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9 (I) (2009)
SisalPunk Interweaves. . . .
1 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Dystopia is a ricocheting friend. Should be. Or refute and plug that head up the clouds. Nonetheless, it is a curve that continues to confront daily. On the keenest of days, nature unwraps humanity's caution. Total prosperity does occur but not guaranteed. Though natural disruption is not a huge cause for worry—basic human instincts rouse the need for concern as privileges of power to the inwardly unstable are catastrophic.

With the glimpse 9 offers on a such and interweaving situations, the human contend takes hold. Based on a warring period Germany, when they had superior technology, it is a contact upon animated alternate history. A transcendental scientist succeeds at making a mechanical brain with human-like capabilities—until military interference. Once seized, the mechanoid is inflected with world control and domination —a setting from which it is almost impossible detracting it from.

World of havoc, war, metal, and discord—all organic life has been wiped off. It is built on a Steampunk, Futurepunk directory; this post apocalyptic world—with the old world still technologically upending— is a shot into an unyielding unfolding future with the punks following a devoid direction.

Opening up to statutes in their perfect sculpt, The Mad Mane Machine retraces Wells' the time traveler arising to the same in a distant future. Much with its Star Trek allusions as Seven of Nine gets a centre-stage presence—saving a sinking ship. Another moment of Wellsian descent yields itself in the hall of retrieval and archiving, from the time traveler's escapades. Dusty, decrepit, and devoid of life—a towering structure of decaying records. Collective hands are involved in the tid-bit gathering needed to destroy the enemy gladiatorial force.

From the recollected manuscripts the scientist gave his life for— much to foresee mechanical defeat—the same electric eye mechanism that gobbles and destroys is the same that takes part in disintegrating the hub of the bug hive-mind.

9 is akin to degraded Steampunk with alternative Cyberpunk sheddings —or primitive Cyberpunk in its best description. Arising technology that fails to boom once the ultimate breakthrough culminates to unmitigated corruption. It purges a lot as a disaster film—once salvaged to savagery the survivors have zero option to figure out to turn the best of their fate. Spiritual aspects of transcendentalism leave an un-rooted gap on the plane of escapism but given the rushed connections to keep the story linked and running it should pass as a ground to ignore
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Synchronicity (IV) (2015)
A Time Chronicle
30 September 2016
Time travel and its support run-ins have infiltrated many aspects of film, including the non science fiction and barely speculative ones. It has rather become a setback that this beloved genre/aspects of it can be fitfully committed across the cine world—as far as drama and comedy took it. How they decide to cover such depends on the film-makers' dedication to the subject. Sadly most partake in its indulgence as a tool for profanity against time travel whose means is to crimp their (you bet weak) plots.

Better it's to avoid any portal references. Shit's been reduced to lameness and lazy options. Other time machines have become secluded. I Will Follow You Down is exemplary of time travel's ailments. No cordial dedication; all appropriation—especially when no grand mystery is being solved. A f*cking drama film. Synchronicity may have come at a post-peak period for the processions. Three joint physicists are on a quest to make a time machine but nature has a few revelations for them. Social relations are kept to the significant prospect for the question at hand to proceed unhinged. It has such a throwback setting that comes off clinical in isolation. A Blade Runner atmosphere bleeds in most parts to induce a fear of lead character, Beale, appearing into such a world, or in Archangel's revitalization in X-Men: Apocalypse, a swift scene for the 80s to be beheld—from music to location.

To prevent ending with a thumb up its behind, the film delegates to alternate time-lines. Nothing new too. Even the continuous cycle stab. The catch is always the start, the plot's butterfly effect. Which is invariably it's unseal-able loophole. The vicious cycle can't start without an alternate universe—that for the liberty of filming and plot progression—has no definite origin. Present is a collision of parallel worlds, and only imagination can grasp the myriad or reduced of differences that make the worlds almost similar. Parallel universes being split-seconds of possible options to the maximum extreme. Working with the closest semblance is the only saving grace that produces the desired profile.

By now every time traveler into the past has related how inescapable a preordained future is. Needless to say, every jump into the wormhole by Beale would only result to other lead characters, behind in time from the most recent Beale by a duration of his predecessor's point of decision to leap forth. But time-lines are all encompassing and it would be a prize should an—even slightly—older Beale arise forward.

