
21 Reviews
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Madame Web (2024)
Not near as bad as people make it seem
24 March 2024
As of writing this review this movie currently has a 3.8 rating here on IMDB. This illustrates not only the flaw of the 0-10 star system, but a generally skewed sense of just how good/bad this movie really is.

First of all, is this movie great. No, it isn't. But it sure isn't a 3.8 either. I've given this a 6 because it does some things right and some things wrong. The general story of Madame Web is interesting and its a story worth watching to see where the writers are going with the character.

Anyway, I'll break down what I liked and what I didn't in a pro-con list.


I enjoyed the story and development of Madame Web. Its a deviation from the comics but it works here, fairly well.

The music is decent throughout. There are some timely pop songs here and there but the score itself is also decent.

Madame Web's powers are also quite cool. By the end of the film I think they did a good job illustrating how powerful her precognitive power can be. Aside from some wonky cgi the last action scene is pretty fun.


The dub on the villain is not good.

The 3 girls are not written well Dialogue is generally high-school level (though I feel this movie is mostly targeted at a high-school audience, so this is passable) Some of the actors are weak in their roles Quite a few unbelievable scene interactions (especially in the first half of the movie. Dakota Johnson seems to struggle carrying lead roles like this.)

In any case, it isn't a great movie but it is definitely watchable. I think people need to step away from extremely harsh or extremely positive reviews for any movie. People who gush about how much they hate/love a thing are rarely the ones that fairly describe something's quality.

At the end of the day, Madame Web is a middling superhero movie right there with other Sony productions.
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Crossing Swords (2020–2021)
Great art, horrible dialogue
5 January 2024
This is one of those "style vs substance" shows. The art style is fantastic, but it is overshadowed by completely unfunny, poorly written dialogue. Its a real shame because the show has potential, but feels like it was written by a bunch of high school boys. The pacing is poor, the jokes fall flat, and the general premise is laughable. If it weren't for the art this thing would be only a 2/10 from me.

Maybe one day I'll give it another shot but I couldn't make it past the first episode. Watching this felt a lot like trying to sit through a teenager explaining humor to a toddler. Wouldn't recommend this show to anyone.
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The Last Outlaw (1993 TV Movie)
Pretty fun ride
14 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The Last Outlaw doesn't break the mold but it certainly is fun. The general premise of the film is fairly shallow but the characters are great. From the bank robbers to the posse I found the characters more believable than I expected given the film's introduction.

Mickey Rourke plays his role decently even though I wasn't terribly fond of the accent/demeanor of the character for much of the movie, but by the end he grew on me.

I really enjoyed the entire supporting cast. The bank robber gang was likable and certainly worth rooting for despite being murderous criminal scum. By the end of the movie there is a near perfect reversal of roles both for the posse and bank robber gangs, and the climax was thoroughly enjoyable when viewed alongside the fantastic theme song.

For people who enjoy movies with rough edges I heartily recommend this.
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Not what I expected
2 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is coming off of finishing episode 1.

First, the show starts with a really bizarre encounter with Maggie on the beach where she is attacked by a zombie shortly after hiding from some zombies walking past. She kills the thing with her scope instead of the knife in her belt. She also appears to scream in anger/frustration which is weirdly uncharacteristic of her supposed badassitude that the walking dead developed. There was no audible scream so I assume we are expected to believe she is exerting herself the same way she would be if she were actually screaming because she sure wouldn't scream and alert the zombies she just saw ambling past, right?

Then she goes to a bar with working electricity, functioning more or less like a roadside bar would function today instead of in the world that we saw develop over 11 seasons. It was weird and out of place...

The show carries on with weird oddities for the rest of the episode. Maggie's relationship with negan is right back to where it was prior to the walking dead finale. She either forgot their last encounter or decided to dismiss it. The writers on dead city must have created this show prior to seeing the end of walking dead because the tiny bit of closure negan and Maggie had is mostly gone here.

I am going to try and be optimistic for this show bit it isn't starting on a high note. And the number of 10/10 reviews has me gobsmacked. Did we watch the same show? Even if I were to back off from my nitpicking I wouldn't rate this higher than a 6 or 7.

I came for negan and Maggie, but after the first episode I am really only sticking around for negan. I hope they do better to give Maggie some depth. Lauren is a great actor but this script is not very solid.

