
2 Reviews
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Devs (2020)
Shocked by the poor reviews
5 March 2020
At the time of writing this, I'm surprised to see a handful of poor reviews and can't help but wonder if we watched the same thing? I think Devs is quickly becoming my favorite series and it has only just begun.

Alex Garland's writing and direction are on point. The cinematography was amazing, every frame a painting. Casting is on point and the actors are believable in their roles. Loving Nick Offerman's range as we see him in a more dramatic role.

Overall it's the perfect amount of SciFi, Mystery and Philosophy for me. I don't feel any drag if exposition as I'm still very curious to learn more about this world. My only complaint is the Hulu format of making us wait a week for each episode - but hey, I'll take it.
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The Gentlemen (2019)
Return to Original Form, with Meta Grace
26 January 2020
This felt like the Guy Ritchie I grew up with loving, but in a new and matured way without repeating the same old song & dance. The film was very meta and aware, but it was handled with class and not obnoxious. It also fit the story and character, having Hugh Grant's char aspiring to be a filmmaker.

Everything was utilized, setup well, and there were fire and great consequences to each action. Pacing was brilliant and the structure was beautiful. Going back and forth between the action and Charlie and Hugh's char scenes at the house were perfect. And right when it would have overstayed it's welcome, we move on to the next part of the story.
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