Moribund unwinding defers as seconds younger Beale overmasters the other. The seamless handling of this situation forfeits the need of extra interpolation. Behooves that the slightly fringed but purposeless Narcopolis is comfortable playing homage than executing itself to relevance—it is terrible and disrespects Wells. Time is not easy to fix.
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Fantasy and Portrayal: The Huntsman
30 September 2016
Reliance on limitless illustriousness makes Fantasy a genre easy to lend itself to abyssal descent. The key to success is a concept taken down to its least story carrying capacity. From then the abetments and enshrouds can take hold to manifest their imaginings and bestrews tailored to them. If jumbling of ideas to make intricate embellishments that effectively work, more power to the creators.

An alternative is given to the Snow White(and the Seven Dwarfs)'s tale. It still follows as a sequel to the previous film for what now seems to be the origin of a franchise. The previous onset had transfixed an admixture on Snow White, and a huntsman that aberrated by a spellbinding witch queen. The advantage of The Huntsman is a positional stand alone. Fantasy lends itself well to escapism and visual magnificence. Appeal increases with decrease in age. The Huntsman taps into such a reservoir unmitigated, given its concise revolve-around plot line. Portraying everything to appeal to the said audience.

Setting provides preludes to en required relishes. The spate is tugged around emotions: Love conquers all; Evil never prevails in the face of its opposition, not until it's avenged. The norm. There has to be a well perpetrated affair—clinched on slants of malice and spite, against all bleakness to find the purity it portends to achieve.

A mirror and magic; a warrior who's tragic ; spells and more compels. It really is everything a child could hope for, enchanted by and compelled to. Why should they be relegating happiness to inclinations, accruing meanings or society's portrayals? The metaphors, the mirrors, the cues, the . . . are reserved for the older viewers. Puns are enough common ground to convene execution. Costume-wise, I it's similar but a relieved leap from it's prequel, authoritatively graceful and halfway periodic as strength and teamwork required.

Positionally, the last trinket is not a happy ever after, as the onset had laid its ground—since evil finds another way, like a (shortlived) triumphant laughter. This stands at par with The Dark Crystal.
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Tomorrowland (2015)
Pipe dream exhibit: Utopia
4 August 2016
Continuous encounters with authors who think negatively of readers— and people—whose imagination, not fancy, is wanting and limited has a serious implication than the mere joy of condescension, disregard for exertion among others. To demonstrate the significance of this scenario, a mightily compelling situation is unveiled. The more captivating the better.

It is not a secret that the future is sh*t. But what future when is already here—a linear time-line based on the drone attack to the NASA premises. The vanguard of routine are started by insinuations that explain an external presence in a harmonious world. Confirmation of such advancements at the expense of all upheld as non-confound-able rights is met with articulated fate. Today it is in various forms— the biggest, bureaucracy. There are others, but the weightiest of future-world books detailing—mostly society's failures—the unfolding predicaments have been aligned with an optimist idea of the innings around fixing.

Not much will rely on the version of existence one wants to dwell on; feeding the dark descent or propelling the hindsight-fully hopeful— in a time when the rules of robotics have since been long surpassed. Perhaps the fourth rule would have fallen in place to account for "omnidirection"; morally, compass-wise, all else. We may want to think of anything alien as what exists beyond this world, technically rending other dimensions thus to the current world. A world less in harmony with itself is far more unhinged to idealize with a different envisioning of itself. Engagingly, almost paradoxically—nullified by countless timeliness—manipulating a future to change the past offers the film's closure and glimpses of redemption.

Meager is when a few of the best suited converge to create a better world. There may have been Arcadias, but Utopia is only a human idealization. It can never be realized. Every approach has its failings, with nothing but to follow the most convenient. Tommorrowland will only always be a "tachyon", the vehicle by which to see either side—past and future—as the basis for manufacturing destiny. Not a specific future.
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Se7en (1995)
1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Anchored.
7 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Gotham.The categorical elaboration and enunciation of crime and it's sprawl.With each and every strain—between the rapier, dignified, mysterious malefactor and organized insidious crime, with its ties to two-sided law enforcers. It is such a metropolis that grieves a family man on the daily safety of his family,eminently as Batman: Year One's manifestations—where nobody is safe,government badge or not. Beyond Batman's Gotham and commonplace crimes arises the rare although spectacular offender. A man plaguing the city with bodies; detectives with thin clues.

