
6 Reviews
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Same old, same old
27 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Now, I'm not the biggest Hatchet-fan. They are good, sure. Fun and passable, goofy slasher fests. But I've always thought the series is the weakest point of Adam Green's career.

Victor Crowley is just another rehash of the original film. It's not in any way worse than the previous ones, but at the same time, not better either. It's just the same thing again, with some comedy added this time. Sure, the series has always been goofy and fun, but now there's a lot more of actual jokes, when most of the humor in Hatchet 1-3 came from the ridiculous setting, style and over the top characters.

The best thing about Hatchets has always been, that they've been made by the fans for the fans. Endless parade of horror icons have been casted for lead roles and cameos. The same applies for the fourth film, when we have the likes of Felissa Rose and Tiffany Shepis.

But there lies my only true negative point of the film. And even that's not a negative for the film, since it's mostly just my own personal opinion. If you get Tiffany Shepis, one of the most badass B-grade horror stars of this generation, into your film, please use her in all of her asskicking abilities. Don't just let her stay still for 80 percent of her screentime. I would have loved to see her confronting Victor. But in the meantime, Tiffany's character was the only one who felt like a real human being and her death made me sad. So maybe it wasn't wrong decision afterall.

Victor Crowley is fun, light toned gorefest and it's easy to be entertained for it's short runtime, but it's not something I would cheer for.
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12 Feet Deep (2017)
Decent acting almost saved this terribly scripted film
7 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
But just almost.

Horror movies about teenagers / young adults getting accidentally trapped can be hit or miss. Frozen being the absolute hit in the genre, while 247°F being the shittiest example.

'12 feet deep' is more on the shitty end of the line. It has decent acting, which sets it slightly above 247°F. But the screenplay is helplessly stupid and poor. The drama between the girls is so uninspired and lazy, and Bree's convenient diabetes is prime example of fabricated tension.

Clara's story line made no sense what so ever, which directly makes the ending dumber. First of all, she shut down the cameras, but there still was footage of her coming in and finding the girls purses. Okay, she could have explained that there wasn't any noise coming from the pool and the sisters might have died already at that point. Unlikely, but okay.

However, at the end when Bree and Jonna get out, she's ready to shoot them. How the hell is that gonna keep you out of prison? Plus, once Jonna "killed the monster" in Clara, she told her to go, indicating that they're not gonna tell the cops about her crimes. But there's the f***ing footage + her blood on the cover of the pool. Good luck explaining that.

Dumb film, but I probably shouldn't be surprised.
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Leatherface (2017)
Every slasher icon has mother issues
4 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Mrs Voorhees has haunted Jason from the very beginning.

In Zombie's Halloween II, Michael was haunted by his mother.

Now, Leatherface's mom drove him to kill.

No. Just no.

I've never been a TCM fan. I love the original, but every sequel, remake and prequel so far have been disappointing to the point that I've seriously started to wonder why I keep giving them a chance to redeem the franchise. Leatherface is no exception.

I can't say if they were seriously trying to keep us guessing which one of these CW level of pretty people actually was Jed. I mean, sure, there was Bud who resembled the most of Gunnar Hansen, but he was the most obvious red herring ever. It was clear from the beginning that Jackson will be Leatherface, since he was the only not psychotic one. They thought they were going to surprise us, but actually just managed to use one of the biggest clichés ever.

The script was nonsensically dumb and acting was mediocre at best (even from Stephen Dorff). The visual direction was okay, I'll give it that.
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Better Watch Out (II) (2016)
31 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I watched Netflix Original film Babysitter a while back. It was fun and entertaining horror-comedy. After seeing the trailer of Better Watch Out, I thought that this would be quite similar, so I looked it up. But what starts out as a typical (and bland) home invasion film, turns upside down after the first 30 minutes.

As we were introduced to the characters in the first act, I found there to be something very off about Luke. But I brushed it off as a bad writing/acting, so the twist really came as a surprise.

'Better Watch Out' is twisted and interesting take on home invasion genre, but not that entertaining of a film. The first act is really just a boring rehash of everything we've seen already. The twist and the next 10-15 minutes are quite intense, but ultimately it's just a gimmick without substance. It all fells flat.
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Brutal and uncomfortable
29 October 2017
Dark comedy with Aubrey Plaza and Elizabeth Olsen? Sign me in.

But what I got, was definitely not a comedy. There are some laughs in this film, but mostly it's a heavy drama about unbalanced, desperate people. And a very well made one.

'Ingrid Goes West' is so real, so brutal, that it makes the audience uncomfortable, but you still can't look away. This is what the world of social media is when taken to extreme. It's reality for thousands of people, if not for millions.

Sad, yet important and powerful, look at our society today.
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Felt like a final act
1 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Before I begin my review, I must say that Child's Play is my all time favorite horror franchise. There are singular films that are way better than any of these movies, but as a franchise it's strong. Even though Seed Of Chucky was the worst one, and basically turned into a parody, I still enjoyed it.

That being said, there now is a Chucky-film, that I didn't like. There's some positive elements in Cult, sure. I liked the idea, that they're bringing all the story lines together (minus Glen/Glenda) and old characters returned. Fiona Dourif was great and at the end, she really channeled her father perfectly.

But the film itself is just bad. The storyline wasn't even a slightest bit of interesting, seeing three Chuckies running around simultaneously just isn't fun. Jennifer Tilly was annoying, but that's no surprise. I didn't care for Andy or any of the mental patients.

It did however tie things up and the whole film felt like a final act. I really can't see them continuing anymore, there's nowhere to go now. Andy's locked up and will most likely be for life. Chucky got a new body and they rode to sunset with Tiffany. Sure, there are at least two Chucky-dolls running around still, but... Yeah. It felt like the end. Too bad, it went with such a whimper.
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