5 Reviews
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Of Money and Blood (2023– )
First half is great...
25 April 2024
This show starts out really strong. The story is great, the characters are engaging and the acting doesn't disappoint.

You more or less know where the story is headed, but you still can't wait for the next episode.

With the exception of the annoying daughter plot (both the plot and the daughter), i really enjoyed myself.

Then comes the second part : episodes 6 to 12. The story becomes boring and repetitive. The characters you previously liked become annoying, and you find yourself unable to root for or relate to any of them. The acting remains good, but that's not enough to save the show.

It's a missed opportunity, they probably should've wrapped the show in 8 episodes.
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The New Pope (2020)
Somewhat disappointed.
24 May 2021
I loved The Young Pope, but found myself disappointed in The New Pope.

The cinematography is beautiful, the dialogues are skillfully written and the acting is excellent, but i found it pretentious, and more importantly, not entertaining.

I'm probably being too hard on this show, as I had high expectations. It's still a decent show, and the cinematography itself makes it worth watching. But after watching The Young Pope, i was hoping for something better.
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Space Force (2020–2022)
2 June 2020
I can't say this show is bad - there's just too much talent and charisma in it - but i can't say i loved it either.

It's like the show doesn't know what it wants to be. It goes from absurd (and really funny) to romcom to painfully boring. Most sidestories are empty and pointless, and i just couldn't care about them.

It's too bad, because Steve Carell delivers an excellent performance and John Malkovitch is absolutely amazing and totally steals the show. The supporting cast delivers solid performances too, but there's only so much you can do with a below average script.

It might become a solid show in the future, if it finds its footing, but the first season wasn't that good.
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Friday Night Lights (2006–2011)
Hell of a show
8 March 2020
I took advantage of tv to rewatch this show recently, and i loved it even more than the first time.

The acting is really solid overall, with a few great performances. I especially loved Brad Leland, Connie Britton and Kyle Chandler.

You get caught up in the characters lives, and you can't help but care for them. And even tho part of the show feels "cliché", it's not one of those show where everything works itself out in the end.

As an added bonus, the show's finale is awesome, and it's rare enough to be noted.

Give this show a try, you might just like it.
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Ballers (2015–2019)
I liked this show but...
22 November 2019
So i watched all 5 seasons of Ballers, and i really liked this show but... it's also a show that doesn't know what it wants to be.

It started as a comedy, and it was good but at some point it became much more serious and darker.

I don't mind that they wanted to tackle some more serious issues, but i think they lost a lot of their audience at that point because that's not most people were watching the show.

Also, i really don't like how so much happens off the screen between seasons. I like it more when a new season starts when the last one ended, or it's like you've missed a bunch of episodes.
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