This crime noir trails the first pursuit of a yet to be established as serial killer. Titular without giving away the plot-point. It's a pair race for detectives Somerset and Mills once Somerset takes the clue from two of the seven deadly sins—where the remaining five can more than only be expected. Fervent as the self-appointed social redeemer is on making his message clear, so does it provide the means for deciphering locations of his frequent, if not his whereabouts. His are sermons to the world, taking cues from, most importantly, Dante Alghieri's Inferno, among other religious texts to try and cauterize the world's severed moral arm. case to try and amend the complexities of humans and their reasons to what an observer, basing on ethics, deems immoral. His light of these people may be right to a limited extent, but still wrong from over-inference. Closest to a paradox. The two detectives present such a situation better with their different views and similar approaches. Two rational men: a cultured individual with ruminative illustriousness; and a just progressive enough but absolutely whimsical man at large —the general kind of man, and his character never hesitates to prove the high price that is the attainment of culture. Actually without the former, the killer would never had been found, despite the former's attempt at brushing away his inability to solve the crime.

Se7en offers a quick glance of criminals with an upper hand over a system. Some crimes go down annals unsolved such as this, and should chance have its way, the reason for intrusion to a criminal's lair could also hold most detection to a halt. Rare as they are, the severity undertaken is what wins followers over, as John Doe expects of his case. The ultimate cult figure.
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Well, has a little spirit
10 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
For films of a specific genre, it is easy to be compared to the originators en nothing spectacular is delivered — however an unfair discretion with which to strew one's predispositions. Like walking a musical path, and only the most striking essentials remain. But even tropes can fade amid time and other in-between.

Then there are the homages, with basing around a given quest; take Kingsman:The Secret Service , topped with Samuel L. Jackson's acknowledgment of the world's most famous spy's work. And so his action heroes in S.W.A.T.—for sequels that spell ruin. Besides offering recommendations, acknowledging or drawing from does not always mean good. Only enlightening on the influence.

Be that as it may, Hit-man: Agent 47 is a cut from the spy cloth, harboring every action and trodden grounds. Tech is incorporated to the likeliest minimum, laudably for a realistic parallel to an actual spy. The plot point jags with some pregnant reticent idea espousal that turns only on narration. Culling all expectations of integrated and extended bio-warfare It is the results of the biological engineering and the scientific instigator, as persons, that the plot proceeds to encapsulate. Succintness allows unfolding to explain themselves away, because not every narration ensconces itself satisfactorily —more so when adapting stories. Trifle make or break matters. Professional spies are the closest a mortal could get to a superhuman. An edge that makes them able to conquer the inhuman villains, or similar, if challenging agents. With the generic evil corporation — whose logo and name required the least effort — that wants a political overhaul. Hook or crook. First. All else is left to the lead and supporting agents whose performances fail to be captivating. Not even a star cast saves the damn day. Here is where a joke or two could have lightened motions up a little. A Mission: Impossible complex plot is not what would make this hit either, although the romance that burdens many features as a setting for plot tensions has been done away with.

Despite all, this might make for a good runaway sequel, should the narrated idea be put into provoking, neat, expansive consideration. What would be wrong with an injection of new tropes?—because they always come from somewhere, even if mashed-up. However its sealed fate, Hit-man: Agent 47 may elude its watery grave.
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Ant-Man (2015)
Straight to a Point—Article Definitely Disposable
14 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Along the genial/mad scientist trope—The ADD part of the title—hindsight comes a little too late in the draft. And many a times, self-actualization sets in with haste to disentangle escalating thirst for power from discovery's leaps; if with an ominous aid of foresight—a feature careening from many Marvel productions; but less as in-your-face as in the second Amazing Spider-Man. Whichever its form be—from underhanded conspiracies to corporate espionage: a case whose grips clench Dr. Hank Pym with DETERMINATION (AMPERS)AND / ANIMATED STREAM DRONE (PIN).

It is at Pym Tech where founder Pym is conducting researches, his protégé gets word about Hank's particle that could change the atomic distance between atoms while increasing density and strength: A formula with shrinking abilities; An enchantment to brain activity; The Pym particle—a substance that could change the texture of reality (the incomprehensible quantum side of things).

The assistant prodigy, Darren Cross, manages to retrieve their formula for replication, and the trope spirals to a climax—showcasing a pursuit inherent since time. In contrast to the liquid Pym particle, Cross manages to create an ersatz formula, contained in a laser. It gets modified to enable it shrink organic tissue. This tech is sold to Pym's enemies, even right at his face—mean mugged HYDRA reps and S.H.I.E.L.D.'s ex-defense Anposition holder.

