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No, don't watch this
27 November 2020
There is one scene that is a deal-breaker in movies for me. I won't describe it here because it seems to get my review banned. Just know that there is something very wrong with how the woman behaves that is unforgivable and illegal.
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Holidate (2020)
27 November 2020
There is one scene that ruins it all for me. I won't describe it, because it seems to get my review banned. That is an indication of how bad the scene is. It was a deal-breaker in a movie that already had some iffy bits. Avoid this one, especially young women.
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27 November 2020
I had to do some math while watching this one to get the births and deaths and gifts of mangers right, but it was worth it.

I agree with some of the reviewers that the missing father issue was odd. And why the sheriff was so evil was not clearly explained (I wanted the sheriff arrested and locked up, to be honest, his nasty tone seemed out of place in the movie).

The lead is always a personable actor, but he looked too similar to the pastor, so distractingly the viewer might think they were related.

It was refreshing not to have a sappy, brain-dead, infantile Christmas movie, like has become the norm in 2020.
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Enjoyed this
3 August 2020
Two europeans watched this and enjoyed it very much. A fun take on the classic song festival, made just before it was taken over by record companies and sanitized. (Eurovision really should do a "Popular Vote" and a "Professional Vote" like they do with film festivals now.) Will looked a bit too old for the role, but c'est la vie.
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The Good Cop (2018)
Danza shines
16 June 2020
A fun show. Lots of laughs, especially with master-class comic actor Tony Danza. It is a shame that it was not renewed for a second season.
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Second time, and still enjoyed every moment
6 March 2020
Wonderful to see a mature film for a mature audience. The time is represented well, and is most appreciated by those who have lived through it, in my opinion. Omar is wonderful and seductive while being seduced by Julie, and his machinations as a spy are fascinating to watch.
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It kept my interest throughout!
11 February 2020
Very entertaining! Great sets and locations and filming. It would be fun to see on stage with the suspense. Loved the strong women characters even though it was set in 1916. The acting wasn't too hammy either.
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Animals suffering and put down
29 January 2020
I couldn't enjoy it for that reason. I'm sorry I even bothered with this Rebecca ripoff. And Robert Young was too sexy for the milquetoast woman.
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Adrift (I) (2018)
True story, adrift parts stunning, romance boring
24 January 2020
The filming of the scenes on the boat are very well done. But the writing and acting of the romantic flashbacks are cringingly poor, and let the movie down. Sad film, but the story of the brave young woman is a story that I'm glad was told.
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Secret Agent (1936)
Odd film, well made
24 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Think of James Bond trying to protect M but instead making sure she is murdered (as he did in a recent film), and you get the idea of so-called spies doing stupid, reprehensible things.

We have the psycho killer spy, the newbie spy who ends up very disillusioned, and the author pretending to be a spy who does a terrible job but gets the girl in the end. We have innocents who suffer because they get in the way, too.

The director brings in humor and suspense and action, along with some very well done suspense sequences. The oddest part is that they fail in everything by the end.
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Something just doesn't work with this one
4 January 2020
I've thought long and hard about how to describe how awful this movie is, but then decided to just describe it this way:

Imagine a silly musical, where people overact, all exaggerated emotions, and there is a thin plot, and in this alternate universe where people do things for no explainable reason, characters suddenly burst into song to explain even more of their over-the-top emotions. Now subtract the songs. That is this movie.
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What a waste of money, why did they make this movie?
1 January 2020
Bad. Not funny, a plot that makes no sense, wasted actors, wasted money on a worthless movie. Is it really that difficult to make a decent film? I hate that I wasted my time watching this, it was really that horrible. But why....? My husband really hated it and was angry that Netflix would promote it and fund it, wasting people's time on this trash.
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The Morning Show: Open Waters (2019)
Season 1, Episode 7
Lots of narcissists here, just like the Alex character?
30 December 2019
A narcissist screaming and lying at her teenaged daughter, who is trying to tell the mother the truth about the woman's destructive personality disorder, is praised by reviewers here. WTF?

Alex's character is a horrible human being who has used and abused her husband and child since forever, to fulfill her own pathetic ego. She loves no one but herself.

