
11 Reviews
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Top thriller
6 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
With Alec Baldwin gone after The Hunt for Red October, Harrison Ford took over as Jack Ryan for Patriot Games and does so again with Clear and Present Danger. As much as I wished Baldwin would have gone on as Ryan, in the third Tom Clancy film, Harrison Ford is on top form. He acts with wit, does some of the stunts himself and yes, here he lets you forget about there was another guy once. This is a hands on, full throttle thriller with some great lines, fine actors (Willem Dafoe as John Clark is stunning as is James Earl Jones' last time as Admiral Greer) and politic power game that could easily happen in reality again. The story has been tweaked here and there from Clancy's book, but that's okay. Plus we have a remarkably strong score by James Horner who already composed the music for Patriot Games.

By the way, the 4K version is looking great.
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For All Mankind (2019– )
Starts strong, ends not so strong
6 February 2024
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Seasons 1 and 2 were strong, really great and high standard TV making, good acting, great stories and nice cliffhangers. But with season 3 comes the change, the writing gets more plain and streamlined, some of the strongest characters are gone and it shows. But when we still have a good third offering, it shatters and drops with season 4 to just "the usual". Here the writing gets moderate, big surprises are almost not there and some of the characters are weak - and two old one get simply boring and their acting juts is not on par anymore. Mostly, all the good stuff has been left on Mars' ground in season 3 and the just can not pick it up anymore. If there really will be a season 5 after all, I hope they can reach the high standard from the first two seasons.
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Midsommar (2019)
4 October 2023
I'm sorry for all the fans... but this movie made me laugh and shake my head more then just a couple of times. The representation of the people of Hårgar with their silly gestures and movements makes this mystery horror film look like a comedy when it should not be. Ari Asters Hereditary is so much better even in all its strangeness and the not so very well done ending. But with Hereditary Aster took the opportunity to work with fantastic actors and made a visually magnificent movie while here it all looks so silly. Even the Swedish countryside never looks like Sweden but like middle Europe. What a waste of time and talent.
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Pitty there were no successors
11 July 2020
Fantastic documentary about one of the greatest film composers ever (he can be seen recording his score for THE RIVER). It could easily have lastet 2 hours instead of just 70 minutes, there is a wealth of people close to him who could tell wonderful stories about Jerry. Maybe even some of his fans could have been included. But Fred Karlin did a great job and his videotaped documentary is now really sought after.
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Nothing but a bad remake
14 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Nothing original here other than it's just a remake - and a bad one. Bad acting, bad writing. When do writers and directors finally learn that it's cheesy and doubtful a shooter shouts the name of the one he wants to shoot? Spare your time, do something else!
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Poltergeist (2015)
Bad, so bad
1 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Oh dear God, this one's bad. Really bad. It was so unnecessary to do a remake of an in all points brilliant film in the first place (and yes, there are even some good remakes out there - did I just said that?). Remember how frightened we all were watching the 1982 Spielberg/Tobe Hooper Poltergeist back then? Well, stick to that one by all means as this new version is just not frightening at all. Plus it's poorly acted, looks cheap, has a lot of pretty stupid lines and they even had to tweak a great story and do it all wrong (oh, they had to change the names as well). Please, just as you should never build a house on a cemetery, do not touch good films.
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Passchendaele (2008)
Missed opportunity
28 December 2014
What a missed opportunity. This could have been a great anti war film but it turns out to be a Canadian Pearl Harbor (Michael Bay's that is) drama with an overblown love story and sometimes terrible dialogs. I could not identify with or care about any of the characters. The battle scenes try to evoke a Saving Private Ryan feeling but they look terribly staged. Thank God it ends after about 2 hours and does not drag on for another hour. If you really want to watch an interesting and compelling movie about the horrors of the Great War I do recommend "All Quiet on the Western Front" (the original as well as the remake) or the Australian production "Gallipoli".
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Boring and overly dramatic
20 December 2014
While I never was a big fan of Michael Landon's TV work, I do remember liking his Little House on the Prairie when I was a kid, the longer it did run, the more tedious it became, not to speak of Highway to Heaven. But it gets worse with this Michael Landon jr directed TV movie about his father... or more precisely: about the son. It's a family drama, OK, but what a boring one it is. You never get to like any of its characters nor do you get a view into Landons work as actor and director. All of it is so superficial it gets quite silly to the end. Yes, it could have been interesting, maybe Michael Landon was not the Mr. nice guy he liked to portray in his shows, but with this terrible TV movie neither of it really gets a deeper look. Don't bother to watch it.
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Eagle Eye (2008)
28 July 2013
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Well, out of the many Hollywood action biggies, this is another one that tries to be very important, very clever and totally serious. Problem is that after 30 minutes all the plausibility has gone out the window. There are so many plot holes and stupid things happening (the death of the US-citizen with Arabian background for instance) that it becomes increasingly boring too.

And where do script writers take all this stupid names from? Ariia... oh well. And how clever to name Ariia's operator... yes, you guessed it, Bowman. Now guess again, Ariia does have a nifty red eye, of course, and goes crazy... of course. Thankfully that's it with uninspired parallels to 2001.

Avoid it. It's too long, it's too lazy and it's too "would-be-hightech thriller" to be taken seriously. Or even entertaining.
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Invasive (2011 TV Movie)
strange mix
29 June 2013
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There is a strange mix in Vivace that doesn't work well. First we have some nice, very french comedy elements at the beginning with a couple, we seem to like. And what's not to like about them? Then there is someone watching the new neighbors. Just ten minutes later we already know who he is and wonder what this is all about? Finally we have a mysterious Brazilian plant, that grows and dies and grows again, literally taking the breath of the nearby sleeping Pauline, who gets so affected by this strange crop the couple nearly breaks because of it. And last we even have death, sorrow and murder! All that because of a jealous garden loving neighbor...? Comedy, relationship, a tiny little bit of thriller and crime. Vivace is really a strange film, and I don't mean this positively, that could have been much better if the makers would have had a line to follow from the start.
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Oh dear!
26 October 2008
What a waste of time (to watch) and money (to buy). This is probably one of the weakest sequels ever done along with the Highlander sequels...! Oh dear. The best things are the federal network commercials, that have some of the dark humor of Verhoevens unsurpassed original.

The FX are extremely weak as well, especially the spaceships and the marauder project look pretty bad. Want to speak about plot? what plot?

and what terrible acting! Even Starship Troopers isn't known for its good actors but number 3 is even worse. Tried to get Angelina Jolie, eh?

save your time and watch better movies than Starship Troopers 3!
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