
11 Reviews
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V/H/S/2 (2013)
Got scared a lot.
12 January 2015
First of all I want to say that unlike the first movie whose cameras moved a lot, this one is not that annoying due to there was a better job filming the tapes, not like a professional but like a good amateur. Said this I want to add that the whole idea is quite interesting and realistic at times knowing it is just a movie (found-footage films are always a good way to make you think you are inside the movie). If the previous one was good, this was just great and I got scared a lot. It's not very common that a second part of a movie is better then the first but you've got this.

The first tape was the tape I least liked but it was good after all, must admit I got scared a little despite the fact I don't like ghost very much, besides there were certain things that didn't have any sense but it got its purpose which is to make me scared. The second tape was interesting but didn't scare me and I doubt that zombies can do so, but it was good to see a zombie attack by the perspective of the same zombie. After the first two tapes things get better, the third tape was really but really great, original, bloody, insane, disturbing and all you can imagine. I really enjoyed watching this tape and it is probably better than any other tape showing in the first V/H/S, in fact it could have had its own movie because the idea was fantastic. And finally the fourth tape, the most disturbing, annoying (in a good way) and scariest of all. I'm sure you won't agree with me, but I must confess that any kind of extraterrestrial being scares the hell out of me. I never imagined this tape was about aliens, actually when I realized so I had to turn the lights on because I was very scared. This tape was funny at first and that relaxed me a lot but after a few minutes things got worse, the aliens were very aggressive and didn't seem to be super smart and that's disturbing and reminded me a story I heard once on a Spanish TV show, this tape definitely got its purpose because I was terrified watching this part of the movie.

I'm glad after the result, a good movie and I hope I can sleep well tonight, I totally recommend this movie.
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Sanatorium (2013)
Unoriginal and awful.
11 January 2015
A friend of mine invited me over his house to watch this movie, I thought at first it would be scary because we were told the movie was so but after watching it we were speechless and I'll explain why. I really love found-footage horror films, they are quite realistic and often are scarier than the traditional one but this movie wasn't, in fact it was very predictable, boring, typical and failed at trying to scare. I remember watching another movie like this (I can't remember its name) but it was exactly the same movie, same story and even same ending, the lack of originality is evident and you'll see no attempt to enhance that during the movie, it is definitely awful but I gave 2 stars to it just because the acting was decent. There's one thing you have to keep in mind, if an horror film failed at its purpose which is to make you scared then think twice before wasting your time in a ninety-minute movie.
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V/H/S (2012)
You either love it or hate it.
10 January 2015
I was very reluctant about watching this movie after reading the mixed reviews here on IMDb but I dared to watch it knowing it could be a waste of time, luckily it wasn't. First of all, this is not the typical movie you're gonna watch on TV, it's odd and actually doesn't have a storyline defined because it's just a compilation of videos found in an old house. Many of you (probably) will find really annoying the fact the camera move a lot, the videos aren't filmed by any professional so it's quite annoying at first but after a few minutes you end up getting used to it, besides the movie is not made to be enjoyable by all, some can love it but others can just hate it so if you are one of those guys who loves watching traditional movies, don't watch this but if you are one of those guys who loves watching leaked videos on the internet, then this is the one for you. The videos shown in the movie are really realistic, the acting was very good and the effects quite cool as well. I really enjoyed the whole movie although I didn't get scared but I didn't get bored either and that's great, it's interesting after all.
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88 (II) (2015)
Not the kind of movie I expected.
9 January 2015
Must confess I'm quite disappointed after watching this because it seemed to be a good movie and I thought it would be so but it wasn't, I got bored several times. If you watch this you will see many deaths, a lot of blood and a storyline that could be great. There are two things I really liked about this movie, the first one is the fact that at first the storyline gets really confusing, flashbacks here, flashbacks there, two girls on scene (two personalities), one single actress, you don't know which one is real and which one isn't so you want to know how this story will end because you really don't know what's happening and that kept me watching the movie until the end. The second thing I liked was of course the acting of Katharine Isabelle, I really don't know why this girl isn't in a Hollywood movie, she is sufficiently good to be part of a big project, she is even better than those well-paid actresses that their only talent is to be pretty, anyway she did a really good job making the storyline more realistic, but despite her good acting there's nothing she could have done to enhance this movie because the director and the writers are responsible for the poor results, in my opinion clearly.

Finally I can't recommend this movie, 4 stars is the best I can give and most of it was thanks to Katharine Isabelle.
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Exists (2014)
At least worth a watch.
9 January 2015
I liked the movie more than I expected, it was interesting, got scared at times and the acting was pretty good. This is the first movie about Bigfoot I watch, the monster is quite popular in the US but outside the country is a myth or a legend that few people know, so the idea of watching a movie about Bigfoot didn't thrill me but luckily the movie was better than I expected, well-developed and interesting. What I liked the most about the movie was the fact that you could see Bigfoot, the beast showed up many times so you could appreciate its face, hands, foot and the whole body also the costume of the beast was quite good, besides I liked the way in which Bigfoot scared the boys before attacking. On the other hand what I least liked was the fact the beast didn't kill like a beast, if you wanna see a movie about monsters, the least you could expect is a bloody death. I gave 6 stars out of 10 because and although the movie was fine it could've been much better, but worth a watch.
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American Mary (2012)
I watched this just to see Katharine Isabelle.
8 January 2015
There's no doubt she is by far my favorite actress and all started when I watched Ginger Snaps. In my opinion she is definitely an underrated actress who's acted in several movies but few of them have played such an important role in her acting career like this one and of course Ginger Snaps. American Mary is a well-developed movie that I very much liked it because it combines blood, flesh, drama and a good storyline with such a great acting from Katharine Isabelle besides I must confess that I'm totally delighted by her work, I really but really loved it. The movie is interesting from beginning to end, funny at times but mostly intense and what I liked the most was the evolution of Mary, at first you're gonna see a student, pretty and very smart living alone, working and doing little things in order to get some money but you'll end up seeing someone totally different, a girl with no fears, vindictive but mainly unstable. Well, in case I hadn't said enough I wanna add the fact that unlike the typical gore movies where you'll only see deaths and blood with no sense, American Mary has a very good storyline about revenge.

