
7 Reviews
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Risen (2021)
Original idea overused, too slow, too cold and predictable
29 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The concept is truly nice; do we want to communicate with extraterrestrial life forms? The part that mentions fancy telescopes and Voyager's golden CD is nice and gives a view point from the opposite angle of knowledge but, the plot. Remains over used , the dialogue is too long and slow.
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Position Energy Change
22 February 2021
Sometimes you just need to see this sort of Comedy -Romance to charge your energy, simple easy going plot, nice locations, good look People and simply a basic well made movie. No hard thinking, no hard feelings. Just light 'nd bright.
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Zoe, how to destroy everything t
3 December 2020
Okay, just don't spend any money on it. Zoe will screw it all after running in her bra for few takes and the zombie who loves her is going to screw it for himself.

Cold action, low talent, few good visual effects, overused plot.
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Tenet (2020)
Lost in time termination
1 December 2020
The crew, actors who have done TENET most have been chosen with an IQ higher than average just to comprehend and do their job. They surly have chosen great locations, good actors but plot and conversation makes you feel lost. I give 5 stars to production (except sound mixing people) and to actors who understood the story enough to play it.
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Caught (I) (2015)
Hard to swallow
31 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Hard to understand how the Sheriff simply didn't make the call to station reporting the kidnapped girl found.
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Cannot count how many time they called " Carol Ann"
22 August 2019
Poltergeist III is all about screaming "Carol Ann".
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Hell Beast (2012)
Total Waste of Time
12 August 2019
Would say something nice if this was a graduation project for some high school students Not grownups trying to sell a movie.

Waste of time, money, power and air consumed in making this so-called movie.

Plot is weak, graphics are poor and ridicules.
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