
17 Reviews
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Hocus Pocus 2 (2022)
They're back!
1 October 2022
I was so excited for this, Hocus Pocus is one of my all time favourite films! I was of course, praying they didn't completely ruin it, as Disney's reputation is rife for that. However, I was pleasantly surprised! It started great!! I do wish there were more of Hannah Waddingham, wasted opportunity there. She was fabulous. I also would have liked more references to the original characters Max, Danni and Allison and where was Binx!? I agree with other comments, you can really see that enjoyment on the faces of Bette, Sarah and Kathy to be back in their roles as the Sanderson Sisters! It was a joy to watch. Could it have been a little darker? Yes. Could the ending have been a little batter? Yes. Was it as good as the original? No. But was it a good film that was entertaining for the whole family and brought back some memories from the original? Absolutely!
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Vampires (1998)
17 May 2022
The casting is awful. James Wood is not the man, he's the worst person for this role. The Baldwin guy is terrible. This movie could have been much better with better actors and better writing. Also the way the women were portrayed in this movie was disgusting.
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Candy (2022)
14 May 2022
Interesting show, too slow at times. Acting is good, Jessica Biel was great. Justin Timberlake however, is one of the worst actors I've ever seen.

Production is good. I didn't like the courtroom back and forth though, rather they had just played the story out to it's end first. Made it feel rather jumbled.

The first episode was the best one. Didn't get any better after that unfortunately.
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Killing Eve (2018–2022)
Here's how you ruin a TV show...
11 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This show was perfect with season 1, season two was good, season 3 was embarrassing and season 4 ended in the worst way. Not how it ends in the book. Whoever chose to kill off Villanelle is an imbecile and clearly does not know their audience or the show! Should have kept Phoebe Waller Bridge and stayed true to the characters. Thanks for ruining the show.
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Started well...
20 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I had very low expectations for this, Netflix is notoriously bad at making movies. I liked the cinematography, beautiful set. I like that they at least tried to incorporate the original in the beginning. However it just went downhill, the characters were all awful. Sally could have been a real saving grace but this movie ruined her character. Leatherface was ok but it just lacked that psychological aspect that really gets you with the original. It had the isual tropes of course, like of course he was going to jump out of the water, of course people who absolutely should be dead were still alive and you guessed it, they didn't make sure he was dead. Because sure enough he wasn't. A couple of scenes were ok and started well but overall they missed an opportunity here... and I really with they didn't make Sally such a bad cartoon character.
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18 May 2021
I just came here to say... I love this show! Didn't have any real expectations, I like Kate Winslet so gave it a go. So glad I did! It's been a while since I had a show I couldn't wait to watch the next episode. I wish I could binge the whole thing! Kate is just amazing in this - all the acting is superb, as most people are saying. Great story, nice pace and leaves you wanting more.
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8 May 2021
I fail to see the point in this so called documentary? It's a mess and gives far too much time to people who want to be rich or are rich but lack any substance. All it's achieved is convincing me that Q and the whole agenda is a fraud and holds absolutely no power in society. It's all make believe - I'm sure it makes a lot of people a lot of money which is clearly the end game for the people featured. The kid and his dad are vermin. If you watch this, you will learn little about Q and more about the lengths people will go to for money and what they do with that money. Gross.
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Wrong Turn (2021)
Terrible movie
19 April 2021
I loved the first Wrong Turn. This is nothing to do with it. This movie is completely unbelievable on so many levels, characters are not likeable on either side, acting is poor and please someone tell me why a so called group of people living in the Appalachian mountains for hundreds of years can barely speak English? It's like a scene from Vikings, especially with the skins and skull masks etc how ridiculous. The plot is stupid, you have to make it believable on some level. This is so far fetched it's almost like a comedy. If you want a cheap, pointless attempt at a horror, you'll enjoy it. If you're expecting anything more, don't watch it.
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Ammonite (2020)
Could have been better
15 December 2020
Agree that this was missing many elements. I didn't feel I knew the characters well. I didn't feel anything towards either of them until the very end. There was just so much more that could have been explored with this. Not enough dialog. Also, that was a terrible ending. Had high hopes for this, with such a great cast, such a shame.
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Uncle Frank (2020)
Please keep making these movies!
27 November 2020
Beautiful film. Perfect cast! I think that was the key to this, likeable main characters that worked well together. These kind of stories are so important to be told, in such a way that nothing distracts from what is important. Frank, being able to who he is.
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26 November 2020
Heart wrenching film, I cried more times than I can count. Great acting! I loves the story, especially as it's based in real people. I don't take away from the fact that it was a perfectly enjoyable film. But yes, if the production value was a little better then this could easily have been an Oscar worthy film. None the less, I enjoyed it! Tears and laughter all the way through.
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Come Play (2020)
Pleasantly surprised
6 November 2020
Wasn't expecting much. I was wrong. This a great little horror/drama... lots of suspense and a great story to boot. Disagree completely with the comment about bad acting from the kids. They were great actors especially the lead boy! I've watched a lot of horrors and yes, this is one of the best so far (this year). I'm not saying it didn't have a few cliche moments, but I think that made me enjoy it more. Would recommend even if you don't like horror.
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The Lie (2018)
Had potential.
2 November 2020
The production was on point, beautiful cinematography and superb cast. However the story was lacking something. Maybe better character development. I also didn't like the plot twist. And what was with the emphasis on the ethnicity of the other father? Didn't tie in with the rest of the movie at all but was made relevant? This could have been a lot better but had some really good points. Worth a watch.
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Good watch
1 November 2020
I've seen just about every documentary there is about this subject, so naturally I watched this one too! I really liked it, I liked it even more because they avoided the usual frauds and attention seekers in this field. (Maybe with the exception of George Knapp but he was barely featured - thankfully!) So it immediately had more credibility than some of the other docs about the UFO phenomena. If you are interested in the truth or just want to know what's happening in your own "backyard" this is a good starting point.
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11 October 2020
Had to put subtitles on because I couldn't understand what Adam was saying. His character is the same as most of his characters from previous movies - even the jokes are the same. He of course, has the same celebrity actors in this movie playing the some characters but with a different wardrobe. I couldn't figure out if this was purely made for 5 years and under or if it was just that bad!? I love Halloween - but this sucked!
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You're Next (2011)
Better than I was expecting!
11 September 2020
So I am a huge horror fan, I was trying to find one I haven't watched. I don't usually give these kind of horrors a chance. So glad I did on this one!! I wasn't expecting it to be any good. At first I was thinking oh here we go another crap horror with a bunch of unheard of actors - stick with it! I absolutely loved this movie! There a few bad points, but overall a really entertaining horror and you're really rooting for the main character all the way through. The ending was better than I expected too. Glad they didn't ruin it.
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Killing Eve (2018–2022)
Went downhill with season 3
23 June 2020
Season one and two were amazing. It was so clever and kept the perfect balance between drama and comedy. The chemistry between Eve and Villanelle was magnetic and you couldn't help but watch. Great characters through out and such talented actresses as the leads. What really made Killing Eve though was the writing, sadly that went out the window in season 3! It was sloppy to say the least! It was like a different show - a very bad one. If they don't get Phoebe Waller Bridge back then I'm afraid the show is over. I would recommend watching season 1 and 2, skip 3 and just watch a highlight video and hope for better things in with season 4.
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