Now you might be wondering why after this review I gave only 8 stars out of 10 and that's because of the ending, I didn't like it but I'm not sure if another one could have been better. Anyway, it's worth watching.
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An eight-star movie.
4 January 2015
I really liked this movie despite all the bad comments I've read so far and the low score got on IMDb. Well, alien movies are something that really thrill me and scare me at the same time, the simple idea of facing extraterrestrial beings knowing you can't fight them terrifies even the bravest man on Earth.

First of all I'd like to emphasize the fact that aliens usually attack when the night falls but in this movie they show up even in the daylight , so it doesn't matter if it's either night or day, you can't hide from them. Second, I got scared several times while watching the movie, I admit I get scared easily with this kind of movies, but I was totally terrified wishing the movie to end soon, not because it was awful but because I was really scared. Third, I really appreciate the fact this movie haven't involved the typical group of friends that go camping and are suddenly attacked by aliens, they usually try to play superheroes roles when they are not.

Finally 4.8 stars is a little unfair for a movie that really scared me a lot, so if you like aliens you're gonna love this one and try to avoid watching it before going to sleep, just in case.
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Such a surprise.
3 January 2015
After watching an awful and even ridiculous REC 3 I must admit I didn't expect anything about this movie, the original idea of a zombie attack had been replaced by a stupid demon attack you could control by praying but this movie brought back the fear and the despair of a movie I consider one of my favorites. REC 4 was such a surprise because I really felt what only the first movie made me feel, that's fear. Maybe most of you won't agree with me but I can assure you this movie is much better than the previous one, at least worth a watch. Plus the acting of Manuela Velasco is great as always and the idea of developing the movie aboard a ship makes you think you have no other choice than to fight and try to survive as long as you can. I give 8 stars out of 10.
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One of many.
3 January 2015
Honestly this is the kind of movies I dread the most, UFO and extraterrestrial beings are by far the perfect match to prevent me from sleeping, but this one is unoriginal and the aliens don't scare anyone.

In my opinion there are some patterns in alien movies you have to follow, just like zombies or ghosts but it isn't these patterns that make your movie unoriginal but the way you mix them up and put them into action to make sense the whole movie. What it bothered me the most was the fact the characters didn't seem frightened enough, I mean, you don't have any idea what you are dealing with, you're supposed to be scared and desperate but their faces showed otherwise (except for Emily Perkins) and don't get me wrong, the acting was good but could have been better. Plus I didn't like the fact they were acting like superheroes, they were just kids but decided to fight them and I don't know, that's something I didn't like about movie.

Despite all I've said the movie is good if you want to pass the time, it has action, it is interesting at times and has good effects and the ending is quite surprising.

It's up to you to decide if you want to watch this movie, it's not bad but it isn't a masterpiece either, a five star movie definitely.
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La cueva (2014)
Quite interesting.
2 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
At first when you start watching this movie you have the feeling it'll be something like REC or The Descent, but as soon as the movie goes on you realize it will be differently. What would you do if you get lost inside a cave and spend days trapped in there? Well, you're so desperate to find a way out that you go crazy, you can't think straight and you are so thirsty you decide to drink seawater and so starved you decide to kill your friend in order to drink their blood and eat their flesh. This is what La Cueva has to offer, 80 minutes of extreme situations that will allow you to feel the despair of getting lost, the uncertainty of not knowing if the protagonists are gonna make it and the horror of seeing what people are willing to do so as to survive, they all want to live whatever it takes.

I totally recommend this movie because it has a very realistic storyline and such a great acting, this is one of those movie you can't miss.
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Beneath (I) (2013)
90 minutes of my life wasted.
1 January 2015
There's no word to describe this movie because it was awful from beginning to end. I usually check on IMDb to see if a movie is worth watching but I checked on the wrong movie (there are two movies called Beneath on IMDb).

At first I thought it would be a good movie to see, I didn't expect any masterpiece but from the very first moment I saw that ancient fish I realized this was gonna be a waste of time, I needed to watch the end of the movie though just to warrant my first impression, but the bad acting, the poor effects and the lack of budget made me write my very first comment on IMDb just to prevent you from watching this movie, plus the storyline was unclear, I didn't even know why they decided to use the rowboat, knowing (one of them) it would be very likely to be attacked by the fish or that one of the boys decides to take a swim.

Do yourself a favor and skip this movie, it's a waste of time.
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