
6 Reviews
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Great humour!
1 June 2016
I don't know what all the bad reviews are about. I loved the idea of using the actors' real names but creating alternate personalities. The humour is great, and special effects are rather realistic! Also, I particularly loved Michael Cera and Paul Rudd's appearances! Great job to the writers, directors and actors. For me, this was the perfect combination of comedy, horror and sci-fi. There was a sense of doom throughout, especially with the wide shots of LA, which made me feel quite uncomfortable, but then there was plenty of comic relief.

I don't often laugh at movies, but if you're looking for a relaxed, light comedy, I would recommend this film.
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Don't watch it if you're a keen traveller!
31 May 2016
Well-made, terrifying, claustrophobic and leaves you in a state of utter discomfort.

As a keen horror fan usually focused on the paranormal movies, I was interested to see what this film had to offer. I was not disappointed, as the special FX are excellent and acting is believable. It is horrifying and unsettling in all senses, from start to finish. Much like The Human Centipede, you are left in a state of disgust for long after (not something I particularly enjoyed). However, good film making has to be credited, which is the reasoning for my 6 rating. If it's your sort of thing, then you'll enjoy it.

The trivia on the film is fascinating, so I would recommend reading it. I've never seen any of Roth's previous movies, so this was a real shock. Straight after, I watched Aftershock, engaged by the actors and style of film. (However, this film was nothing in comparison.)
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Aftershock (2012)
31 May 2016
Having just watched The Green Inferno, I had quite high expectations for this film with a largely similar cast. The trailer had me gripped, but it seems that the beginning of the film did not, spending a painfully long 30 minutes introducing the scene and characters. Once the earthquake hit, I was expecting to be thrilled...but I guess in comparison to The Green Inferno, I wasn't horrified by anything.

Of course, there were a few moments of shock scattered throughout but more in terms of plot line as oppose to gore. It was, for the majority, very dark and uncomfortable to watch, but not in the way I would've liked. This was uncomfortable in the sense that I was so bored, you could say, that I wanted to turn off (but I always see a film through to the end).

However, a particular highlight for me was the end scene. I smiled and said 'yessss', as although it was somewhat predictable, the film cleverly misleads you to believe there has been a 'happy' ending.

Acting and special FX are good. For a new time gore watcher, this will be right up your street. However, for those experienced, it's nothing from the norm.
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A good try but a predictable horror
21 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I was looking forward to seeing this film but yet again I was let down. At the start of the film I was intrigued to see what was to happen but as it progressed it just appeared to be another mediocre horror. The theatre was close to empty and 20 minutes into the showing I could just see a teenage couple with blank faces, hear the low voice of a man talking to a women in my row and two girls texting. I wasn't going to lose hope in this film because I was liking the 1970s tone and the acting wasn't bad at all. I'm a huge fan of ghosts, poltergeists and demons in films and so when these were mentioned in the trailer I was expecting something close to The Conjuring or Paranormal activity, two films I love. I was let down. The shots were standard, and the scares were shocking, and by the word 'shocking' I don't mean amazing jump scares, I mean shockingly awful. I'm usually up for different interpretations of paranormal plots but 'The Quiet Ones' really was a let down. It began bearable but when the scene where the badly CGI made tongue launches out of Jane's mouth came onto the screen I leaned over to my friend and whispered 'that just ruined the entire film'. I've had enough of silly effects and supernatural features in ghost films because it proves the trailer to be misleading. I thought this movie might have been clear of them, especially as it's from the makers of 'The Woman in Black', a brilliant, classic haunting film, but I was wrong. Another terrible CGI effect came onto the screens when Jane is burning alive and some crazy, fiery figure flies towards the camera. It would have been much more effective if Brian had just had a reaction to show Evie possessing him. Another flaw of this film was the fact that Jane had cut herself with the edge of a hair grip so they took it away from her. However in the next scenes Jane has a grip back in her hair! Sometimes it's little things that get to viewers and make the film seem less professional.

A little creepy with some unnecessary jump scares. A good effort but it really was not a film that I enjoyed and if I hadn't paid £4 for my ticket, I probably would have left 20 minutes in.
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The Conjuring (2013)
One of my top 5
15 April 2014
Brilliant. I would give this film a ten but it's not perfect. Then again, what film is? The 1970s film style shots, the variety of horror film features, the acting, the colours. Wan does a fantastic job and I honestly love and recommend this film to anyone who likes horror films. Whether you like hand filmed shots, gore, ghosts or emotion, this movie is for you. Some parts are creepy but fantastically creepy. James Wan is my favourite director and this has got to be his best work, better than Insidious Chapter 2. My only critic is a slight lack of colour variation to represent differing moods during scenes. I guess there is some brightness in the Warrens' house and at the hotel room but there could have just been more during happy scenes at the start of the film.
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Detention (2011)
15 April 2014
I'll be honest, I wasn't expecting much from the trailer and so I wasn't disappointed. Disappointed would be the wrong word to describe my feelings towards this movie, because my expectations certainly were not high and so it did not let me down. If anything it lived up to my expectations. I decided to give it a go because it looked wacky and modern, and wacky it certainly was. I've never really experienced something like this film and its fast pace gave it a slight edge that was drawing to me to continue to watch. With just half an hour to go, I switched off. The plot was confusing and it was difficult to keep up. It also went off on a bit of a tangent by the final scenes. I certainly would not describe this as a horror (nor a comedy at that). Perhaps I would have liked it if I watched to the end. This film is not for those who want to relax, laugh, or scream at.
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