
2 Reviews
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Pretend This One Doesn't Exist
16 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
You'd think that a movie with all of these great actors and comedians would turn out okay. AT LEAST okay. NO. I stopped watching after about an hour an a half, and there was still so much more movie left for some reason. I mean there's absolutely no reason for there to be two hours and twenty minutes of that nonsense.

You may think, 'oh, she's just trying to be a movie critic. they're always negative about this type of comedy.' NO. I laugh at literally everything. At the beginning of the movie I was laughing, trying so hard to giggle at anything Will Farrell said because of how much I wanted to honor the first Anchorman. I continued watching past my breaking point because I wanted to see where they were going with it. They're not going anywhere. I stopped watching and didn't even check to see what I missed by reading about it.

I am SO surprised to see that it even managed to get almost a seven. They were not trying at all with the so called plot. Comedies like this don't even need much of a plot, and they somehow ruined that. Another thing they ruined was overplaying the comedy type. I guess they thought the people who enjoyed the first movie all have an IQ of 12 and think all racial humor, vagina jokes, and awkwardness is comedy gold. Lots of unfunny awkwardness. I think Will Farrell was a bit too confident in himself and apparently thought he could just make a solid script by writing down whatever his current thoughts were.
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Vamp U (2011)
Don't expect much, but you'll probably get a bit more
5 April 2014
It's a perfectly fine movie. I hate when people critic movies so harshly for no reason at all. I went to the 'Forrest Gump' IMDb and saw the pompous things people wrote about it, and I just can't imagine why you need to be cynical SO MUCH that you are mean about light-hearted movies like Forrest and obviously silly movies like Vamp U. I just don't understand what people are looking for out of a movie with a college girl's boobs as the film cover.

If you are expect nothing, then you'll pleasantly find it's actually got pretty solid comedy, especially if you don't mistake the purposeful awkwardness as bad acting. If you are sick of browsing Netflix for two hours only to end up watching ANOTHER documentary about lions or history, just watch this.
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