Her over the top emotional displays are artificial, just like all narcissists, to gain attention and pity. She has to be the center of everything, all the time, and pampered and praised. It is unhealthy for everyone around her, and destructive to their wellbeing. And yet these reviewers buy into her sick drama. Wow. Sick and sad.
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Fallen Angel (2003 TV Movie)
Gary Sinese makes it very watchable
21 December 2019
I've seen this movie 3 times over the years, at Christmastime. It has a melancholy tone that sets it apart from the usual saccharine, hyper, nasal, peroxided, alternate universe movies served up at Christmastime on TV. It ends on a heartwarming note.

I liked the backstory, the scenery, the inclusive casting, the weight Gary Sinese gave to the piece every time he was on screen (which is pretty much the whole movie).

The weakest part is the woman who is too coy, with Princess Diana doe-eyed silliness, and a manner of speaking that makes her seem mentally challenged.

The fact that I could watch it 3 times over the years speaks well of the overall product, however. It is rare for me to watch one of these Christmas moves even once, let alone 3 times!
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Transports you to another time
16 December 2019
I was really taken with how Paul Rudd really looked like a man from that era. He played the complex man with great restraint, like a man with many secrets would be. (There are anti-gay reviewers here who gave the film low star ratings out of bigotry, so I gave the 7 star film 10 stars to compensate a bit.)

The story is uneven, and the last 15 minutes of the film fail the rest of the movie IMHO, which is a shame. I was disappointed they didn't explain all the real man's work behind the scenes in Yugoslavia. Those missions more than the ones depicted in the film contributed to his burnout after the war.

A fascinating trip back in time, with a surprising lead actor who does the best work I've seem him do. I'll never look at him the same way again. I hope he gets a chance to play another historical character with the same restraint; it is gripping to watch.
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I watched it twice!
16 December 2019
Once on my own, then with my husband, and I actually enjoyed it more the second time around. I saw many of the artistic touches that I had missed the first time, because I was distracted by the fascinating story. And performances that I thought might be over the top, actually seemed right the second time around. My husband really enjoyed it too!

Based on real events (reading about the real story was amazing after watching the film), which always makes for a more amazing story, IMHO. The real story was much more complex and went on over a longer period of time, so the filmmakers really had to fictionalize some things to fit it into one movie. (It could easily have been make into a mini-series.) I notice political trolls posting repetitive low-score reviews here. Ignore them.
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Beirut (2018)
A movie I could watch with my husband
16 December 2019
A thinking person's movie about a fascinating time and place. We both enjoyed it (but I thought the love story part was unnecessary and unconvincing).

I see lots of politically motivated, repeated, low score reviews here, so I put ten stars to counteract one or two.( I think I could really be about 8 stars.)
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Somehow it works
16 December 2019
It's hard to review this one because some of the bits that make up the whole are tropes (and the seer mumbo-jumbo is silly). However, the fine direction, excellent acting (I've met women like Bones,a real type who comes alive with Turner's portrayal), and post-WWII era setting all seem to come together to create an entertaining episode of this series.
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Dolly Parton's Heartstrings: If I Had Wings (2019)
Season 1, Episode 3
Well done, but sad
15 December 2019
Great writing, filming, acting. A simple tale told well and with great heart.
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Based on truth: always more interesting, amazing, and worth one's time
7 December 2019
This film is based on an expose by the whistleblower on the corruption in the Oil for Food Program run by the UN for Iraq under sanctions between the two Gulf Wars.

The adaptation was well done, and managed to get in lots of important information, but also portray some interesting characters. Ben Kingsley, as always, was a stand out, portraying a version of the real UN manager, while also making him an architype of all corrupt international managers.

I did feel that the romance storyline felt a bit forced, and unnecessary to the story. But it didn't really take up much of the time.

Well done telling this important tale to tell the world. I enjoyed it very much. It never insulted one's intelligence, which was refreshing.
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It reminded me of the indie films of my youth
6 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It felt nostalgic watching this film. The rough and ready quality, the noir feeling, the cynical attitude about every bit of the political spectrum, the feeling that parts were cut to leave the audience thinking: I was transported bact to the 70s-80s.

