
2 Reviews
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Walk Away and I Stumble (2005 TV Movie)
Ver Touching and Heartfelt Drama - Well Done Tamzin
16 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
well, i saw the advertisement for this show and thought it looked quite good, considering I'm very sceptically about some ITV dramas, i decided to watch this, due to the fact i think Tamzin Outhwaite is an exceptional actress and she proved herself yet again, if not outdone herself in the touching drama about a young woman who begins an affair with a married man and even begins a relationship with him, after leaving his wife and kids of 13yrs, only to be diagnosed with a brain tumour and told she has no more than 4 months to live.

the story was very well written with amazing acting and a touching musical score and soundtrack behind it, the programme really speaks for itself with an average of 7.08 million viewers tuning in to watch the two part drama spoilers if you don't want to know the outcome don't read anymore ...

OK so the ending ...

Claire(Tamzine Outhwaite) breaks up with Andy(Mark Strong) and send him back to his wife and they decide to try and make it work.

when his wife, Elaine(Julie Graham) discovers Claires condition, she goes to find her and give her some support and in turn, Elaine takes Claire and invites her to stay with her family during her final months in which she does, and over time is excepted as a part of the family and she helps them through they're troubles up until her final moments of life, where in her final scene comes to terms with her impending fate and becomes peaceful.

and in the final touching scene we see Claires body resting in peace in a hospital bed as the Family that took her in are finally back together and closer than ever, while they all take part in a Run or Cancer, sponsored by One of the Cancer researches most successful benefactors 'Macmillan'

Overall a fantastic and touching drama, that i hope will make it to DVD, if it ever repeated or broadcast near you, i hope no one misses it as they would surely be missing a truly touching piece of work
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House of Wax (2005)
House of Wax 2005 Review: a Cool and Intense Thriller
11 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I recently saw House of Wax and must say i really enjoyed it.

it's been one of the better Horror/Thriller films in the past few years, if not one of the best and most entertaining.

i've heard a lot of people bashing the so-called slow start and character development which takes up the Films opening 45 minutes.

yet if the film dived straight into the deaths, audiences and critics would have criticised the film for not having decent characters who they couldn't care less about.

well as for the character development, i think it worked amazingly well.

taking into my own response and others (from reading posts off the message board), a lot of people ended up wanting the characters to live, one of which i've noticed many people mentioning being Paige Edwards (Paris Hilton). taking into consideration Warner. Bros. have been marketing her death, its a surprise turn around that many audiences ended up cheering her on for survival.

speaking of the chase/death scenes, they were some of the most inventive and suspenseful i've witnessed in a while, and enjoyed each one very much.

the acting in the film was absolutely fine, i couldn't fault any of them, especially Paris Hilton, i thought she was very decent and i was hoping for her the get more than a mere 25 minutes screen time in a 120 minute film, yet her chase scene made up for that, and believe me when i say Paris can act scared, (Watch the scene where she's hiding in a car from Vincent and he walks past her .... the look of terror on her face comes across as VERY real).

Overall i give House of Wax maximum stars, for entertainment value and suspense and even gore ...... only criticism is i wish that during the marketing for the film, they hadn't revealed the death list and who dies and who survives, as it would have been ten times better not knowing if the character being chased was going to live or die and horrible death.

can't wait for the DVD, but go see it at the Cinema while you can, it won't be the same in your own front room, yet if you do wait for the DVD, watch the film in the dark with no interruptions, trust me you wont be disappointed.
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