
1 Review
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A story of belief
2 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is a bizzare one. Saw a local theater is doing a screening of this movie and thought why not check it out, people seem to like it and oh boy was it a good idea.

It's honestly, really weird seeing a movie that's soo old, 50 years old in fact, older than me by 2 times and a little more. While watching it I really grappeled with thoughts of wheter I'm even understanding what the production crew, the writers and actors were trying to get across purely because of the generational difference. I'm really not a cinema fanatic, frankly have barely watched any movies that were made befote the 2000s'. The movie was funny. There were plenty of moments where I was laughing out loud and other people in the cinema laughed even more than me. Yet I couldn't quite grasp whether it was intentionally funny with it's weird British humour or just old. Most likely the former. It's just thoughts though, don't think it matters much in regards to how the film inpacts you or just pure enjoyment.

The story is frankly ridiculous yet has many parallels with real life. What the movie gave me the most thoughts about was in regards to religion. What surprised me was that our main character, the police officer was a devout christian and that set a vivid contrast between the islanders paganism. To the police officer the pagans were sacraligious, heretics, fanatics yet ironically he was just as set in his religious beliefs as they were. I believe, that this is exactly what the writers were trying to tell. It really makes you ponder whether the weird way of life that the islanders lead is so wrong. They seem to have a strong community and are happy. Although, of course, it's still kind of a cult considering the leader figure. Nonetheless, the police officer shouting for Christ was plainly just as ridiculous to observe as the antics of the pagans.

Disregardint the message, the movie was just plainly fun to watch. While I could kind of see the ending coming after some time and the police officer not even trying to escape while getting literally burned killed my imersion baadly it was still entertaining. All the twists and turns as our protagonist was trying to unravel the mistery of the missing girl were funny, theatralic and imaginative. The rewatch value of the movie is pretty high and it's certainly something you'd want to show your friends, would make for a splendid movie night.

Actually, as I was writing this review my score for the movie kind of went up from 8 to a 9. It's fun, original, makes you think and is a great conversation starter. Really, what more can you want?
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