
2 Reviews
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OUTSTANDING! Blew me away!
24 October 2017
OUTSTANDING! Blew me away! I was initially concerned as to how 3D would work with some of the lighting, especially the low light scenes; however, it worked extremely well with highlighting the different aspects of the scene. It was great that I got to see it in 2D first. I can now see how much 3D adds to the story and actually makes a very very good story even better. Excellent Film can't wait for the follow up. Highly recommended!
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Jailhouse Dog (2014)
2 May 2014
Loved it every minute can't wait for another one. Bit quirky in places but that was one of its many charms - sort of you like it, you don't and then you do and then suddenly you are smiling and don't know why - not sure what it reminds me of, either way I love the style. Loved the characters some larger than life some real and what can I say about OTTO - a complete fruit cake and a half. Subject was really interesting and the first time I've seen anyone dare cover it from an alternative pointof view. For too long animal rights activists have been silently taking over and this film turns the spot light on them in a good light hearted comical way. It puts across the point everyone looses in these cases really well and try's to open intelligent debate. Can't recommend it enough. And for those that want to make their own minds its been released on Vimeo here
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