
12 Reviews
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Comparison between Manga and Anime
16 May 2023
I've read the manga several times so I know it pretty well by now. I was looking forward to the anime version, but worried I might be disappointed. Thankfully, I was pleasantly surprised! The script is basically the same, and they include all important scenes. The depictions of Noah and Rae are pretty spot on, so I'm happy with it. The anime itself is super interesting and unique. For anyone who likes romance anime with a hint of comedy it's a must! All the anime I've seen had romance of kids, or teens, so it's nice to see the romance in an adult world for once! I hope we can expect more isekai/romance anime like this (no harem), in the future!
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Devils Line (2018– )
Surprisingly Awesome
8 April 2022
I was searching for a RomCom Anime with Supernatural aspects and found Devils Line. I wasn't expecting much of it at first but was hooked after the first episode. The relationship between the two MC's is adorable, and every episode has action so I don't get bored. Definitely recommend this to anyone who likes Fantasy RomComs!
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Don't Look Up (2021)
Boring as hell
5 January 2022
I was expecting a lot out of this movie because of the amazing actors, however, I was extremely disappointed. This movie was boring, and honestly not that funny at all. I smiled like twice. How sucky.
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Body (2001)
Season 5, Episode 16
One of the best episoded that will stay with you
12 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Anyone who has seen Buffy The Vampire Slayer even once, will remember this episode. It was so traumatic that as a child it stayed with me and I actually had nightmares because of it.

In this episode Buffy's mother dies suddenly from a brain aneurysm. Joss weadon had the audience thinking that her mother was finally okay, she had been sick with a brain tumour, but it seemed that worry was in the past. Viewers weren't expecting to lose a main character so quickly, and the way it was done made it even more difficult. Each actor played their part FLAWLESSLY and you could feel the different stages of grief with each character. I cried several times in that episode, but 3 parts really stuck out. When buffy told her younger sister dawn that their mother was dead, you could barely hear the words, but dawns reaction was so powerful no words were even needed. The second scene was when willow couldn't find anything to wear. Her panic and when she started crying really got to me, (well willows crying ALWAYS gets to me lol). The third was when Anya started crying as she asked about human death. The way she didn't understand how a person could be there one minute and gone the next was heart wrenching.

This episode was incredible in every way. Even someone who just passed through these scenes would feel the pain.

Definitely a Masterpiece!
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Grey's Anatomy: Song Beneath the Song (2011)
Season 7, Episode 18
Not as bad as the reviews here say
3 January 2021
I don't know why people didn't enjoy this episode. I thought it was absolutely hilarious and refreshing to the constant drama and seriousness of the show. It was fun to see the actors singing and dancing around the set. They did an episode like this in the show "Buffy The Vampire Slayer", and though the original reviews weren't great, it became a fan favourite! Anyway I really enjoyed this episode and wish people weren't so critical. It was supposed to be funny and should be seen that way!
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I don't know why this is rated so low. IT WAS AWESOME
7 November 2020
So I'm pretty picky when it comes to movies. While I don't agree that this should be a "horror" movie, it definitely deserves a higher rating! I loved this movie! Even though some parts were obvious, it still had a very good twist and kept me glued To the screen the entire movie. I thought the concept was really cool and it had pretty good actors. I would definitely recommend this to anyone who wants to watch a good action/adventure/fantasy movie! It kicks ass!
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Locke & Key: Crown of Shadows (2020)
Season 1, Episode 10
Annoying parts, but overall really awesome
9 May 2020
I don't get why these reviews are so terrible. People are just so judgy for no reason. Yes, some of the writing could be a bit better. And Yes, the kids make WAAAAY too many stupid decisions, but that's not what makes a show good or not. The story is extremely intriguing and makes you wanna know more. Except for the mom, the actors are great! The show has action throughout the episodes that keeps you on your edge of your seat. Like it's a GREAT show! I just hope that the locke kids make better choices in the second season... definitely A MUST WATCH THOUGH!
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The Exorcist (2016–2018)
Very good and creepy!!
3 November 2019
I was really drawn to this show from the first episode. The creep and horror factor was on point, and the acting was great! I was honestly really disappointed when it was cancelled... I definitely recommend this to anyone who loved the movie and likes horror!
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Haunted (2018– )
A few eps were cool in the first season, but the second is VERY disappointing
18 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I gotta be honest here. I'm a pretty big Horror Movie/Show Buff. I've seen a LOT of shows that were in the horror/scary genre. I sometimes read reviews on shows I've really enjoyed and gotten upset. Was everyone crazy? I LOVED that show!... However as for Haunted, the reviews are spot on. Some people were kind of harsh, but most were on point. The writing is TERRIBLE, and so many of the plots didn't make much sense. Like the episode in season 2 about the home for people with dementia. There is no way a person would keep a resident if their staff was THAT terrified of her and some were getting injured and attacked... That just makes no sense what so ever. The episodes had promise, but those types of plot holes ruined it. As for the actors, both the "Real" people, and the actors playing them are BOTH TERRIBLE! Completely unbelievable most of the time which once again, makes it seem too fake to be real, which is clearly stated that the stories are at the beginning of each episode. Most of the scenarios just weren't possible, which made them less scary.... So In my opinion this show COULD have been good, unfortunately there was just too many things bringing it down...
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Haunted (2018– )
I don't know why everyone hated on this so bad. I liked it
11 July 2019
People are so judgmental sometimes. I liked it. I mean, it wasn't AMAZING, but was definitely creepy and a good watch. Okay yea, it does have you confused on whether it's actually real or not, but that's not what makes a show good or not. For a scary show like this, it has to be scary. The show definitely had a few good jump scares and cmon the ghosts/demons were pretty damn scary looking. As for the people telling the story and their family and friend, yes, they were terrible actors. But if this show is real like it says it is, then the story tellers wouldn't actually be real actors now would they. They would suck at facial expressions and acting because they ARE REAL PEOPLE NOT ACTORS! So stop judging so harshly. It IS a good scare and should be enjoyed for that reason alone.
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1 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I like everything. I'm not picky and can usually find something good in an otherwise bad movie. This however, is total garbage! Not only was it not scary, but nothing serious happened till like the last 20 minutes of the movie! Honestly, you could watch the last 20 minutes and underatand the whole plot without missing anything important. The only thing that even caught my interest at all was when the dog got hurt. Not worth watching if you ask me.
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The Heat (I) (2013)
How is this rated so low?
16 February 2017
I honestly don't get why this movie is so low rated. I personally found the acting to be amazing and the story line was great! People who said it wasn't funny must not have a good sense of humour because I found it hilarious!! Do NOT listen to the reviews! Check it out yourself before you make a decision about whether you like it or not! Melissa Mcartney is starting to become very popular because c'mon she's hilarious! And Sandra bullock has had our hearts since miss congeniality came out! So definitely check it out if you want a good laugh!
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