
4 Reviews
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Ice Pilots NWT (2009–2014)
And the motto is
23 November 2019
You work to live not you live to work. And I am so glad someone had the balls to leave this hole because life is too short to be a slave. They literally are slave mongers I swear!!! Look at the conditions these people lived in, like a sweat shop
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Ice Pilots NWT (2009–2014)
You want to die
23 November 2019
Take that airline they fly planes not fit for service
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Ice Pilots NWT (2009–2014)
These planes
23 November 2019
Should be in a museum as in US and are only flown in events
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Ice Pilots NWT (2009–2014)
No wonder people quit
23 November 2019
Because they live in sub human conditions and are being treated like fuxking garbage
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