Visuals are decent though. Especially if you dig dark washed out backdrops that obscure the cgi used on the sets.
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65 (2023)
Thoroughly Enjoyable
9 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The myriad negative reviews of this movie initially put me off watching it, but on a whim I decided to check it out. I'm glad I did because it was really enjoyable.

I like that this movie takes a novel approach to sci-fi storytelling. Instead of focusing on human characters on an alien world it revolves around human-like aliens on a relatively alien-like version of Earth (as it would be if we were to step back 65 million years).

I've got some thoughts running through my head regarding some of the symbolism in the movie (man+woman leads crashed on Earth, the bodies in the swamp, the cataclysm, the timelapse at the end). There is probably some deeper meaning to all of this, and I'm thinking it may have something to do with delivering the genetic code to Earth that would eventually evolve into humans. This may be a stretch, but the movie is constructed in a way that allows the viewer plenty of room to imagine.

Regardless of deeper meaning I think the movie was shot well, intelligently addressed most of the sci-fi elements, and captured just enough plot-tension to keep me interested without feeling out of place. This is certainly a movie I'd watch more than once.
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I Am Groot (2022– )
I love stuff like this
14 August 2022
I Am Groot reminds me of old animated shorts. The animation is great, the limited dialogue is charming and each of the stories is cute.

Honestly the only real problem with this show is there aren't enough episodes. It would have been great to see another 20-30 of these done. The format works well and there could be loads more stories.

But for what it is, I Am Groot is great.
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Monster Squad (1976)
First time impressions
31 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Just watched the first episode for the first time today and I'm surprised this isn't a more talked about show. It is absolutely ridiculous and silly (much like the Adam West Batman).

Episode 1 has a hilarious amount of bee puns, ludicrous dialogue and plot elements. Dracula confronting Queen Bee by threatening her with hornets and wasps (for which he apparently controls) is simply beyond goofy.

There are great 70s sound effects throughout (computer sound effects, dramatic tones etc.) and a fitting musical backdrop.

If you're a fan of the Adam West Batman you'll probably like this show. It has a similar camp comedy quality to it. It is light-hearted goofy fun and definitely worth checking out.
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Surprisingly bad
23 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'll start this review by saying I enjoyed Mandalorian and The Book of Boba Fett. Both series had some minor issues but Obi-Wan Kenobi makes them both look fantastic by comparison.

It was nice to see Ewan McGregor return to the role of Obi-Wan but his performance is heavily overshadowed by the absolutely terrible dialogue, plot direction, characterization of pretty much every side character and ridiculous use of force powers, stealth, lightsaber combat and general logic.

This is not Star Wars for adults. This is Star Wars for young kids and/or teenagers, which is incredibly frustrating because they are not the demographic that was around to appreciate the era of Star Wars that this show is based.

After finishing the short run here are a handful of really asinine things I wrote down while watching the show: 1: "Why is Reva running like a tiger?" 2: "Why is child-Leia so annoying?" 3: "How do no stormtroopers not notice Obi-wan walking with the giant bulge (Leia) under his cloak.." 4: "How is it Obi-Wan and Reva can whisper without any storm troopers hearing them... and why did she send him back into the building with only two guards when they had like half a platoon outside with giant guns...." 5: "What exactly is Reva's motivation for chasing Luke down? She goes from hating vader to wanting to take revenge against luke? What..." 6: "Oh god... are we seriously getting a redemption lead-into-spinoff with this terrible Reva character?"

The 5/10 I'm giving this is generous. If it wasn't for Ewan McGregor and some half-decent fight scenes in episodes 5 and 6 this series would be a 3 or 4 out of 10.

Really quite disappointing how bad this turned out.
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Morbius (2022)
A middling Sony superhero movie
5 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It should come as no surprise to anyone that movies produced by Sony are middling, at best. Morbius is no exception. The premise is solid but there isn't a whole lot Sony can do with the character given its limited pool of Marvel properties.

Morbius is a film that should have come out 5 years later. Similar to Venom, one of the key players in the Morbius mythos is not present (Spiderman). So what we're left with is an origin story to a character that exists in the same universe as Venom but without Spiderman. We're also presented with a villain that, as far as I know, doesn't exist in the comics. Whereas fans of Spiderman were elated to see multiple universes come together in No Way Home, Morbius feels incredibly isolated.

Sony simply can't produce quality super hero movies, it seems. Morbius tries hard to be violent and action-packed but has issues with pacing, motivation and relevance.

