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The Prince (I) (2014)
Jung Jihoon is the only star in this terrible movie
18 December 2016
Where do i even start.

The main character's acting was horrible. He couldn't open his mouth without doing awkward bad actor movements, whilst having zero emotion in his voice and with dead eyes. With the very famous side characters bruce and john, i just can't understand why they chose this nobody as the lead character. His character showed no reason for us to even feel sorry for him. No matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't get the bad boy vibe. His daughter was a crackhead that we didn't get any reason to like whatsoever. The male lead has his daughter's college friend as his sidekick. There was some strange romantic vibe going on between them. Which is just very creepy. Her acting was terrible. She's pointless and just there as a transformers Megan fox copy. Bruce willis is the villain who gets like 10 minutes of screen time in total and is the only person to feel sorry for. Bruce looked like he put zero effort into this movie. John cusack probably got even less screen time and is completely pointless to the story. Seiously why was he there. Same as with Bruce, he clearly put no effort in.

Now let's get to the only good part of the entire movie. Rain. The only interesting character. A mysterious well dressed killer who does the dirty work for Bruce. He suited the role very well, which was a happy surprise for me since i have only seen him in comedy before (Full House and some TV appearances). His English is far from flawless, but i thought he did a good job with pronouncing and sounding fairly natural despite that. He also looked the most natural with the gun.

To sum it up, it's basically a bad version of Taken. The script is horrible and i can't put my finger on how, but the editing just seemed very weird and awkward. Don't waste your time on this movie. Unless you're a Jihoon fan. The just fast forward and watch his scenes.
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A wild ride that gets better as you get into it
12 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This was the second Korean drama i watched, and i was really not prepared for the violent and over the top start. I was tempted to stop watching it before i even finished the first episode. I felt like this was never gonna work. It was too ridiculous. There's no way this could turn into a cute romance drama. Thankfully, i pushed through and slowly found out that i was wrong. Because it really does get better.

The main character, Jan Di, was sadly a character that i really struggled to like. Her personality was all over the place. It was hard to predict or understand her actions. She also came off as very cold most of the time, showing almost no affection to her love interests. Which obviously made it difficult to care about her.

Joon Pyo, who started off as a spoiled brat i thought i would hate, ended up being the one i loved the most in the entire show. He was hilarious, emotional, had great character development, and had heartbreaking troubles that made you just want to hug him.

Ji Hoo was one of the main reasons i wanted to watch this show after seeing him in Playful kiss. But well, Joon Pyo stole the show instead. Ji Hoo was interesting, yet a bit too dull. I didn't really like that he was a part of the love triangle. Everything about him was just too sad. I wish he would've gotten some proper happiness, but it never happened.

There's not much to say about the other two f4 members. I liked Yi Jung's love story with Jan Di's friend, even though i would've preferred if it had just been about a player getting used to having a relationship, instead of dragging up an old love of his. There's basically nothing to say about Woo bin. Sadly there's was only a very small look at his life. Shame they didn't get into it more.

All in all, i really enjoyed it, despite it being a bit over the top at times and too much plot crammed into 25 episodes. Half of it would've been intense enough. But once you get into it, you're in for a wild ride. Though, if you're looking for a show with romance overload and a typical cute awkward girl following their crush like a puppy, then maybe look elsewhere. Because in this show, it's mostly the men who takes care of that part.
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Sword Art Online (2012– )
Exciting from the start, but kinda lost the magic by time
11 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed this anime. I binge watched both seasons in 2 days. To start off with the first season, that was the one i enjoyed the most. I looked forward to the next episode every time. The concept was exciting and had lovable characters. On the downside, i thought the time jumps were a bit too much. I like that it was fast paced, but to jump many months between and in episodes was a bit too much according to me. You hardly got to see how they settled in to the life style of being in a video game. It was just like BAM, everyone is a pro at this and we didn't get to see them grow into that. It's also a bit sad that Asuna started off as a mysterious badass and turned into a weak girly girl.

Onto the second season. I enjoyed it, but i never got the same thrill as i did with the first season. I'm still torn how i feel about the whole fairy theme. Did i accept it or was it too different from the first part? I'm not sure. The villain was too over the top stereotypical. I cringed every time he laughed. Also, the main excitement with the first season was the seriousness of life and death. If you die, that's it. By taking that part away for the second part, it lost a huge thrill. I felt a bit like, okay, you die, then just try again and again until you succeed. You don't really have anything to worry about. And don't even get me started on the sister. I didn't like the whole incest thing. They should've just got her and her male friend together instead. Made a stereotypical, clumsy, awkward, young romance. That would've been much better.

