
4 Reviews
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Deputy: Graduation Day (2020)
Season 1, Episode 1
Way too PC
24 February 2020
First scene terrible contrived dialog. Blah blah blah ICE bad LAPD good and defends innocent and Constitution (haha laugh).

But still gave it a try cause the oddball outdated county code to get the deputy to be sheriff was kinda entertaining

...and you lost me at "no mansplaining". How misandrous can you get. The dude was telling you his observations on his wounded partner. No real doctor would stop him short and tell him "no mansplaining". If the roles were reversed and male doctor, woman explaining the show would be canceled before it even aired if the male doctor said "no womansplaining". Just stop it.

The PC on this show in just the first 20 minutes really ruined it.
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The Rookie: Clean Cut (2019)
Season 2, Episode 8
Starts with advertisment
19 November 2019
First 45 seconds is an advertisement for the Toyota Tundra masquerading as a facetime conversation with son

Be less obvious next time ABC
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Burden of Truth: Devil in the Desert (2018)
Season 1, Episode 6
Episode should be called bait and switch.
26 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Suddenly there's new events that nobody's talked about in order to decimate the case against the steel company. And nobody cares about the toxic waste? the school field?... cause hey all the girls came down with a psychological condition brought on by a suicide event that nobody mentioned in the previous episodes at least once?....Not even his girlfriend mentioned? And I'm pretty sure that in previous episodes they mentioned the girls have already been checked for mental and neurological issues. So you're telling me all of them got the same psychological condition over this kids suicide and it's easily treatable through hypnotherapy? Yeah sorry not buying it.

Unless something changes this is basically a jump the shark episode early in the first season. Bait and switch or writers had to think of some BS way to extend the season.
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The Good Doctor: Aftermath (2019)
Season 2, Episode 12
Overall love the show, hated the Browne and Reznick subplot delivery
24 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILERS I'm only commenting on Season 2, Episode 12: Aftermath. SPOILERS.

In particular one of the subplot where Dr. Browne and Dr. Reznick get together for brunch and that leads to helping Browne's mom move.

If you've seen the episode okay. If you don't watch okay. If you watch and haven't seen the latest episode yet you were warned .... ..... ... .... .... .... Browne and Reznick go to Browne's mom's apartment to move her out today. Through dialog, we find out that mom's boyfriend had physically abused her so she needs to pack and get out before he gets home from work. Reznick decided that she needed to confront the man, and it was okay because Reznick has a gun and a concealed carry permit. I guess the argument here is that it somehow makes it legal to take the law into her own hands and confront this guy instead of you know calling the police and filing a complaint. The guy wasn't even in the apartment at the time, so they had to go find him at his work.

This is where I have a problem with Hollywood (well Vancouver BC Canada is where this is filmed) with their narratives. The storyline didn't have anything saying that this is wrong...well actually it almost did. Browne said something like you can't do that, to which Reznick said something to the effect of "yes I can I have a ccwp" (concealed carry weapon permit).

So they go to the guy's place of work and get in his face, Reznick daring the man to strike her I guess. Then what? She would pull her gun and shoot him in self-defense? Bzzzzt WRONG. She went there with the intention of provoking a situation that would require "self-defense". This is NOT a stand your ground case...this would be an intentional 1st-degree homicide case.

But as I said above this part is never mentioned, just that it's okay because Reznick has a permit.

Now I will give the storyline one credit though as it did attempt to show that a gun empowers women against physically abusive men. I have stated many times that "gun rights are women's rights". So I applaud the attempt, though the delivery is poor and if carried out would have actually been a crime.

Which brings me to the next problem. The guy that they went to confront? He was FALSELY accused of domestic violence because he asked Browne's mom to marry him and she got scared.

So Reznick was willing to confront and shoot the poor guy over a false accusation of domestic violence. This did not get touched on at all one bit. In fact, at the end of the episode, it seems everything is okay between Browne's mom and the poor falsely accused guy that unknowingly almost got killed because of the accusation.

This is also NOT okay. False accusations of abuse are NEVER okay, and they are very commonplace even if people do not want to admit it. They aren't a joke and can easily get people's lives ruined...and even get people killed. Pretending false accusations are okay is also not okay.

Okay, I'm done ranting. I just had to get that out because this subplot really bugged me.
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