With control as the center-piece to the setting, ants and their organizational structure mirrored what it entails, but not without a leader, and neither a queen this time. Whereas Empire of the Ants magnified ants against sugar-hills to manly heights, both formulas alter atomic relative distance to shrink man to ant-like dimensions. Going sub-atomic flares micro-zoom-in, where the psychedelic experience tampers with the overwhelming quantum world. Space-time becomes irrelevant in this realm, and ... uncanny void is forever.
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Oft Got Other Ample Epithets
15 December 2015
OTHER EPITHET OFT GOT AMPLE when trying to highlight the brilliance of THE PEOPLE THAT TIME FORGOT, if not The Place That Time Forgot. Time proves to be an illusion, once the present shifts periodically. Superseding this is when the present time shares two periods with consecutive physicals. Unofficially, this is a time travel escapade with zero concern to the concept itself—which aids at keeping some perils at bay; while preventing a stray from the set premise.

The time machine in question is an biplane aircraft with a crew of four, set out to search for a lost naval hero. Embarking for an island located amid a polar enclosure, the mother-ship keeps their track from semi-frozen waters. Unaware of what to expect, they glide into a tropical isle, well sheltered from view by snow-capped ridges and peaks. Stumbling into a giant pterodactyl-us, they crash-land and realization sets in—expect anything, except it will be prehistoric.

They encounter a number of dinosaurs, with the props made to be as convincing as possible, given this is an old film—one of the precursors to time travel and dinosaur films recurrent today, such as A Walk With Dinosaurs. Concurrent with the film'S overarching, there is a created language for the tribe of Nargas, who are fantastically costumed. Learnt broken English for the set's Sheena, Ajor, eliminates a lot of misunderstandings between her and the protagonists.

Even though adventure prevailed and the mission went awry, it still incorporates to make it a task to pin down satisfactorily. Ah, time travel.
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Bermuda Tentacles (2014 TV Movie)
Induces stiff-seated wriggling
10 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Z-grade cinema.

The age of irony.

The dawn of ahem.

Without stating any of the obvious flaws—quite a hard task—there are a few moments that would make a genre fan mad. Once a film creates ideas too awesome, it can become quite a task to handle it enough in regular running time. Or so it seems, leaving disaster in the paced sections. Good sci-fi is something to delight to once you come across one.

On the other hand, the creations are the spectacle expected by the viewer, but it will matter less if it was too fantastic in a way that it's easy to kill the entity than effectively create one — without making the origins or its explanations seem like a patch-job for the story to proceed.

Event evolution. So crucial in making suspense of disbelief worthwhile.A good example being Transit, regardless of genre, as nothing unfolds reading like coincidence. So freaking good.

The science is handled pretty well—a classification hypothesis can only be rectified with actual experimentation—and the doctor's presence can not be argued out — just that his unrolling is pretty jabbed-in. Conspiracy theories are great morsel for a good story if handled well. The main reason being they are not bound to a single story-line or explanation. Is the take here the best one yet? In reel-life?

The exploration costumes were great but it is up for debate if they can serve the purpose of underwater navigation; other than alien-atmosphere navigation. A dual purpose seems impossible, yet underwater suits would ruin the only tolerable scene!

As far as comparisons go, if still bad yardsticks for leveling a case, the pulps—at least—were proponents of genre progression. It appears sci-fi is doomed for its own merit. Should there be good concepts, shitty FX ruin — I, Frankenstein. Should the FX be great, acting etc. ruin — Skyline.Perhaps beyond the self-aware retrogradations of some The Asylum productions, if that is really a focus point because sci-fi is known for some entry-level ideas.

Bad sci-fi is better than no sci-fi... A maxim can only cater for so much.
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Welcome To The Death
5 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
A shadow of a hanging doll that looks like a suicide case. Gloomy.

Unexplained split-second flashes of mascots and marionettes. Intriguing.

That draws and defines the dream-lines charting flight into the visions and perceptions of the protagonists. The hand of a malevolent force at play. Coming and exiting like the wind it is. Subtlety revealing itself. It's here.

What do you do when you can't prove the unseen? When you call out coincidence on a usual day with just a slightly higher case of normal occurrences such as accidents and death, the death? What if life gave you a rewind button at the culmination of your fate in the midst of all this?

