
5 Reviews
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Sit back and enjoy
8 December 2007
Sure, I've heard all the controversy about the evil Church in this movie, ad nauseum, but there were no fingers pointing at anything but a fictional church that was made up just for this movie, so both sides of the debate should just chill. It's not a religion - it's a church, an organization of people who are in power and want more, and don't worry about the doing dirty work to get it.

So yes, there's an evil church that wants to control everything. There's got to be a bad guy so you can root for the good guys, and evil corporations are getting pretty old and wouldn't work for a this fantasy anyway.

Okay, we know the author doesn't take kindly to the Roman Church, he's admitted that. But Catholic or not, you've got to admit, there was a time when they'd burn you alive for heresy, so good for them for mending their ways and growing up.

Maybe Islamists should try to catch up, it would be about time they let go of the 14th century. Wanting to kill someone for naming a Teddy Bear, come on. If we didn't already know the author disliked the Roman church, the Islamists would recognize this fictional church as an attack on their own, and call for his head.

Sit back, relax, and enjoy this beautiful ride in fantasy land. I was highly entertained, didn't have to strain my brain, though it wasn't stupid, and it didn't rely on sex, ultra-violence, four letter words, etc, etc. If I had kids, I'd be happy to take them to see this movie.
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Da Ali G Show (2000–2004)
Skit comedy like you've never seen
13 February 2007
First I rented this, then I paid $20 to buy it. I rarely buy DVDs, that's how good it is. These episodes are skit comedy, and I'd rate them from 7 to 10. There's something for everyone. Ali G is a white British punk/rapper talk show host, and it's amazing to see how many people fall for the character (believing it to be a real talk show). The straight-guys, thinking they're on a talk show, try to humor Ali G, and the more they do that, the more outrageous he gets. If Ali G thinks he's losing them, he'll tone it down to reel them back in. Some of the guests are actually famous, and after the controversies that came from the Borat movie, I can guess how they got them to appear - they just lied. Each week there's an original Borat skit to sweeten the pot. Some of the Borat stuff was so good it was redone for the movie, it's a hoot to see the originals.
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Cure for Insomnia
28 May 2006
Having read and enjoyed the book, I just had to go see this movie. That is was the producers were counting on. It's too bad people like me do things like that (see movies of books they likes). I wish I had waited until it was on TV, at least the commercials would have nudged me to alertness. The overall darkness (as in lack of lighting) of the piece may have played a role, but I felt like falling asleep several times (although I did manage to stay awake for the whole thing). This movie reminded me of what they did with Dune. Without having read the book, how could anyone have followed the movie? It has a storyline that was run through a blender. I think it was supposed to be something of an action movie. Instead, it seemed like just another cure for insomnia.
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Serenity (2005)
This newbie found it good, solid, entertaining space opera
7 October 2005
Just got back from seeing Serenity. I never saw the TV show, but I read the non-spoiler comments posted here first, so I did have some background.

I found it to be fairly fast paced, the plot really did tie everything together pretty well, and I only had to suspend disbelief a very few times.

Good quality space battles, no "cartoonish" aliens, and enough chuckles and laughs to lighten it up.

The "mushy" bits were mercifully short and well spread-out, but you found out pretty much how the characters felt about each other. They had enough depth for me.

The one thing that pssed me off is that when you have to "secure for a rough landing (or take off)", you really should PUT THE DAMNED DISHES AWAY! What the HELL is up with having a well-set dinner table and knickknacks sitting around in a space ship!?! Yeah, it makes it "homey", but give me a break. Artificial gravity my butt, this little set-design foobar cost a point off my vote.
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Primer (2004)
So how does it end?
31 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I Love sci-fi, and this looked like it had a great premise. Rented the DVD, was doing fine, enjoying the build-up, followed the story and the plot with no trouble, and then it completely fell apart. Another half hour to fill out the last 15 minutes would have hopefully allowed for some more dialogue, longer scenes, and more clues as to what was going on. It's like the writer had it all in his head, and forgot that NONE OF US DO! I watched again with the commentary, and I really don't care what kind of film he used, what t-shirt the actor was wearing, and why the sound got better as the film went on (but thanks, it wasn't just my ears). Would have been nice if he actually discussed the plot.

So I watched twice, and I still don't know what was going on with the father-in-law, don't know what happened with the shotgun-toting guy at the party, nor what was going on in France. I'm guessing that they were going to build a huge machine, based on the only line of dialogue -something like "one every meter", which I guess is the little plates that make their box work. The board on the movie site was populated by a bunch of wild guesses - no one but the writer knows, and he ain't talking!
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