Actually, i wish they would've made both seasons about the first game. They could've made that go on forever. They could've shown every single level of the game. Come up with a bunch of cool monsters and characters to kill off. But overall, i really did enjoy this show. I'm excited for next season, but i'm not keeping my hopes up too high.
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Peter Pan (2003)
Magical movie with a special place in my heart
10 January 2015
This was the first movie i ever saw at the cinema. I was 7 years old,well, quite close to 8. So obviously, it has a very special place in my heart. I bought the VHS tape afterwards and watched it many times.Don't think i ever really watched the cartoon version and if i did,i was probably not a big fan cause i don't remember it. But i saw the cartoon not too long ago now, but prefer this 2003 version so much more. I'll blame it a bit on nostalgia.

No but seriously, i have watched this version many times now that i'm older and i think it means more to me now than it did then. Now, i finally understand the whole not wanting to grow up thing. I didn't take that part too seriously as a kid. I focused more on the rest of the film. Now, i'd give anything to be peter pan.

Jeremy Sumpter is perfect as peter pan. Playful, adventurous, typical slightly annoying boy and cute. Cartoon-peter felt more like an adult to be honest. Rachel Hurd-Wood is a great Wendy. She feels innocent, but still like a young woman ready to grow up. Jason Isaacs great as Hook and boring dad. I honestly didn't' even notice he was the same person when i was a kid.

And let's not forget one of the most important parts of the entire movie. The music. It's as magical as it can get and it is without a doubt one of my top 5 fave movie soundtracks. I think it might be 3rd place behind the Homeward bound-movies and Jurassic park. My favourite song is "Flying".

After all my nostalgic rambling, i just want to say that it's a magical movie that means a lot to me. Way better than the cartoon if you ask me.
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Romeo & Juliet (II) (2013)
An alright movie with quite a classic feel
10 January 2015
When i saw that Douglas Booth played Romeo i thought, wow he's gonna be perfect for this roll! I'm not even a huge fan of him, i just had a feeling he would really suit the roll. Boy was i wrong. I didn't realise how weird his physical appearance would look in that sort of time and setting. He looks like a very modern man. I highly doubt that young men looked like that back then. But anyways, his Romeo felt very...boring. No personality really. Just a blank paper.

I wasn't sure how i would feel about Hailee Steinfeld. I had watched the old Romeo and Juliet from the 60's only a few days earlier, so i actually liked that Hailee looked very similar to Olivia with the long dark hair going on (i'm not a fan of Claire Dane's' Juliet). Though once again, i felt like Hailee has a face that feels very modern. Olivia Hussey had a timeless look, but Hailee looks like a typical young high school girl. But she was still okay.

My favourite character was actually Benvolio, whom i didn't even notice existed in the older movies. Kodi Smit-McPhee stole every scene he was in. Ed Westwick was a surprise as well. Not sure how i felt about the acting, but he looked intimidating just like the old Tybalt in the 60's version. The story was as usual, not really anything to comment about except that i liked that it was set in the right age. To sum it up, an alright movie. Not too bad but not amazing.
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Sweet movie, especially if you've been through the same thing
10 January 2015
Not gonna lie, I was expecting a very sleepy, weird and well, extremely boring film. Sure, birds are lovely, but it sounds very dull to watch an entire movie about it. The only reason i even watched it was because i saw Kodi Smit-McPhee in Romeo & Juliet and i thought he was the best part of that movie. So i thought i'd give this movie a try.

If you don't like kind of slow movies, then i guess this might not be a movie for you. I was a bit scared when i saw how long it was, but the time actually flew by (no pun intended lol). It was entertaining and even quite funny sometimes. But most of all, i saw myself a lot in the lead character. I'm actually in a quite similar family situation right now. Lost a parent a few years ago (the same age as the character) and now i'm kind of trying to live with the fact that there's a new partner in the picture. I'm of legal age now so it's not like i have a new dad, but it's still a very strange thing to experience.

