
17 Reviews
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Sisters (III) (2015)
Seriously, how does this movie get rated better than a 5 by even one person?
13 January 2016
It's just not funny! I could honestly film my own two sisters doing nothing and I would stand a better chance of laughing and having a good time. Tina Fey and Amy Pohler starring in a "party flick"? Come on, who wouldn't know that's not something either of them can pull off... But aside from that, it is NOT FUNNY, NOT AT ALL! There's zero originality here, none! Furthermore, it seems like 80-90% of the "comedies" being made today rely almost exclusively on "shock value" in order to get a laugh, and unfortunately for us all, "Sisters" is absolutely no different than the rest. It totally sucked! You would also think after working closely on SNL and being friend for so long, that Tina and Amy might be able to pull off playing sisters, but they even failed in that regard!

I really liked "Stepbrothers", and I was hoping this movie would be of that ilk, but even though "Stepbrothers" is far from being a great film, it is light-years better than this piece of rubbish!

How much further are we going to have to push the envelope if we want to keep getting laughs? What's next, movies depicting sex with animals as being funny? Scratch that, it's been done before...
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Disgraceful Propaganda!!
6 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This movie made me so mad! Do you know who the DHS lists as its top "terror threats"? It's not Islamic Jihadists like it should be, no, it's returning veterans and constitutionalists... Why are local police being armed with military grade weapons? They say it is to combat the potential threat of returning veterans and constitutionalists... This movie falls right in line with that anti-American propaganda... The main character in the movie is some sort of super spy/soldier/brainiac, and after losing his family, he turns his lethal skills against the government that trained him to kill... This progresses to the point of him becoming a full blown terrorist... They show Jamie Foxx's character puts his hand on a Bible and swear an oath to uphold the constitution, then immediately following that scene we see his character (who is the District Attorney) and his cop buddy gleefully giggle at the thought of entering the suspect's property without a warrant, which they do, and had they not, they would not have saved countless lives... This sends the message that constitutional rights should be relative, on a case by case basis... The mayor in the movie puts the city under martial law, yet another abuse of constitutional rights... Jamie Foxx's character also beats the suspect while he is handcuffed... The final disrespect for the law comes in the end when instead of just being satisfied with busting the perpetrator red-handed, Jamie Foxx's character (the DA) decides that he'll take it upon himself to be the judge, jury, and executioner, as he kills the man instead of letting him have his day in court... This is also similar to what happened in Boston... They unjustifiably and illegally put that city under martial law after the bombing of the marathon... Three people died at the hands of those "terrorists", and that was all the justification they needed to turn an entire city into one big prison... If we shut down every major city every time 2 or more people get murdered, obviously we'd live in a continuous state of martial law, and that is the precedent that was set after the Boston incident... Another parallel we can draw from this movie and what happened in Boston, is that just like the cops/DA in this movie decided to bypass the court system and just go ahead and execute the suspect, the police/Feds in Boston did the exact same thing... They killed the one brother first, then they had the other brother contained inside that little boat... They fired over a hundred rounds into that little boat in an attempt to execute the suspect in cold blood, it was only by dumb luck that the suspect was able to escape without a fatal injury... This movie just sends all the wrong messages... There are no good guys in this movie... I HATED IT!
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Fargo (2014–2024)
Complete Fiction Mascquerading as Truth
2 November 2015
Halfway through the first season of Fargo, I was hooked, I thought it was acted brilliantly in many regards, and overall I felt it was pretty deserving of its gaudy nine-star rating... But sometime shorty after that my feelings towards the show began to change... The violence grows more gratuitous and graphic with each passing episode.

The real problem I have with Fargo more than anything else is that it claims "This is a true story. The events depicted in this film took place in Minnesota in 2006. At the request of the survivors, the names have been changed. Out of respect for the dead, the rest has been told exactly as it occurred." The movie Fargo made the same claim, and it was also a complete work of fiction.

I don't like being lied to! I don't like it when people fake the truth. Truth really is stranger than fiction, so if the Cohen brothers want to make a compelling series that's actually based on real life murders, then there's no shortage of bizarre tales that are also true... But if you want to make a work of complete fiction (like Fargo), then that's cool too.. But the Cohen brothers FAIL in both respects by claiming something is true when it isn't, and then proceeding to make the show evolve into something so unrealistic that anybody with half a brain would know that there's no freaking way this was based on a true story.

