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"It's a miracle this was made..."
1 October 2008
"Miracle at St Anna" is Spike's first foray into the war epic category and an impressive one. "Miracle" starts off with an elderly Hector Negron (Laz Alonso) killing a man at his job in the post office. Through investigation, they spot an old statue head in his closet and through his interrogation, the story begins in Italy. Negron along with Sgt. Stamps (Derek Luke), Sgt. Cummings (Michael Ealy) and Pvt. Train (Omar Benson Miller) are all part of the 92nd Infantry Division. The men end up befriending a young Italian boy and seeking refuge in a Tuscan village from the German army. "Miracle"'s first succession is the elaborate camera-work of Spike Lee, who finds a way to make a typical studio genre seem fresh and original. Another plus for the film was the acting. As with all of Spike's films, the actors feed off of each other well and the hints of improv is all there. Although the time of the film is under much criticism, I feel that it was deserved to get into all the small subplots and wrapping around the mystery that we're thrown into in the beginning. Last but not least, "Miracle" is the first Hollywood film to tell the story of the Buffalo Soldiers. And what a way and choice of director to do this in. The film is powerful and, while it may not top "Do The Right Thing" and "Malcolm X", it's unfortunately one of his underrated gems along the lines of "Clockers" and "Bamboozled". However, it is definitely one of the best films this year (had it not been for The Dark Knight).
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The Film of the Year
19 July 2008
Since 2005's Batman Begins, moviegoers and Batman fans alike have been waiting on its sequel thanks to a scene that hinted The Jokers appearance. A heavy viral marketing push and several trailers later, The Dark Knight premiered and packed more punch than your average super hero flick. Without a doubt this is the best Batman film ever. My first exposure to Batman was the 1989 Tim Burton film and I hold that one near and dear to my heart. However, there is no denying the intensity in this one starting with, the talk of the nation, Heath Ledger's portrayal of The Joker. Jack Nicholson's was good in a sense that it combined the kookiness and comedy of Ceasar Romero's Joker with the rough edge of the one in the comics. Heath brought a new edge to this one however. Pure madness. For the first time ever, I sat and watched a movie and 1) pretty much called an Oscar worthy performance and 2) thought I could be afraid of this character. At one point I thought to myself that Batman would never put this guy to rest. To make this all simple, Heath stole the show and, sorry to say because I absolutely love Jack's Joker, blew the '89s Joker out. As for the film itself, at some point you're forgetting that you're watching a super hero flick. They're all supposed to be CGI heavy, hinting characters for sequels, funny and a really fun movie experience for the fan boys to crazy over. The Dark Knight however contained some of this stuff but it felt so original and really cinematic. Clocking in at 152 minutes, the material in the film is really heavy and the darkness goes deeper than the hues of 1989's Batman. Some scenes I felt were R rated material only if they included the presence of blood. Me being a Batman fiend, but movie buff first, I really liked the script and depth of characters. Nolan succeeds where Raimi failed miserably, with Spider Man 3, by introducing a host of characters, twists and key plot elements without making the film confusing or feeling too crowded. The summer of 2008 saw the return of Indy, a new screen hero in Iron Man and the redemption of the Hulk, however its The Dark Knight that triumphs all and may just set a new standard for the summer super hero flick.
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Spider-Man 3 (2007)
Spider Man 3 is definitely the weakest link
7 May 2007
I am a fan of the previous Spider Man films, so it's safe to say that I was hyped up for the latest installment. May 4th was marked in my calendar for months leading up to the actual day. I watched Spider Man 3 on opening night and was left somewhat baffled. I liked the action, visually the film was stunning, but something didn't feel right. I was so disappointed. Although I was hyped up about the film, I also didn't go into it expecting the greatest film ever. But it was things like character development, story, and the overall theme of the film that dragged it. To describe this film in one word would be campy. This was definitely the campiest of all the films. In a film that was advertised as the darkest of the trilogy, instead we got too much comedy and a montage that was dragged on for too long. I couldn't help but cringe at these moments and wonder where did the magic, that was very evident in the previous films, go? As the credits rolled, I couldn't help but wonder what direction this franchise would go? These are questions that never crossed my mind after watching the previous films. Now Sony plans to include three more installments and I'm not even that excited anymore. To sum up everything, this film has its "oohs" and "aahs" but at the end it still proves to be one big disappointment.