If you have been/are in a similar situation, then i would totally recommend watching this movie. It made me feel less alone at least. If you haven't been in that situation or isn't interested in birds...then you might find it a bit dull. But i think you should give it a try cause it's a sweet film.
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Beautiful, cute and extremely underrated show!
7 September 2014
Oh my gosh, i have the first season an a VHS tape and i watched it over and over as a kid! I was obsessed with elephants when i was younger so obviously i had to watch it lol. Not exactly complaining that there was a lovely scarecrow and an adorable little pig as well.

I think it's an extremely underrated show. It's so beautiful and has really lovable characters. Visually beautiful too. Such a calm,cute and cosy show with an exciting story. Even s bit scary at times. Could get pretty dark and deep actually. I would totally watch it even as an adult because it has a mature feel to it. If i ever have kids i will definitely show it to them without a doubt!
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If.... (1968)
Really confused
18 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I just watched this movie and i am sooo confused. I guess there's some old political British message hidden in it or something, but i don't get it all. I feel like you never got to know the characters. It was just a bunch of boys with the exact same haircut and clothes and i don't even remember if they ever mentioned any names. The only person i knew who he was was the lead character and the random coffee girl, thats all. I never really understood or cared about any of them or the story. I just thought it was about a bunch of sexually frustrated boys who liked to play innocent tricks on the teachers. That's what i thought until the final scene. The shooting scene. Then i just got confused and slightly shocked. I get that they hated school, but a massive shooting? Killing people? Why? Was the point of the movie that school can drive someone insane or what? Also the switching between black and white to colour was annoying as hell, even if i know it was because of money issues.
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Lassie (1997– )
Still love it
13 August 2014
Absolutely loved this show as a kid. I was only a baby when it came out in '97, so i watched it in early 2000's and i recently re-watched all episodes i could find. As an animal lover, especially when i was a younger, it was frickin awesome. It had cute animals, good actors, exciting adventures, lovely set and surroundings...everything i could ask for. A great show for both kids and adults.

It's a shame the show isn't more popular. It's literally impossible to find all the episodes online anywhere even though i feel like i have desperately searched through the entire internet. Pretty sure DVD's with the show doesn't even exist sadly.
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Saved by the Bell (1989–1992)
Beautiful to look at but unrealistic storyline
13 August 2014
It's definitely a lovely show to look at at. The 80's and 90's fashion and all that is eye candy for me and reminds me of my childhood even though i'm born in the mid 90's. It reminds me of a happier time. But i gotta say, the script and the storyline is pretty horrible most of the time. I mean sure, it's all happy and it always ends happy. It's a bunch of kids having fun in school dealing with very minor problems sometimes. The group is obviously a quite popular and normal gang. Parents barely exist. It's the perfect show to watch if you wanna relax for a bit and see a happy side of high school. A very unreal side unless you actually are popular, but still. But if you wanna watch something that you can actually relate to, look elsewhere.

Personally, i prefer a show that shows a more realistic side of life. Like Boy Meets World or Lizzie McGuire for example. Boy meets world handled almost every problem and life situation you can think of in a beautiful and natural way. Poverty, middle-class family, young love, death of loved ones, height difference, marriage... Their actors and actresses weren't super skinny without flaws, they looked natural. Same goes with Lizzie. OK, the movie was pretty damn unrealistic, but some parts of it and the show dealt with some serious and realistic stuff.

Don't get me wrong, i love saved by the bell. It's eye candy in many ways and i love watching it. But the script...it's pretty awful. It just gets a bit too plastic sometimes like modern Disney shows. But it's a great classic and it's still a billion times better than most modern crap that kids watch on TV nowadays.
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I actually loved it
6 August 2014
I feel like i'm the only one who actually really liked this movie? I don't understand all the negative comments about this film. Although, i must admit that i haven't read the book...

Anyways, I thought it was a very entertaining movie. Nice set. I find the whole story and concept interesting. It's very unique in these times of teenage movies about vampires, zombies and post-apocalyptic/post-war themes with twilight, the hunger games, divergent etc. Sure it has a few of those elements, but it's still a bit different. And sure the script is a bit cheesy and it has some flaws, but I don't mind it. After all, the movie is mainly made for teenage girls who loves cheesy stuff, and not old, bitter professional movie critics.

The actors were great as well. I'm personally a big fan of Kevin Zegers, Lily Collins, Robert Sheehan and Jamie Campell Bower. I think they did a great job.

I look forward to the next movie and i hope it will be even better. Also, i hope that i will have the chance to read the books someday. Maybe that will change my mind about the movie, who knows. But i doubt it.
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