On the up side, Jared Leto does a fine job as Morbius. They kept the design fairly consistent with the comics but as I've already mentioned isolated the character without the appropriate pool of Marvel side characters to work with.

The runtime is short enough that you can watch Morbius without losing much of your day and it isn't bad enough to avoid. Morbius is just expectedly disappointing coming from Sony.

If you set your expectations low and avoid the troll reviews you may enjoy Morbius. Just know it, like Venom, appears to be too isolated to engage with the greater Marvel story arcs and characters.
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Really fun ride
16 January 2022
This film compared to the first Suicide Squad is night and day. Where the first film failed miserably across the board, The Suicide Squad succeeds. Great soundtrack, great characters, great cinematography and a great overall story.

Honestly I have very few complaints about this movie and enjoyed it a lot.
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Hawkeye (2021)
Surprisingly fun
4 January 2022
I've never really been a fan of Hawkeye or the other super heroes that don't have super powers, but I found myself much more appreciative of them after watching this show.

I enjoyed the characterization, the music, the cinematography and the show's overall arc (minus a bit towards the end of the last episode). The series has some great minor characters played by solid actors, which kept me invested early on.

I felt a little turned off by a certain character's accent, just like I did in their film debut, and this same character's climax in the last episode feels pretty forced.

Overall I think this was a pretty enjoyable show. I was invested by episode 2 and left wanting more of nearly all of the characters by the end of the finale.
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Cloak & Dagger (2018–2019)
I loved it!
4 January 2022
Having come off watching the whole series over two weeks I found Cloak & Dagger a really enjoyable show. These are characters I've been interested in for decades and finally seeing them on screen was better than I'd imagined.

One thing that always bothered me about the comic characters is they felt somewhat shallow. The comics loved hammering the "they were born from the drugs so they hate drug dealers" thing home. In the show Cloak and Dagger's origin story is much more compelling and leads into some really dramatic plot development as the show progresses.

The only thing keeping me from giving this a 10 is the pacing. Cloak & Dagger is a slow-burn and if you're not interested in the characters I could see this not being a show people could easily get into. Cloak and Dagger are complicated yet simple characters. Their surface motivations are pretty run of the mill but the development of each character, as related to one another, is refreshing.

I really love what they did with the dark dimension in this show, as well. I've read most of the published stuff about Cloak and Dagger and I don't think they've done anything near as interesting with it in the comics.

Cloak & Dagger is a great show and I can fully see myself watching the whole thing a few more times.
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After.Life (2009)
Enjoyable but superficially ambiguous
4 January 2022
I just finished watching After. Life and I'm left with a pretty "meh" feeling, overall.

Generally the movie is shot fairly well. The soundtrack is decent and the main characters all play their parts believably.

Having said that, the film's premise feels superficial. What could have been a very fun/unique film about the transition between life and death ends up being a shallow "bet you didn't see that coming" thriller. There are a number of unexplained pieces of the story on both the "is it this" or "is it that" sides of the coin. There are also a number of loose plot points that are never addressed in the movie and exist to, seemingly, reinforce the ambiguity of the film's plot.

I understand I'm also being a little vague with how I've explained things because I don't really want to spoil the film. I would say it is worth the watch, but I don't think it is particularly well constructed. There are supernatural things happening for no reason, relationships that are not developed enough for us to care, characters that are just "blank" enough for them to fit an argument for or against their motivations and an ending that weighs heavily one direction despite a number of plot points not having resolution.

All in all, if you're into thrillers this might have something for you but only if you're okay with simple superficial stories that use the cloak of ambiguity to come across as deep.
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Amazing follow up to the mediocre Infinity War
28 September 2021
Avengers: Infinity War was a pretty mediocre film, all things considered. It suffered heavily from overload (too many characters and plot-lines) but Avengers: Endgame ties things up really well. So well, in fact, that I've watched the film three times now and I'd be up for watching it again sometime in the future.

You've got humor, strong emotional pieces, a much-appreciated smaller cast of characters and an absolutely fantastic final act.

Avengers: Endgame is simply the gold-standard for the MCU.
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Disappointing but not terrible
28 September 2021
Avengers: Infinity War is not a terrible movie. Let me make this very clear. It is shot well, it has some very interesting set pieces and plot direction and it continues the Avengers storyline in a fairly compelling way. So why is it disappointing? Why am I dropping a 6/10 on this thing? Overload.