Final destination does this. So far, the protagonists fail to connect the web of jigsaws by the faceless villain of the piece, in time. There are enough clues given to them, to save at least themselves, should they come to terms that late. Obscure as the clues get with each case, it was there and crossed out survival. It's been here. Until there comes the ultimate conquistador, the spree is on.

Installment 1; Roll the dice 2; Dust the clues 3; Change the spots' colour. Keep the dice 4; Tighten the clues. Repeat ; ...

And moving on, a homeless and a dog came out of nowhere. Again.
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Elizabeth Frankenstein: Journal to the end
23 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Funny how it is the words of a fashion writer, once recommended, that enlightened mo of Frankenstein's "existence". Frankenstein -- the power of imagination, as per the run of her words, unto her I dedicate the overtones of C16 fashion portrayed here and their insinuations as seen today.

From the height of the turn of the millennium is an adaptation of an influential mad scientist story. One Dr. Victor Frankenstein and his wayward creation.

Portrayed here is malevolence doctored by a brilliant professor. How sweet the creation didn't have to be a child to his creator as is almost invariably dished out. It instead seeks an embrace. Maybe for a taste of the bitter side of the world, there is an accidental altercation with landings on his head.

As with certain decisions, self-examination sets in and, -what have I done Destroy this mess. Oh no!- breaks down.

All the same, it awes to see a differently faced, and portrayed Frankie. The inclusion of new, or rather twisting parts of the sub-plots do not disappoint. Only the coherence is wanting.

One is left to stitch up these pieces, dishearteningly producing similar monsters, what the National Socialists called whichever art they disliked.

What a safe world without handrails; before 1973.
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Well, the charms of them ham factor/s
22 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Resurrection of a zombie-to-be crass-awesomeness, checking into the first victim's 55th second of the first two minutes.

Really guff it is, to have more than one moment of lighting make night look like day, not to interject with the fluctuating shelf-life of a bitten and infected human before fledging into a zombie. Forgive the but; having some connected YA's caught unawares by a zombie apocalypse bags all the slasher credibility. And yeah, shotguns. A splattering and worthwhile hit whether by a right or wrong choice. Always. Ever since Ar**face.

When you have dead signals and likewise get to check on what's trending on twitter, then some things really aren't really that hard to sell.

Eventually, the family involved, the axis of the plot, has to keep off both a vigilante and a hound of living-dead-guys. Starting right from among themselves.

My, I almost busted a gut trying to stomach a kangaroo court ( and some bloody guts). What a shame this is a first on viewing a pr*ck eating zombie. Original sh*t that.
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From Old West, With Suave
5 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
By Jove, dystopian old west has some visitors from outer space.

Hilarious it is, both for all the contradictions, and over the top displays of dynamism; that it makes one seek the strangest of bedfellows to decipher this one-piece. Band names so hilarious they cut out a sleek bang. Spoiler! A Faux Pas is cooking.

We Butter The Bread With Banter — Oh my guard. Forest guard. Why are you gate keeping a forest you never tread. And being caught off-guard? The Hero, Reinhard getting to lock legs with PTV, Predator The Villain. Blimey! Predator shook his(?) head way too much than he groaned.

Heroin Your Vines — Say the forest is the vineyard. A big walking machine has just landed in here. And very armed. It goes about testing a super-massive weapon on the vines just in case any inhabitant is watching, to witness how it will bring about earth's decimation. Like the heroine does, in a different manner. Like heroin, really.

Godflash (oops) — This! Not the savior of the universe. It's the beams. The shots. The signals. The eyesight … They just surpassed the Jesus status.

Aesthetic Hunt Promotions — Because matters of the heart! The aesthetic value exists in the alien's heart (should it have one). So now it's obvious why a beauty will promulgate the alien's wish back to space, all in the name of science. Duh! Pure Aesthetic Heart Promotions.

Mourning Teleportations — Falling. Into a world, well past morning. In a ball of ash. Teleportation so conspicuous! What is being named here? Morning Teleportations could after all be worth the wait since no one knows what else could snap out of the "gravitational anomaly", besides a predator and a green alien.

Reprobate Romans — Doing it as they do in the proverbial town, especially when it could turn out being labeled immoral. Beauty and beast, only that beauty doesn't take being eaten before having a bath as one idea to be in the nude about.

