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Dexter: New Blood (2021–2022)
Ending was a huge disappointment and cliche.
26 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I'm convinced that writers often hate their characters. They really did Dexter dirty didn't they?

I hated that Dexter abandoned his son from the previous series. I really do not believe that he would have done that and was hesitant to watch New Blood as I was unhappy with that ending. However, Michael did a fantastic job and I found myself pulled in again.

Unfortunately this again ended in another cliche "killing off the main character" tripe *yawn* with a bit of a U-turn/out of character to get to that conclusion (overdone in nearly every film and series now).

Frustrating and infuriating, and I have intense dislike for whoever agreed to that ending. It wasn't edgy. It wasn't original. It wasn't clever. It wasn't liked.

Unfortunately I cannot give a low rating for the whole series because it was good overall, but that last episode was a 1 for me.
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Is it the annoying guy all the way through?
22 December 2023
I've made it 15 minutes and can't watch the snarky guy anymore, it's like my drunk uncle that thinks he's funny and doesn't know when to stop and everyones groaning and rolling their eyes in awkwardness wishing he would just stop.

Ok, so I need to write more apparantly. Yes we get it... You're the "cool and funny" sceptic that makes himself feel more intelligent by mocking others. Unfortuately it's not intelligence, intelligence would be to approach something with an open mind and disprove/challenge with evidence; not snigger into your neck beard and say "nuh uh, you're stupid".

Not saying either of the videos that I got through was real, but after watching this... I can't say that I'm convined they're not.
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Manifest (2018–2023)
Changed my mind
25 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Absolutley hooked on the first episode and then it was all down hill from there.

So after disappearing for over five years I was intrigued as to what possible explanation would be given for this mystery. Wormhole... time travel... other dimension... aliens... and we got God. Or at least that appears to be where it is heading, I cannot bring myself to continue watching. I've forced myself nearly to the end of Season 2 and can continue no more.


OK.... So a friend told me to give it a chance as it got better. Originally I had rated this at 1 star because season 2 was pretty awful. However, it did get slightly better, still some questionable acting and direction, but it did get better.... a little.
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24 July 2022
I almost turned this off within the first five minutes. I then clicked off and reread the synopsis, which sounded good; so I began watching again and wished I hadn't bothered.

2 stars for the synopsis and effort.
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What a disappointment!
24 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It was a terrible conclusion, not only to the sequels but to the whole Star Wars story.

This trilogy is not the Star Wars that was created by George Lucas, Star Wars for me is the story and growth of Luke Skywalker and the rebuilding of the Jedi. The originals set the stage for a new Jedi Order and these sequels literally undid everything. Like literally what was the point of the first six movies?

They killed off Han. They killed off Luke (the hero). They undid the victory of Anakin Skywalker revealing that he didn't actually kill Emperor Palpatine. Luke didn't save the galaxy as the First Order apparently rose again the next day *eye roll*. The victory and story written in the original trilogy is meaningless. The heroes all ended up alone and then dead.

I mean Luke, who is Luke? That grumpy recluse is not the hopeful and compassionate Luke Skywalker from the originals. Why did they ruin his character? What to make way for Mary Sue Rey? Like who is she? Are we supposed to believe that with no training she is all-powerful and able to have control over the force? No battle training and she knocks a Jedi master on his backside and bests Ben who is trained by the Sith?

Even Mark Hamill and George Lucas continuously expressed doubt and concern over how they portrayed Luke's character.

The only new addition I liked was Adam Driver as Ben Solo/Kylo Ren.

On recently seeing George Lucas' plan for episode 7,8 and 9 I am even more appalled at what Disney did to Star Wars. As Mark Hamill said "in Hollywood it's not important if it's high quality, only if it makes money". I certainly won't be putting my money up for any future films.
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White Lines (2020)
30 September 2020
I've been umming and arring over watching this for a while. Finally got around to it and absolutely loved it. Gutted they do not appear to be making anymore series, definitely deserves more.
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Dirty Dancing (2017 TV Movie)
Not too Awful
28 June 2020
I never relaised that they did a remake of this, however came across it and was curious to see what it was like. I really wasn't expecting much, remakes are rarely as good as the original and the original Dirty Dancing is a lot to live up to.

I was a little weirded out realising that it is an almost word for word remake, it was just a bit weird but I kind of like the actors/actresses they had picked... I really see why they picked Baby (very girl next door) and I feel for the actors/actresses having to step into some big shoes in an iconic film.

There were some cheesy and cringy moments in the movie, especially at the end when the parents were singing to each other lol and finally... I absolutely hated the XX years later! NO, they lived happily ever after OK.
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Jack Ryan (2018–2023)
I am hooked
16 October 2019
I think there appears to be a link between reviews from those that have read the books and those that have not. I have not read the books and found this to be a fantastic series, I thought it had a great storyline, great actors and is definately worth a watch if you can leave book bias at the door.
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Swamp Thing (2019)
Poor choice for Abby Pout-alot Arcane
29 September 2019
I watched this several weeks ago and have been meaning to pop back and review. So, it really did have potential, the storyline was ok but it was a case of characters doing dumb things.