Also notice the feminist propaganda at work... The woman deputy in the show is so smart, but all the male officers are depicted as either being completely incompetent, or they're total wusses... Another small propaganda angle I noticed was that on multiple occasions police officers searched suspects homes without a warrant. Now warrantless searches are a part of real life for all of us since the Patriot Act, but Hollywood still needs to do their part to normalize the death of individual liberty in America.
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What the Movie is *REALLY* About... Brilliant.... But *EVIL*!!
2 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This movie had multiple layers of esoteric symbolism, most will think I'm crazy and will not see my interpretation, but that's because it's not meant to be seen by the uninitiated...

The way the director was able to tell the surface story, but also added layers of esoteric symbolism, that was genius... The reason I'm giving it this low rating is because I'm outraged by the ending of the esoteric story...

The esoteric story being told really is "stranger than fiction"... The esoteric storyline is about mind-control, and the Illuminati...

The movie is NOT really meant to be a "fantasy movie", although it is meant for you to wrongly perceive that it was intended to be fantasy genre... First, let me tell you what is really happening in the main *surface* story The main character, Harold Crick, wakes up one day hearing a voice in his head... Harold was actually a victim of "mind-control", and the real world technology exists to make a person hear voices, just like Harold did in the movie, and actually that technology is old... It's called the "voice of god" weapon, it uses ELF microwaves to beam a signal directly onto the skull... The "author" who was narrating Harold's life was also under severe mind-control, but not the same kind as Harold... The "publishers" were the ones behind the mind-control... That's what' actually happening on the surface level storyline, but it's still esoteric, because most people will be fooled into thinking it's fantasy genre...

There's a whole other underlying story being told esoterically...

In the esoteric storyline, "Harold" represents humanity, and the "author Karen Eiffel" represents the Illuminati... Harold "wakes up" one day and becomes very aware of the mind-control and behavioral-conditioning happening all around us... He goes to a professor to try and become more educated regarding the "plot" and who is behind it... Harold does find out who's plotting against him, and the professor tells him "that's not good, everybody dies at the end of those stories"... This symbolizes Harold becoming aware of the Illuminati plans to kill most people on the planet...

PAUSE - The director (Forster) is obviously well aware, as am I, that there's a cabal of global elitists that are committing all their resources towards the monolithic purpose of reducing the global population by 80-90%... Yes, they also want world government, and global currency, but the endgame is depopulation, much in the name of the "climate change" myth... RESUME

Harold (humanity) confronts the Illuminati (the author) and informs them that we know what they are planning, and that we do not want to die... This pains the Illuminati (author) to see us (Harold) as real people, and to know that the way they "author" the global storyline kills real people, yet they still feel compelled to kill us...

Then the Illuminati (author) shares their plans with humanity (Harold), and the professor / educators are the first to understand it's supposed brilliance, and the educators will teach some to be accepting of the plan... This is symbolized by the "professor" reading the ending of the book before Harold and telling him it was a masterpiece, and that he "had to die"...

Harold (humanity) eventually reads the end of the story, and realizes it has been written that he (we all) should die for "the greater good", part of Harold (humanity) buys into it, and part of him doesn't...

PAUSE - So at this point in the movie, I'm really hoping that the esoteric storyline turns out to have a positive ending, it doesn't!!! RESUME

So Harold jumps in front of the bus, to save the boy (who represents the future of the human species)... We find out that the "author" (Illuminati) didn't kill Harold (humanity), at least not totally, but he was broken from head to toe... This symbolizes that not *ALL* of humanity will die , but it has been "written" that humanity will come within an inch of being wiped out of existence at the hands of the Illuminati agenda, just as Harold was brought within an inch of death by the "author"... The "author" explains that she just couldn't kill somebody who was so willing to die for the cause... This symbolizes the message that if you embrace the Illuminati depopulation agenda, then you *might* be part of the 10% that's chosen to survive and become the slave race of the Illuminati, who believe they will become our "transhumanist gods"...

