
4 Reviews
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One of the greatest films, if not the greatest, ever made.
24 October 2005
I am going to make this short and to the point. The Thin Red Line is one of the greatest films ever made. It isn't even about war, it is about what is it to be human, who are we? what is good? what is evil? what is the purpose of life? I had to watch the film a few times to catch everything, one viewing isn't sufficient. I've seen it at least 20 times by now. There are many people that either didn't get the movie or dismissed it simply as a war film. Not many movies have a prerequisite for proper viewing, but this one does: you must be reasonably intelligent, open minded, and slightly comprehend the generality of life. The voice overs are in-genius and enlightening. I must say it is helpful to have some background on Einstein and his beliefs before viewing this film. The basic concepts of each are intertwined. On this planet, in this solar system, in this galaxy, in this incomprehensible universe.. what is it to be a human? The Thin Red Line provides enlightenment to this question using war (the must horrible creation of man) as a tool for showing humans in their purest emotional form. This film is a must for all people.

WITT V.O. Who were you that I lived with, walked with? The brother, the friend? Strife and love, darkness and light--are they the workings of one mind, features of the same face? Oh my soul. Let me be in you now. Look out through my eyes. Look out at the things you made. All things shining.
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House of Wax (2005)
A Modern and Better Verison of Texas Chainsaw Massacre
3 May 2005
I recently saw House of Wax at a special student screening on my college campus. I went in with low expectations and was pleasantly surprised. The movie is stylisly filmed from beginning to end. The mood of film is set early on and carries through the movie. The movie's plot is extremely similar to that of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake. Six kids driving in cars take a detour into a town from hell where there is a deformed serial killer. However, there are more details and twists to the House of Wax story (with even a little of a twist ending). The acting in the movie is also pretty good considering its suppose to be a teen horror flick. I'm a guy and I don't really see what women see in the sex appeal of Chad MM but he far exceeded my expectations in this movie, I found myself actually not wanting him to die. As far as Paris Hilton in the movie, she carried her own, she was basically type cast as the slutty school girl of the film. There's even a scene of her giving road head in the film which I found hilarious. I laughed at the girls in the movie who made constant comments like "she sucks" "what a bitch" out of sheer jealous. Anyway, this film is a first rate horror movie for teenagers and adults alike. It's twice as good as the Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake in my opinion. Get some friends, get some beer, and go see this movie. It kicks ass.
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Average Guy, Below Average Movie
24 April 2005
I rented this movie hoping that it would provide some good entertainment and some cool poker knowledge or stories. What I got was a documentary type look at an average guys life who happened to be really good at cards. Do I want to see the romance with his wife? NO Do I want to see about everything that went on in this guy's life except poker? NO. Well thats what you get with this film. The acting is good for such a low budget piece of crap. The film never tries to break the mold or do anything original. It simply sleep walks its way through the script. The ending is disappointing and never really looks deep into Ungar's mind. Instead it focuses on what was already obvious. He was a drugged out card player with an average life not unlike any other average joe in vegas. The movie focuses on the aspects of his life that were UN extraordinary rather than the Extraordinary. The poker scenes in the entire film add up to about 4 minutes of footage. Ungar's achievements of winning the WSOP 3 times seem life after thoughts. A 10 year old could do a better job directing this movie.. or maybe it was the script being a piece of crap from the beginning that doomed this joke of a movie.

If you want to see a film about gambling watch Rounders. It at least has style.
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Varsity Blues (1999)
Varsity Blues is a great movie, all high school students should watch.
23 April 2005
When I first watched Varsity Blues I was a junior in high school and I've seen it about 20 times since. The music was the first aspect of the film that stood out to me. Mark Isham is the composer of most of the soundtrack. The same genius behind A River Runs Through It. His mastery of movie soundtacks is clearly evident. The characters in Varsity Blues are all real in the sense that each actor that plays the character is very believable in their part. When I was a senior in high school my friend and I would get drunk and watch this movie before every football game. This film has to be taken as a grain of salt. It is not any Shawshank Redemption or classic American drama but it is by far one of the top 3 best sports films ever made that represents an entire generation. This film is the epitome of high school in the 90's and 2000 beyond.

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