The actors were all good, but Mimi Rogers was great. I suspect the negative reviews here are from younger viewers who missed the 70s retro homage bits. So be it.

I liked it, even if I would have loved for more sleezy intrique toward the end, that seemed to be hinted at but cut for some reason: incest between the candidate and his daughter whom the step-mother sent away to school to protect from the father; the father revealed as having driven the car that killed the mother because she learned of the incest and his daughter saw him. The daughter totally bonkers from all that. You know, a "Chinatown" sort of ending.

The ending was ambiguous in two things: did he live, did his letter to his friend include everything we saw and heard in the voice-over and they players get busted? But 70s films always left ambiguities, so I can live with them.

It transported me to my youth. Thanks for that!
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Christmas with a View (2018 TV Movie)
How can a movie be so off, even with so many promising ingredients?
3 December 2019
One star for the scenery (I would have prefered the whole film just of the views, or all of it set outside).

One star for cutie-pie Patrick Duffy (I wish he were the lead actor! with a different story, of course, but with the great views, and maybe Vivica Fox).

One star for the good actors trying so hard to make up for the bad actors and poor direction and crappy music and silly script and odd casting (like the chef guy being identical to the best friends fiance).
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Stay Here (2018)
One good thing; so many bad things...BUT WHY?
4 November 2019
I enjoyed how they moved around the country and showed a great variety of properties.

Everything else was cringworthy, and got worse with each episode:
  • no bathrooms?
  • what about the other rooms in the big properties?
  • how much are you spending and who pays for it?
  • what perks are you getting from the businesses you visit?
  • so much stupid, forced, scripted wannabe-Will&Grace bits
  • too much music and title nonsense in such a short show
  • how hard would it be to do a follow-up at the end of the show?
  • who are these annoying hosts and what in heaven's name does the guy actually do, and I don't believe they are friends so stop pretending they are
  • please stop subjecting us to the forced and scripted "emotional moment"
  • STOP bear-hugging complete strangers!
  • why do the women go several octives higher when greeting each other, what is wrong with them?
  • we do not really need to encourage more properties out of the normal rental market and into the vacation rental market, do we?
  • why do you show the renovated property at the beginning of the show?
  • you are horrible people to force the workers to work through the night! Your deadlines are arbitrary and cruel.

But why? So many odd decisions went into the making of this show. It hurts to think about it. It came to hurt to watch it. Please stop it. And so many of the super-positive reviews here look like they are from wannabe-participants on the show, or people linked to the show Cringe, cringe, cringe.
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Blue Bloods: Protest Too Much (2013)
Season 3, Episode 17
Need more female perspective, YUCK factor HUGE this episode!
28 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Old-man Frank, a powerful man, has a young woman flirt her ass off with him, and he and all the men in his family think it is because of his good-looks and charm? How delusional are they supposed to be?!

The gross age-difference aside, powerful men fall from their positions when they start believing that all those young women are really into them. The young women are into power, into expensive gifts, into help from his powerful friends, into help with their careers, or into sick daddy issues.

Where was the female perspective in this episode? The episode could have been great, instead it was YUCKY. I had to struggle to keep the vomit down whenever they suggested Frank get together with that girl. How delusional can older men be?!!

And the woman who protested, Erin, Frank's daughter, was given such stupid lines and just made to make a sucked-on-a-lemon look all the time. She should have told them the truth, even if it hurt her father: the girl had issues and was manipulative; it would be suicidal for his career; young women are NOT into old men, they are into what they can get out of old men.

More realistic would have been a storyline that revealed the young woman's past conquests of old, powerful men with her usual lines, and that talked of her career advancement due to lovers, that mentioned her expensive gifts, and her bragging with girlfriends about it all, about how gullible and grateful the old men are, and complaining to her friends about making love to old men and their reliance on drugs, etc. to manage it.

Revealing that Frank was being setup, like so many powerful men before him, would have been a more realistic and more interesting storyline than the "Frank gives up a hot, young chick to make his daughter feel better-- wonderful Frank--petty Erin" storyline.
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