PAUSE - That's the message the director is going with??? Get on board with this "Illuminati" anti-human agenda, or be killed by the global "authors"!!! Screw you Marc Forster!! Watch the documentary "Technocalyps" for more on "transhumanism"... Google "Georgia Guidestones" and watch "Endgame" for more on depopulation etc... RESUME

Then we get a little more blatant clue that the director intended the Illuminati symbolism when the cookies baked at the end are "Bavarian Sugar Cookies", Bavaria being the place where the Illuminati was formed... Later I found out that the director Marc Forster was from Bavaria Germany, which made even more sense that he would be a delusional fan of the Illuminati...

I think the wristwatch symbolically represents artificial-intelligence / transhumanism... Remember at the beginning the narrator talks about how good the wind "feels" across the face of the watch, this symbolizes a machine having feelings aka artificial-intelligence singularity... Then it was the piece of the wristwatch that saves Harold (humanity), so that symbolically represents the directors belief that humans merging with the machine aka transhumanism will ultimately be what saves the future of our species...

The "publishers" esoterically represent the people who actually do the dirty work of the Illuminati, they're waiting for the "author (Illuminati) to tell them how they wish to end it (humanity)... Notice also the death obsessed and nihilistic nature of the "author", that's a very fitting description of the bastards that comprise the "Illuminati"...
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Not much of a twist, and a fate of mediocrity
19 June 2015
Steve Martin is always pretty good, but the story is just so predictable, as is the cutsie musical scene and overall cheesiness... I do like that there's nothing really bad in the movie... It's something safe to let a young teenager watch, and a teenage girl who hasn't already seen this story rehashed in a thousand different movies, would probably appreciate it more than myself... No real symbolism or propaganda to speak of in this movie, so that's good... If you're wondering why I would make such a comment, checkout some of my other reviews where i break down the symbolism and propaganda I find in many of today's most popular movies... I like the older movies like this because more often than not, there's not much in the way of symbolism or propaganda, what you see is what you get... It's not like that today, it seems like half the movies they make these days are actually laden with demoralizing mind-tricks... Well, that's 10+ lines... God bless y'all...
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Ritual (I) (2013)
Could have been good, if it weren't stupid
13 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I thought this one had promise... Soon after it starts it's made known that this is set in "south Texas", Which really piqued my interest, Because to people who haven't lived here, it's a little known fact that in small towns up and down the Texas/Mexico border, people have long feared abduction from satanic cults... People go missing from Texas border towns, then turn up decades later when another mass grave of dismembered bodies is found on the Mexican side of the border... Not to demonize the Mexicans for this, it's long been rumored that they are delivering people to be killed by powerful business executives from the US... But back to the movie... The acting/script was pretty bad overall... Pointless and long transitional scenes... No depth to the plot, and ... They do try to ad depth to the protagonist husband and wife characters, but all that does is magnify how poorly written and acted this film is... I kept hoping that there night eventually be a payoff, but no, no climax, and a dumb abrupt ending...
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Harodim (2012)
Blown Away by the TRUTH told in this Movie!
12 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I did not know this movie existed, I can't believe they put the NWO story into a movie format, and actually did a pretty damn good job! I do believe that we are being lied to about 9/11, but regardless of that, 9/11 has been used to start a never ending war, whilst destroying privacy and individual liberty at home and abroad...

The "war on terror" is one that can never be won, and it will never end! What's a "terrorist" anyway? A criminal... That's what the people who conspired on 9/11 are, they're criminals, mass murderers! We have laws in place to deal with murderers, but they don't want you to see them simply as murderers..... No, I guess these people are worse than criminals, they're "worse than a murderer", they're "terrorists"... And "terrorists" or even "suspected terrorists", they don't have any Miranda rights like most people when they're arrested... Going along with the notion of "terrorism", is to go along with a notion that undermines the very fabric of the law that is in lace and to replace it with a new one that does not recognize the individual's liberty....

Some might say that there's an obvious difference between a "terrorist" like on 9/11, and your average murderer, so they should and will be dealt with accordingly... But to that notion, I would interject the Boston Marathon bombing... Though three people tragically lost their lives and many others were injured, this was a relatively small scale event... It's not all that rare in a big city to have a crime committed where 3+ people die and others are seriously wounded, and the likely suspect is still at large... However, because this was labelled as "terrorism", they suspended the citizens constitutional liberties, literally brought in an army of troops in state issued tanks and armoured vehicles, and put an entire city under martial law, all to catch two guys who allegedly killed 3 people in a city of almost a million people...

