
2 Reviews
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Primer (2004)
Let's consult Occam's Razor, shall we?
10 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The theory of Occam's Razor postulates that all things being equal, the simplest solution is usually the correct one.

That parameter established, let's look at the possible reasons why I, a post-graduate- educated, well-traveled, science and film-knowledgeable person, would have absolutely zero clue what PRIMER was trying to convey, or why:

1. I've developed a brain tumor that has turned my previously reasonable intelligence into vanilla pudding.

2. I'm entirely out of touch with the new wave of films that require you to have a Robert Redford Signature decoder ring in order to decipher them.

3. My previous enjoyment of mind-bending movies like Donnie Darko and The Game erroneously lead me to assume that story and character development are important even in this genre.

4. The movie doesn't make any sense.

My double and I have consulted and we both pick "4."

(He also hated the amateurish production values and wanted to rate the film one star, but I argued that the naturalistic, overlapping dialogue was interesting in a way and should give it four stars, so we got back in the box, had the discussion again, and decided on three stars. Because the movie STILL didn't make any sense.)
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Smart and brave...
8 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
By many accounts, Stu Ungar was not a very nice guy. He spat on dealers, stiffed people he owed money to, and was verbally abusive.

Many filmmakers might choose to sugarcoat the man, making him into some sports hero that would triumph despite adversity. But High Roller doesn't do that. And that's a tough row to hoe.

Instead, we have to look VERY closely to see a man that never matured passed the frightened little boy from the streets of New York, despite all his successes. And the only real approval he ever gets is from death himself. Very brave (because people won't get it) and very touching (when you do).

What is also brave is the use of a Scorsese feel. "Aha! How derivative," people will say. Really? But there's virtually no violence. And Stuey LOVED gangster movies. Maybe the feel reflects the man Stu and not the director Marty? And if it really is a low budget film and looks that good, bravo!

Finally, the linear flashback structure. Wow, will that get hammered. Yet, not only does it work, it works exceptionally well, even for those who don't see the connection to the "Seventh Seal." (PROOF: In SS, Knight plays game of chess with death: In HR, Stuey says "We can play a hand of cards for, ya know"... Death says "Never much good at cards.." Damn great last line.)

No tricky effects or camera moves. No shaky camera. Nothing trendy at all. Just solid, tight storytelling.

Maybe that makes the movie too basic and somehow flawed. But then again, so was the guy. And that makes it just about right.

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