
5 Reviews
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19 March 2023
Watching as blank wall is more entertaining than viewing this movie. This basically a movie version of a wiki page, a really bad, poorly made, and deceptive wiki page, maybe Conservative Wiki. Bad history, bad reenactments, terrible wigs and costumes, and direction that is either absent, or incompetent.

Sorry, but the actress who plays Hilary is terrible, really over the top and cackling. I don't blame her as much as I blame the director who told her to play it this way. I', an actor, and I know actors are tools of the directors.

Avoid anything by convicted felon D'Souza, he's just telling his tiny audience what they want to hear.
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20 February 2021
This is a completely unrealistic film, not even bothering to look at real school shootings. This is not how school shootings operate, just stupid and ridiculous. Total right wing propaganda.
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10 May 2020
'Lost Cause' Southern propaganda. Skip, unless your a re-enactor who gets off on historical uniforms.
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Wow, this is bad
24 September 2019
The animation is clunky and stiff, the character designs simply ugly and off putting and the story? Obvious, boring and without charm. Despite the other reviews, I find it hard yo believe Disney had ANYthing to do with this.
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Spin-off of Rockford Files
10 August 2006
Richie was a character that had appeared several times on The Rockford Files, and seemed meant to be part Jim Rockford and part Fletch. Brockleman was always one step ahead of his creditors, had a somewhat combative relationship with a police Sergeant, and cool, but somewhat battered car (a vintage Mustange, if I remember correctly).

It was a fairly fun and breezy show, and Dennis was very good in the role, but the show could have used sharper writing. Steven Bochco had an early job writing the series, and in just a few years would create the first of the 80s-90s wave of cop dramas, Hill Street Blues. Steven's wife, Barbra Bosson also had a role.
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