I also really like how the film gives the NWO cabal a fair chance to explain why they are driven to destroy us... I also like that they didn't paint the NWO cabal as some sort of cartoon-like entity... If you listen to some of the garbage that the globalist billionaires like Bill Gates spout, it sounds just like what the "dad/insider" in the movie says are their intended plans and motives... The director presented it fairly, which is what we need regarding such subjects, immediate debate...

There's only 3 actors in this movie, and I thought two of them gave stellar performances... The performance that I thought was sub-par was that of Travis Fimmel who played "Lazerus Fell" (the son/main protagonist)...

Still though, 10 out of 10 for telling the truth throughout the movie without drifting off into speculation or theory! 10 out of 10 for obviously getting the most out of what they had to work with! 10 out of 10 for having the balls to even make this film! 10 out of 10 for the overall effort put forth in the name of truth!!!!! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED VIEWING!!! CULT CLASSIC!

PS - Finishing it with the song "Bin Laden" by Immortal Technique (feat. Mos Def), that was also awesome and it fit perfectly!
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Search Party (2014)
On par with the Hangover movies!
6 June 2015
This will inevitably be compared to the "Hangover" movies, as it should, they are very similar... However, I still think that "Search Party" has enough originality to stand alone on its own merit... I wouldn't say it's better than the Hangover movies, but if you're a fan of those movies, then you should like this as much as your least favorite in the Hangover trilogy... It's definitely has its laugh out loud moments... I'm also a fan of "Silicon Valley", so it was a welcome sight to see "Urlich" and "Richard" with leading roles in this movie... The movie was well acted all the way around, with plenty of people you'll recognize from some of your favorite shows... It's a party genre film so there is a lot of drug use in it, but that's to be expected, otherwise it's free of propaganda... It's was an enjoyable waste of 90 minutes...
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Welcome to Me (2014)
Bizarre, Interesting, Unique, and pretty Funny
5 June 2015
This movie was worth watching at home, but I would feel gypped if I had paid $10+ to see it in a theater... Kristin Wiig does a pretty spectacular job playing this type of character without annoying the viewer too much... If you read my other reviews, you'll know that I'm always on the look out for various forms of symbolism and propaganda, luckily this film seemed to have very little of either... Except of course for the obligatory homosexual couple that they had to make sure everybody knows that they're homosexual, but unfortunately this is typical... I'm not asking to pretend that gay people don't exist on film, but lets have them exist as they do in real life, which is a pretty limited quantity, not 1 out of every 5 men is gay as portrayed by Hollywood... Sorry, it just annoys me as a hetero male, but I digress...If you're looking for an oddball comedy, "Welcome to Me" is definitely watchable... It 's really like a 6.3 movie in my book, but it's currently rated lower than that, so I'll give it a little bump and rate it at a 7....
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The Lady (2011)
Don't believe the hype, this lady was a Communist!
5 June 2015
Don't believe the hype, this lady was a Communist! Her father founded the communist party in Burma... Her "struggle for democracy", yeah right... Communist democracy, as in vote for whoever you want, but we count the votes... I'm sorry but glorifying this woman as some sort of freedom fighter, and that just doesn't jive with her communist roots... Now she's producing a Biopic about her father the communist leader, I bet you dumb liberals will love that one even more... This movie is warped in its perception and should have never been made... Luc Besson making this movie which is glorifying a communist, and also making "Lucy" which is for the glorification of Lucifer (aka Satan), this tells me everything I need to know about that French bastard... This movie is also boring, manipulative, and filled with propaganda... Stay away from this flaming pile of commie inspired garbage!
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Control Factor (2003 TV Movie)
This movie is not so much sci-fi, this stuff is real (for the most part)
4 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
"Targeted individuals" is a real thing... Most of the technology shown in the movie is not only real technology, it's very old technology developed by the DARPA and the CIA... Now I doubt they have guns that can make you freeze in place while they "change your implant"... I also don't believe that this type of mind control is being done in mass quantities as it was in the movie, but it's estimated that there are about 3000 "targeted individuals" being experimented on at any given time... This supposedly includes all sorts of weird stuff like moving all your furniture while you're out, "neighbors" who are in on it will spread vicious and untrue rumors about you, "strangers" will conspire against you to make you look like a crazy fool in public, and at the worst possible moment, etc, etc... But usually they use some sort of "ELF weapon"...