I thought the casting for Abby Arcane was awful, this is supposed to be an intelligent CDC Doctor right? She might as well have just walked off the set of 'Keeping Up With the Kardashians' or 'The Only Way Is Essex'... A beautiful actress that had the most incredibly ridiculous constant pout and inane inability to close her mouth, the poor casting ruined it for me. However, I can see why she appealed to the male fan base.

Yep, so mediocre to poor writing, the poor casting of the main character and silly subplots is why I gave it a five.
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The I-Land (2019)
Had Potential
18 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The story overall did hold potential, the first 2 or 3 episodes were good, I believe that it could have been a lot a better, more intelligent and gripping.

I recognised that it had to be some kind of experiment from the start, taking people back to their base level instinct to observe their actions and whether they were good or bad (nature/nurture). Although correct so much more could have been done with this, instead it came across as an afterthought, with the series storyline focusing on the prison and the lady who woke up (zzzzzz).

I feel like the big reveal of the prison could have been the end of series one, with the series focusing more on the psychology of people suddenly thrust into their situation and the choices they make. Instead it came across as rushed, oversimplified and cartoonish.

A real wasted opportunity that lacked depth.
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Alienators (2017)
Probably funny if you are a ten year old child.
12 September 2019
Fifteen minutes in and I turned it off!

The sweary rude guy is unlikable and unnecessary, I cringed at his constant ranting and swearing, is that supposed to be funny.

Fart, poop and sexist jokes... This is comedy... Really?
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I Want To Believe!
12 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Three manchildren looking for attention tell a story of a government conspiracy so unbelievable it's unbelievable. I think the final nail in the coffin for me is where the film "documentary" actually turns into a movie script, in which these guys alone stood against both government and extraterrestrial and brought the whole project crashing down *eyeroll*.

I do believe that insane experiments did and do take place and I think these guys (two being stereotypical conspiracy nuts) are cashing in on that attention.
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Left Behind (I) (2014)
Excuse me Ma'am, do you have a minute to talk about Jesus Christ?
7 September 2019
It's extremely difficult to miss the religious propoganda in this movie, it's eye rolling dumb and cringe worthy. I was curious who the top raters were of this movie and my suspicions were confirmed, finding mostly religious nuts who believe in the rapture gave me more entertainment as I read through their warnings of doom.

The reason I gave this a four star? I like Nicholas Cage and I like apocalyptic movies.
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The Originals (2013–2018)
Overall, a good show.
9 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I'm just pretending the last ten minutes never happened, made up my own ending too...

Edit: On reflection, I would also like to add, that I am glad Klaus and Elijah went out together. One thing that drew me in on this series, was the brotherly bond between the pair.
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Colony (2016–2018)
Netflix please pick this show up,
7 August 2018
I cannot believe this has been cancelled!!!

What a waste of a great show, a fantastic story, and brilliant acting... Gutted!

Netflix don't waste this opportunity to lose such a well done series.
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I have concluded that God is Satan
30 July 2018
This will not be popular amongst the religious but... I'm very sceptical when it comes to Satan and demons. Why? Why would Satan possess random Italian lady? A demon maybe, but Satan? No. I'm sure he has better things to do.

I hear the argument from religious people that it is to destroy a person's faith, or to steal their souls, but if you look at it logically, how many are lost to possession? Wouldn't it only increase a person's faith in God and religion, exorcisms always seem to be successful, excluding the odd one or two horror stories. The only thing it benefits is religion, and a person's faith in their God.

I honestly believe that if Satan existed, he would have a far bigger agenda, like control over a population, making people commit atrocities in his name, he would cause division, hate, encourage discrimination, he would control people through fear of sinning, and threats of eternal torture... Oh wait, that sounds like... RELIGION!
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How It Ends (2018)
Not the usual apocalyptic setup
30 July 2018
It looks like I am one of the minority that enjoyed this film.

A lot different to the usual apocalyptic disaster film, in which follows the experts as they discover an impending disaster, and race against the clock to preserve humanity. Instead it focuses on the regular Joe Public, who has no clue what has happened, or why it has happened, this is the theme of the film throughout, and leaves us spinning our own theories.

It was an abrupt ending; However, I feel this makes way for a second film, in which I will be watching.
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Ghost Adventures (2008– )
Zak, practice the wonderful art of humility!
7 July 2018
I do love this show, I think they have captured some very interesting phenomona over the years, however, there has been some pretty obvious fakery/over-reacting that's just awkward to watch.

I love the new tech they use and try out, and I love the stories and history.

However, what really kills it for me is Zak, I kind of like him and dislike him at the same time, I believe he has good intentions, but he can be rude, arrogant, controlling, and aggressive. He often talks over his "friends" (who have the patience of a saint), dismissing their experiences, and replacing it with his own drama of "me me me", a little humilty will take him a lot further spiritually, and professionally.