Avengers: Infinity War simply has too much going on. There is a persistent element of urgency to everything happening in the film but there are so many characters, plot pieces to connect, settings and motivations that it just gets to be a mess. You're never really given enough time to make emotional connections to any of the characters in the film (except a few but this is spoiler free) so the plot feels superficial even though the stakes are supposedly very high.

If you haven't kept up on all of the Marvel movies prior to watching Avengers: Infinity War you're going to end up sitting through a film constantly wondering why various characters aren't given any characterization whatsoever. There really is very little growth or development of any character in this film despite major events happening to quite a few of them. If this sounds paradoxical its because it is. You've got characters experiencing personal quests/journeys separate from everyone else, for which the outcomes are generally predictable. You've got major plot elements that are also predictable but designed to pull the emotional strings even though they're thrown at you rapid-fire.

It isn't a terrible movie. But it certainly isn't a great movie. Avengers: Infinity War is a solid 6/10. I enjoyed watching it but only really because, like many, I am very invested in the Marvel stories at this point and I want to see how it ends. I've seen it twice and I likely won't go out of my way to see it a third time.
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What a fun ride
28 September 2021
I'll start by saying that I really didn't care for the first two Thor movies. Now that that's out of the way, I absolutely loved Thor: Ragnarok. From the visuals to the soundtrack to the plot and round to the characters this is a really fun movie. It starts on a high and crest-rides all the way to the end.

We're introduced to interesting characters (some plot-integral and some side-dish) and a fantastic amount of colorful set pieces. Thor: Ragnarok is a significant improvement over the previous Thor movies and follows the Guardians of the Galaxy formula (make the movie fun and colorful, not drab and overly serious) to exceptional success.

If you haven't seen Thor: Ragnarok because you were turned off by the first two movies you're missing out. This is the best of the three by a country mile.
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Loki (2021–2023)
The gold standard for Marvel shows
28 September 2021
I've seen a bunch of Marvel shows (Wandavision, Winter Soldier & Falcon, Cloak & Dagger, Luke Cage to name a few) and Loki is, by far, the best of the bunch. There is enough creativity in this show to keep interested viewers interested. You've got action, drama, comedy and a general sense of foreboding that persists from episode to episode. The characters are intriguing without being too cookie-cutter and the motivations of many characters evolve with the plot.

Good on Disney for putting this one on the road to a second season. It is phenomenal and people I know who don't really care much for superhero content praised their time with this show as well.
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A solid Meh
28 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I saw the first 5 episodes and generally enjoyed the show. Having He-Man play a side line character was a bold move but it gives something fresh to the series. Having said that, this is certainly a show with some rough edges. The motivations of the main character Teela are fairly superficial given we essentially begin the show far into the mythos of He-Man vs Skeletor. The viewer isn't attached to Teela and He-Man's relationship long enough to give his departure any emotional resonance. In a similar vein none of the main characters or villains have much character development outside Teela and Evil-Lyn (and even then we're not given much).

This show pretty much requires at least some knowledge of the material prior to watching and it also requires a fairly open mind if you compare it to either of the two big He-Man shows (the original and the 2002 series).

I say take this show with a grain of salt. It isn't terrible by any stretch of the imagination but it certainly doesn't have much compelling attributes in the story or characters.
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Reservation Dogs (2021–2023)
Short and to the point
18 September 2021
This is a fantastic show. The comedic and dramatic elements are solid. The writing is incredible and the characters are believable, deep and perfectly cast.

If this show doesn't make it big and last long enough to tell its whole story then there is something seriously wrong with the world.

I can't recommend this show enough. If you haven't seen it yet then give it a chance.
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Simply a masterpiece
23 May 2019
This isn't going to be a long review.

Quite simply this is one of the best movies I have ever seen.
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Quite simply, horrible
17 November 2017
This has got to be one of the worst movies I have ever seen. An hour and 15 minutes into the movie I looked over to my wife and asked her if she could name a single person in the movie, outside of Alice. She and I could think of no one.

I called her in to play a game with me. We call it the counting game. Every time there is a hard cut start counting one-one thousand, two-one thousand etc. I've never seen a movie with so many scenes shorter than 3 seconds, in my life. It made following the action sequences nearly impossible to follow, took away any semblance of heart or soul the movie might have had, and makes it extraordinarily frustrating to watch.

This movie is an insult to cinema and the director should get out of the business. Shame on you for making such an absolutely horrible piece of garbage.
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