That "heart attack gun" in the movie, that's a very real weapon developed by the CIA 40 years ago! This was made public by the CIA's own congressional testimony in the late 1970's. Also made public around that time was the CIA's MK ULTRA program, in this program the CIA used drugs such as LSD and other more horrific forms of mind control against the will of their subjects... One of their objectives was to attempt to create mindless assassins...

"Voices in your head".... This could be done on a massive scale using the HAARP station in Alaska, but HAARP can also pinpoint its targets... To be fair, HAARP can also be used for a slew of other things, some of which are cool and useful, while others are extremely evil and even deadly... I've seen videos where this technology is demonstrated on a small scale using easily obtainable items, the sound is transmitted via microwaves, and is not audible to the ear, but rather it actually sounds like it's in your head...

The "Navy yard shooter" from a couple years back is an interesting story that some think points to mind control... Those who believe there was a conspiracy will point to the fact that the gun they took off the shooter had "My ELF Weapon" written on it... "ELF" stands for "extremely low frequency" which is the type of microwaves used in mind-control and other ELF weapons...

It has long been rumored that in the first Iraq war, the US deployed a "Voice of God" weapon... This reportedly caused all Iraqi soldiers on the front-line to hear the voice of "Allah" in their heads, the voice told them to disassemble their weapons and surrender peacefully, and so they did...

Think what you want, but we are all under various forms of mind control, some more than others... And if you don't think you're a victim, then I hope you don't own a TV, because that's the worst enemy the human mind has ever known...

For the record, "copper or tin hats" will not stop these types of weapons, but they will interfere with the waves and make them less effective... This is why no matter what subject, if it involves conspiracy, some idiot will tell the guy to "go get his tin foil hat"...

If they were already using a freaking "heart attack gun" in the 1970's, how mind boggling is it to imagine what horrors they might have created in the past 40 years! Equally as scary, we have to assume that many other countries also posses these weapons...

This movie was great overall! Acting was pretty good all around... The story was thought provoking... This movie goes pretty hard against the new world order and their military industrial complex! This might be the best "B Movie" I've ever seen! I might be a little harder on it if it were an "A-list" movie, but either way, this movie is not to miss1
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Teenish Time Warp, adequate at best
1 June 2015
This is like a 5.5 star movie in my book... It's a little different because it's basically what a high-school student might do if they had access to a time machine (unless they were in a band and had a book report due of course)... Speaking of which, this movie pales in comparison with time travel movies such as either Bill and Ted movie. If you're going to watch a movie about time travel, I would recommend other movies such as "FAQ about Time Travel" or "Primer", of course all the "Back to the Future" movies, but especially 1 and 2... "Triangle" is a bit violent, but it is well made... Other exceptional time travel flicks include "Frequency" and "Source Code"... "Pleasentville" is well done, but it's underlying symbolism is meant to be satanic, so I'd steer clear of that one... "Mr. Nobody" is a lesser known title, but it's also one of the best in this genre... "Idiocracy" is probably the funniest movie involving time travel...
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This movie is a PSY-OP for the Satanic New World Order - and it's Rubbish
29 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the most propaganda laden films I've ever seen!

This movie is all about planting seeds in your psyche for the impending New World Order and the fulfilment of the UN's Agenda 21.

Lets look at the antagonist and the protagonists in the movie...

Protagonists (Kingsman Cult) - The movie tells us that this is an intelligence organization formed and endowed by unnamed members of society's ultra-elite. They have no loyalties towards any nation state, but rather they're more like global enforcers.

Antagonists (Valentine Cult) - The movie tells us that his motivation for trying to kill the majority of the people on Earth is because he is trying to save the planet from "climate change".

In this movie, no matter who wins, the people of Earth are screwed. The protagonist Kingsman clan is a direct product of the global elite. In real life this would include people like Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, David Rockefeller, George Soros, Ted Turner, David de Rothschild, etc, etc... These people and many others like them are the driving force behind the New World Order.