I haven't watched the last few seasons, but I am working my way through them, hoping that the way he presents himself improves. As I have thoroughly enjoyed almost every episode (except that awful episode in which they were in Las Vegas with the grandad "rockstar" and his gaggle of bimbos), I would rate as a 9, but I am rating as a 7, -2 because of Zak. Though this may change to up-rate or down-rate as I watch more episodes, dependent on his personality development.

Edit: So finally caught up, and I have to admit the last few seasons were pretty good, with several amazing episodes. Zak does tone down his personality some, making it a more pleasant to watch.
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Worth a watch if you like history.
26 June 2018
It is a great idea for a TV show, I absolutely love the stories, however, they are very loosely based (at best) on the objects in the museums. For example, a medieval clay etching, depicting farming in ancient Britain, then goes on to tell a story on crop circles. Or the story of John Smith, a barber who once cut president so and so's hair, who used this phone, that is on show at the museum of telephones... It's kind of funny how irrelevant the objects actually are.

It's also another very americanised program, in this I mean that the historical war accounts are somewhat pro-America, and twisted to paint their history in a favourable light. It's bias, annoying, and eyeroll inducing, because more often than not, there is much more to the story.

Overall it is a good show, and worth watching if you love history.
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Rampage (2018)
Worth a watch
26 May 2018
As far as giant monster films go, it wasn't half bad. Not really my type of film, but I am a fan of Dwayne Johnson, so decided to give it a go.

I was impressed with the amount of effort that went into it, the CGI was pretty good, the monsters were good, however I did think it could have done without certain things... *cough flying wolf cough*. The acting was great, the humour was humorous, and it was also nice to see J D Morgan.

Can understand why this is not everyones cup of tea, however, if you are a monster movie fan, it's worth a watch.
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The Rain (2018–2020)
Ruined by the sibling storyline
20 May 2018
It's one of those stories where you're left exasperated at the stupidity of the characters actions, so many 'why would you do thats'? and 'Who would even do thats'? To the point where I thought natural selection must surely play out here... But no stupidity apparantly wins out.

The brother is a stroppy man child, the sister is frustrating, she lives in an over protective bubble, with one mission... to protect her brother *eyeroll*, it's hard to like something when the main characters are annoying.

On the positive side the apocalyptic story wasn't too bad, the supporting actors were ok too, it's just a shame it was ruined by the angsty siblings.
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I'm a believer, but I don't believe this!
4 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I really struggled with how to rate this, so firstly lets concentrate on this "true" story, for the first part I was like "wow, this is actually quiet amazing, however the more it went on, the more skeptical I became. My skeptical brain was asking why? Why for example would aliens move his knee brace outside and leave it strewn across the garden?

Then at nineteen minutes is where it lost all credibility for me... C'mon a peeping Tom alien, if aliens came into the house no problems, abduct people from their beds, can send light orbs in to look around then why would it need to pop up at the window and peep through? And the way it dropped down... And then the other "alien visit" where he was stood filming it in his kitchen as it unnaturally leaned around a corner (almost like someone was holding a puppet), apparently they can float too because the way it moved back around the corner. The biggest deciding factor on those two incidents being fakery rubbish is the guys reactions, lordy there is better acting at a second grade drama club.

Aliens are obviously in on the selfie craze too, as reportedly he found a camera with extraterrestrial selfies on. *eyeroll* Yet somehow other photos magically erased.

This guy is just someone who feels very unspecial and has created this imaginary life of being special, alien visits, alien children, mystery phone-calls calling him Starseed.

I am a believer in UFO's and extraterrestrials but this was just fake, I'm not saying I don't 100% not believe this guy was abducted or experienced something, I just think when you use fakery to back up claims that's when you lose credibility.

The documentary was well done though, which is why I struggle with how to rate it, I want to give it a BS rating but feel it's unfair to the documentary makers as it was a well done and difficult topic. I would have liked to see some objective psychology experts views on this, I felt the one they used, who based his evaluation off how calm he was was amateur at best.
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The Dead Files (2011– )
Mixed feelings.
8 February 2017
Taking this shows word that Amy is psychic, and that none of this is fake, then she is a pretty good medium. However my biggest gripe with this show is how Amy likes to put the fear of god into everyone, it really rattles my cage, it's unprofessional and pretty mean. Telling people to move out or knock their houses down or they will die... Yea OK then!

I find her rants at people other than herself that contact, or try to contact spirit narrow minded and contradictory... Duh! What are you doing Slack Alice. Has no one else but you got a right to speak to spirit? Also how she calls spirit 'dead people', I don't like that, for example I feel it may be offensive to those who knew these 'dead people.

Lastly something positive about the show, and the reason I kept watching... The historical side and the alleged spirits stories are fascinating, if it weren't for that I would have rated this show 1.5.
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