people can lose their lives by being in the wrong place at the wrong time. The biggest and best feeling I got was that perhaps this example will reach politicians and they can realize that if they rid themselves of the crooks and stop feeding the war machine, maybe, just maybe world peace can be achieved. Made me feel good.
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Kon-Tiki (2012)
21 June 2013
I must have seen a nicer version than the ones who put comments on the parental advisory page viewed, because I did not see any nudity nor hear any foul language whatsoever. That, along with all the yummy eye candy for ladies is what was so great about this historical film. Yes, the plot was exciting and interesting as well as informative. But it was most pleasant as no one was nasty or ill-mannered nor spoke in filth. Being treated to the visual pleasure of four big blond hunks was a much-appreciated added bonus. It was a bit noisy during the storm scene and I had to hold my ears but other than that, there was nothing disturbing unless blood upsets you. The cinematography was absolutely beautiful. I highly recommend this film to everyone over the age of 12 and particularly the ladies!
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2 January 2013
I looked forward to this film, thinking it would be a hilarious showcase of not only Streisand's talents but an expose of the difficult relationships between mothers and grown sons. I got neither. It was boring just a few minutes into it. I felt Mr. Rogen's acting was plausible and done well. However, hers was lackluster and not up to her usual standards. There were very few laughs at all. The difficulties of the relationship were not highlighted very much either. Some of the dialog was nonsensical to say the least. I also thought it ridiculous to have her considering 50 year-olds for dating and trying to convince us she was under 60; usually it's the other way around. All in all I was very disappointed in this movie and had to concur with another woman leaving the theater at the same time when she said "what a waste of time!"
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Anna Karenina (I) (2012)
20 December 2012
I thoroughly disliked this version of the story. The very presentation, mostly within one theater and stage setting was distracting to say the least. The brief interludes of actual scenery were lovely but far too few and short. Some of the dialog was somewhat muffled, resulting in misidentification of a few characters, initially. I can't imagine whose idea this was but I'm not surprised to read of the fine actors who turned it down after reading the concept. The characters who elicited an emotional reaction from me were Kitty and Constantin; those actors were so real that I was moved to tears by the depth of their facial expressions and vocalizations. I felt the nudity was totally unnecessary and the depiction of smoking just silly. I looked forward to this remake but was sorely disappointed and cannot in all good conscience recommend it to anyone.
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slow and long
13 December 2012
This film was alright and had a good message at the end but it was too long and very slow. Gerard Butler is wonderful eye candy for the women however. It was nice to see Judy Greer after a long absence from the screen and she did a good job with her character. The little boy was adorable and very talented. The cinematography was very nice with lovely shots of a park. I just wish the film could've been done without the profanity and amoral attitudes of some of the characters. I feel the basic themes of the film would have been accurately portrayed without all those offensive elements thrown in. I was particularly horrified about the driving escapade and the bad example it set for children and/or irresponsible adults.
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extremely enjoyable
15 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I went with trepidation to see this film, thinking that martial arts would be awful. Despite the violence of the mixed martial-arts sequences, this film is very likable. The writing and acting are good, the plot plausible and the outcome appreciated. For me, the whole story-line was inspirational and a definite feel-good reaction. To see a large group of people come together for a common goal gave me hope for the future of our country and our young people. This film also introduced me to some perhaps newcomers or maybe just some actors I had never seen before who were very entertaining and believable. I found myself moved to tears several times due to the emotional poignancy depicted. I don't know if this is considered a spoiler or not but I love a movie with a happy ending!
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