Yo! My waking habits will now beg a question. But I won't curse the shriek of a sneaky Methuselahesque alien. Yet.
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Avenged (2013)
dumb blonde tells no tale
30 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Snap! Snap! Snap! Selfies until they delay a deaf and dumb girl(Zoe) on the verge of a wedlock into stumbling on a group of prejudiced brothers from a similar bloodline.

They christen her angel for her efforts on trying to rescue one of the Indians they are after. West, Jed, Trey and Cody, the four brothers, capture, torture and murder Zoe, half burying her carcass. And suddenly there's the spirit of an old one, an Apache seeking to revenge a century old bloodshed. It's in her dead remains that it finds a medium through which to channel its plan; via a witchdoctor who pieces her back to life. Heat ensues, but not from the desert of the whereabouts.

A seemingly senile granny at the compound of the villain's homestead? I remember that one. A captive torturing themselves to their freedom? I recall that one too. But it's frolicking and never gets old. Though it's way the Apache spirit does get, it's terminated on a designated sacred ground of yore.

You thought hernia was bad-ass until you saw an intestinal tug of war. But hey, duct tape is strong enough for a severed arm with an axe … to grind.
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The One & Something Witching Hours
22 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
A story. Of two siblings rendered orphans by a witch trial on a path to straighten the wrongs sluiced by witch hunting; Which are overseen by their village's sheriff.

The sheriff has hired some slothful yes-men witch-trackers who can barely bring a witch worth the weight home for burning. I don't know if 'Beautiful Creatures' is a surprise to them or should be to the viewer, when they are confronted by a grand dark witch.

Somehow I never expected the witches to be so much martial when they could be slaying ass with some serious execution of the black arts. But what is left to speculation?

The fantastic glides on this one like a chute. Smoothly. To Salem; Circa 1692!

Other than the carroty haired one with round quarters, I just saw a small giant. (Frankein… slave!).
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Hell Baby (2013)
I don't know if I'm horror or comedy
2 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The title should have been a dead give-away, to a film full of bland ideas. An expectant couple, Jack and Venessa, buys an old house in a hood full of weirdos, just like themselves, hoping white people don"t know about it. Turns out the house is haunted, and hunting on their pregnancy.

When it decides to be a comedy, expect some utterly cliché jokes. Food jokes. Vomit jokes. Walking into you jokes. Stoner jokes. Dick jokes. Porn jokes. Cigarette jokes. Fat jokes. Religion jokes. Taser jokes. Poop jokes ... WTF! All of these pills?

When it decides to be horrific, same old story. Spooky faces, and blood and guts. Period. This is house of blood. All that blood during the final scene but we had a dry birth, and especially how the baby blanket was ready. In the sheets. On the bed. Oh, it's cause we had a dry crying! Poor Jack, name almost rhymes with jock!

Hell baby is immolated by 'daddy', Jack, thanks to an electrocution. Venessa's knack for turpentine!

Props. Couples everywhere! Just look and see
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Steal (2002)
Who's riding with me
1 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
It's all about the heists baby, and a simultaneously perfect get away, should anything cluster-f*ck, which is not an option here. Slim, Otis, Frank and Alex turn out to be the polar opposite of run-of-the-mill heist charters. Did I mention each of their this-is-an-ordinary-hobby-but-wait-and-see-what-else-it-can-do skills are a stab to the police's? Karen and Lieutenant Macgruder both devise their own plots to get the quartet behind bars, though Lt. Macgruder is in for a taste of his own medicine. The furthest they get is making them a trio.

No heist waters down, and nobody needed a map for plan B. Mhhh, somewhere, on someone's lips is left a taste, could be on yours. Asking's not bothered with.
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Barefoot (I) (2014)
jay of all
26 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Ah, asshole Olympics! Well, on people's views of jay's life, he's one. This is a guy with an MBA, so much going on in his life it's so little. Typical morning is waking up to a stripper, where is her breakfast jay? The previous night was a lap dance he can't recall, the bouncer is now fed up, and the creditor he owes money is up on him.

A wedding is up in a few days, which jay pledges to his ma' he will attend, with his newfound 'nurse' lover, only now he has to find one to fit that title. Maybe his stripper friends?

The hunt is on and his new odd job as a psychiatric hospital cleaner, gives him something to take home, something he never expected, a hilarious turnover of his life, for someone whose moral support to his patient friends is alcohol in syrup bottles.
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