"Some even believe we (Rockefeller family) are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure--one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it." ― David Rockefeller - in his own book "Memoirs" pg.405

Rockefeller's sentiments echo the ideology of the vast majority of those on the Forbes 400 list. I'd estimate that 7 or 8 out of every 10 billionaires is part of this "secret cabal" of globalists. The "Kingsmen" are basically a secret society formed by some of the ultra-elite... Also remember that in real life, intelligence is being gathered on each and every one of us and stored indefinitely (also sold) by billionaire companies like facebook, google, microsoft, apple, etc.

The antagonist "Valentine" is a different side to the same coin... He wants to kill the majority of the people on Earth to save it from "climate change", but this is the ACTUAL STATED DESIRE/PLAN for the worlds ultra-elite including Gates, Turner, Buffet, Winfrey, Rockefellers, Rothschild, Soros, Kissenger, too many known to list.

What's the elite's biggest stated concerns for the planet? 8 out of 10 will say "population" and "climate change"...

And what is the only stated cure for "global warming" aka "climate change"? We need LESS PEOPLE, way less! "Or we're all going to be cooked..."

This is exactly what Bill Gates said at the TED conference a few years back, except instead of using computers to kill people by sending them violent mind-control signals through their phones, they will use (in Gates' exact words) "healthcare, reproductive services, and vaccines" to LOWER THE POPULATION and save Earth from the man-made climate change FARCE! Ted Turner also says we need to lower global population by 80%... They are all globalists, they are all hell bent on depopulation. They will Keep clean seeds and meat for themselves, they are using our food and medicine supply to shorten our life spans, and more importantly sterilize us and our offspring incrementally. At the same time we are being drugged with fluoride in our water (gets in your pores when you shower, same dosage for infants or adults) and being hypnotized by our lying televisions.

The Church Scene - This was one of the sickest and most Satanic scenes in movie history. Underlying message, kill all Christians... They went way out of their way to portray all Christians as hate mongers, racists, "anti-science", and dumb... Of course they also had to throw in a "hail Satan", but that's just for laughs, right? Nope. And I'm not laughing... In the coming New World Order, real Christians will be marked for extinction, that's a fact... And to you "Pre-Tribulation" people out there, you better take a closer look at Mathew 24:29 and so on, because we're going to be here for it...

The mind-control aspect of it is also somewhat interesting, because real mind-control technology is EXTREMELY advanced these days. It's kind of a "kooky" subject to talk about, but if you ever examined real mind-control studies like MK-ULTRA, and mind-control studies done by universities, you'd see that the real stuff they were known to be doing 30+ years ago is downright scary! Now with advanced technologies involving ELF, it's weird and scary, but it's cool, because it's "science", and you don't ever want to be "anti-science" in the "new age".

Too much wrong with this movie to mention in my allotted words... And btw, all propaganda aside, I honestly still thought the movie was terrible!

I also cant believe how many idiots are outraged about the dog scenes, even in the story of the movie none of the dogs were killed! It's cool to portray Christians as hate mongers and then take out 100 of them, but don't you even joke about killing puppies! You people are as sick as those who made this movie!

The notion that there's anything remotely "gentlemanly" about this movie is absolutely revolting!

Fear not, for if you have faith in Jesus Christ, then you shall never taste death. And be of good cheer, for he has overcome the world! And for those who feel unwarranted hate of our Lord, I beg of thee to open your heart, then open a bible. Once you begin to understand it, you will see the truth, the way, the life. Jesus will return to gather his elect, though he comes not in peace, for this time he shall bring his sword! Fear God. Praise God! May God be with you all...
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Nightcrawler (2014)
Good Flick, but with Strange Multi-Layered Symbolism
9 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The movie itself was pretty good. It had a nice pace and kept me interested the whole time.

But what grabbed my attention more was the symbolism I interpreted from the movie...

1. The Parasitic Media - The most obvious message/symbolism from this film is its portrayal of the media as nothing more than a parasitic entity. This is a sentiment I can agree with.

2. Channel 666 - Most of the symbolism didn't really rear its head until late in the film. When Lou was talking to Nina (Rene Russo) in the studio, they were standing in front of TV's stacked in rows of 3, all showing the channel 6 logo,obviously "666" aka Mark of the Beast...This was meant to catch your attention, so that you might pickup on the rest of the underlying symbolism. It also served as a further indictment on media, symbolizing that the media itself is "of the devil" or evil.

3. "I think Lou's had a big influence on us all" - When I heard Nina say this to the guy trying to warn her that she was letting Lou have too much influence on her, I somehow immediately understood the underlying message/symbolism... When she said "Lou has had a big influence on us all", this wasn't actually just a reference to the character "Lou", this was a veiled reference to Lucifer (aka Satan, aka the devil) having "a big influence on us all"...

$. "Lou" represents Lucifer - Now i don't mean that Lou is literally supposed to be Lucifer in the movie, but he is following the archetype and displaying the devil's traits. He tricks people and makes them feel as though they are being forced to make a deal with him... Nina is willing to sacrifice anything and decides to allow herself to be controlled and manipulated by Lou the lunatic, symbolically, this is her selling her soul to Lucifer. Lou's partner Rick almost walked away from it, but sin got the better of him, and he too ended up making a deal with Lou, again this symbolizes him selling his soul to the devil... Rick thought that if he could demand enough in return, it might actually end up being a fair deal for him, but that devil is tricky, and the moment he no longer had a use for Rick, he led Rick right into his eternal death. In the beginning of the movie, Lou tries to negotiate employment from the scrap yard owner, but the scrap yard owner firmly rebuked him, calling him out as a thief... The scrap yard owner chose not to sell his soul to the devil...

5. Rise of the Psychopath - It is actually quite common for those you might call "psychopaths" or "sociopaths" to attain positions of great power and influence... People who psychiatrists would label as psychopaths, are people who seek power by all means, and they have zero empathy or sympathy for others... Most people are not like this, a normal person has limits and boundaries, the "psychopath and/or sociopath" does not suffer these restrictions, and they take full advantage... It is a little known fact, that among those in the "super-elite class" it is common to find people that could be categorized as a psychopath, but others would say they're just plain evil, or bat-crap crazy... Anyhow, I believe that the director is also aware that it is quite common for people like Lou to work their way into positions of power. When the movie starts, Lou is a nobody, and by the end of the movie, this lunatic was well on his way to achieving his goal of owning a network. The message here is that places like Washington DC, Hollywood, and "Wall St.", are filled with "nutjobs" who have no sympathy or empathy for their fellow man, rather they seek to dominate and control their fellow man.

7. FINAL - Symbolism Synopsis - So what does all this symbolism culminate into? What overall underlying message did the director want to transmit? I'm not 100% sure...

What's with the 666/Lucifer symbolism? Would the director go to such great lengths to show the media as evil or corrupt? Was it necessary to bring Lucifer element into it, just to symbolically hammer home the most obvious message of the movie (that the media is evil)? That seems like overkill to me... I'm not really sure why he chose to use this Luciferian element... It certainly isn't an attempt at any kind of "pro-christian" message, nor does it in anyway culminate into an "anti-christian" message... What is he trying to say????

What do we have to work with? 1. Lucifer Symbolism 2. Media is Evil 3. "Mentally ill" people rise to positions of power

The only message I can see all this symbolism adding up to, is a message that the people with the most power are psychopathic satanists, who use all forms of media to manipulate and control us. I do NOT really endorse the notion that that was the underlying or hidden message in the movie... Some gigantic leaps must be made if one is to accept this interpretation...

But as far as I can tell, it's either that, or the symbolism is ONLY meant to further illuminate the evils of the media, which also doesn't seem likely...

And if the writer/director did intend for the symbolism to be interpreted along the lines of "satanic lunatics control the world", then why make it so veiled??? The symbolism is so subtle that anybody who is able to pickup on it, would have to already be knowledgeable on such subjects... Which would make trying to convey this underlying message to the masses pointless, because nobody is going to get it... Unless his intention was to be smug and rub your face in it, knowing you wont pickup on nor understand the underlying message.
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Betas (2013–2014)
Inferior Show... Watch Silicon Valley Instead!
2 November 2014
HBO has a show called "Silicon Valley" that is far superior to this show. If you're going to spend your time watching one show about start-ups in the Valley, it should not be Betas.

Unlike Betas, Silicon Valley is actually funny, it has much better acting, and a much more enthralling storyline and cast of characters. I downloaded and watched the entire first season of Betas, it did not make me laugh once. Just another one of those shows that wants to be both a comedy and a drama but fails equally at both. This is the type of show that would typically air on one of those crappy channels like "the CW".

This did not effect my rating, but I did notice that this show also has a massive amount esoteric symbolism that is typically associated with the Freemasons and/or "the Illuminati". Most people will not even recognize any of this symbolism, so it really doesn't matter, but if you have knowledge regarding esoteric and occult, then it will jump out at you in each and every episode. Numerous Baphomet symbols, tons of all seeing eyes, more pyramids than one can count, owls, and those are just the obvious and easily explainable examples. Again, these symbols don't really affect the viewing experience, but they weren't put in there by accident either. I only mention it because I think the symbolism says a lot about the director. Make of that what you will.
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Alpha House (2013–2014)
Liberal Propaganda Garbage
27 October 2014
In the first episode you're hit with global warming propaganda, and gay agenda propaganda, and it only got worse when I watched the next couple of episodes.

The ONLY reason I gave this show any more than the minimum 1 star, is because John Goodman can still act... But they obviously used almost all of their budget to get him, because the supporting cast sucks almost as bad as the show's writers.

But all political bias aside, this show honestly sucks! Is it supposed to be comedy??? Or a drama? It FAILS epically at both! It is NOT funny! (No, not even with John Goodman) And the story lines are not at all enthralling! Absolute garbage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Instead watching this mindless drivel, you should watch the great Kevin Spacey give an accurate portrayal of the sociopaths and scumbags who rise to power on Capitol Hill.

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House of Cards (2013–2018)
More real than you'd ever believe
26 October 2014
This is the most accurate and hard-hitting political drama that has ever been produced. The characters are absolutely despicable people, as are most of the people who actually hold the reins of power in DC. I think it also illustrates how sociopaths and psychopaths like a Frank Underwood rise to power, because these types are much more power hungry than the average person. Unlike most political shows that have obvious right or left bias (usually to the left), this show is more about exposing this fraud of a political system and the disgusting characters who rise to power within that system This show is actually exposing the truth about not only the political elite, but all those of the super-elite class. This show is par for the course in real life elitist circles. Don't be mistaken, the super-elite are a society all unto themselves, and they are not like us, they are without empathy and seek to dominate their fellow man.

House of cards is awesome because it exposes what types of people really control the world. But it can also be dangerous when consumed by the dumbed-down masses... Despite showing himself at times to be the epitome ugliness and evil, Kevin Spacey and his character Frank Underwood still manage to come off as likable. Which I believe is being purposely done by the director/writer to reflect the way the dumbed-down masses will blindly defend their chosen candidates in this fake right/left paradigm. Even though this character just killed an innocent person, you still like him, because he talks pretty, he has charisma, and you have also seen him do SOME good things. Just as in real life, even though the guy you voted for who said he would stop the wars has been responsible for as many deaths as the last guy, you still like him, you still defend him, because he talks pretty, he has charisma, he's on your team, and you have seen him do SOME good things.

Unfortunately most will only see this as raunchy entertainment, and for some it will further distort what should be acceptable behavior and values for the people we entrust with great power.

This show should be viewed as a fictional yet pretty accurate depiction of what you might see if you could see behind the scenes on Capitol Hill. The show is very enjoyable, and the characters are very seductive, but at the end of the day, you better remember that these people like "Frank Underwood", are the absolute scum of the Earth! Just as the politicians in DC will seduce and deceive most who gaze upon them, so will this show seduce and deceive most who watch it.

EDIT - UPDATE - After finishing Season 2, I'm going to have to really lower my rating of this show. It started strong and fresh, now it's begun to devolve into the typical political propaganda / social agenda garbage that usually permeates the air on shows like this.

The show has great characters, but once you know them, and the show has to proceed forward in a meaningful direction, that's when this show falls on its face, near the midway point of season 2.

My initial review was after watching season 1, a strong 9, after finishing season 2, a strong 6...
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