Spider-Man 3 - ** out of ****
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Grindhouse (2007)
Sex, action, blood, guts and fast cars, Grindhouse has it all and then some
7 April 2007
People loved to be scared. I don't know what's the fascination of it all but it's true. I don't mind paying 10 to 11 dollars to lose a night of sleep. But horror films don't do that to me anymore but instead gross me out. It's cool but I'd like to see the horror genre get back to basics. Grindhouse, the latest effort by Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino, while not as scary fails to disappoint. One of the reasons I decided to go see this film was because of the way it was presented. Grindhouse is an homage to the old double features in the 60-70's and includes everything associated with them (missing reels, grainy presentation, fake trailers and etc.) The first of the two films was Rodriguez's "Planet Terror". This one was about infections that has turned all of the towns citizens into zombies. We also get to meet the main characters Cherry Darling (Rose McGowan), a stripper equipped with a gun for a right leg (long story, you'd have to see the movie), and El Rey (Freddy Rodriguez). The last film was Tarantino's "Death Proof", which is about a former stuntman (Kurt Russell) who gets kicks out of stalking young ladies and killing them. However, I left the theater torn between which one of the double features I enjoyed. In "Terror", Rodriguez gave us a somewhat satirical look at 70's horror films (where 2006's Slither miserably failed) from the camera angles down to the John Carpenter-esquire film score. Whereas "Proof" is typical Tarantino. It's very chatty and not as fast paced as "Terror", until much later, but easily enjoyable. Grindhouse clocks in at 3 hours and 11 minutes but it never slows down to the point that you can fall asleep. Grindhouse also delivers some well needed originality as far as today's horror films go. It's not only my favorite film of the year, so far, but one of my favorite films period.

Grindhouse - ***1/2 out of ****
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Harlem Nights (1989)
Murphy's only directorial effort is memorable
7 February 2007
In the late 80's to early 90's, black entertainers were not only making an impact in front of the cameras but behind. Directors like Spike Lee and Robert Townsend were trail blazers in the black film movement. Eddie Murphy, the decades biggest star, faced heavy criticism for not breaking ground for black filmmakers and actors until he included a predominantly black cast in 1988's Coming to America. And now with the "Black Film Renaissance" in full swing, Murphy wanted to direct. 1989's Harlem Nights was Murphy's first and last foray into film-making. Harlem Nights is a period piece set in 1938 Harlem. Sugar Ray (Richard Pryor) and Quick (Murphy) are owners of an illegal casino and they're being chased out of business by rival gangsters and corrupt police. The cast, which included the likes of Murphy along with Pryor, Redd Foxx, Robin Harris, Della Reese and a then unknown Charlie Murphy, is stellar. With all this comedic talent in one film, you'd expect a lot more laughter. The film is hilarious but Pryor's role is limited, as far as comedy goes. With all these comedy legends you'd expect to be bleeding internally from laughter. That is probably the only flaw in this film. Aside from the comedy, the films set decoration and wardrobe puts you in the prohibition era, and led to its Academy Award nomination. Harlem Nights also spawned one of the most memorable square offs in film history between Murphy and Reese. Watch that scene and you won't argue with anyone when they tell you that this film is a classic.

Harlem Nights - *** out of ****
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Juice (1992)
Shakur highlights a "hood classic"
1 February 2007
1992's Juice is one of many films that graced the silver screen during the "Black Filmmaker Renaissance" of the early 90s. It is also the debut film of former Spike Lee cinematographer Ernest Dickerson. Juice is the story of a group of Harlem teens that end up in a murder case. Another notable debut in this film is of the late rapper Tupac Shakur. Shakur plays Bishop, a troubled youth that is the main culprit in the murder of another young man. A lot of people don't know that, besides being a great rapper, Shakur is very gifted and actually acted before rapping. It is very evident in the entire film. In one scene in particular, he confronts Q (Omar Epps) in their high school hallway and we see the really ugly and crazed side of his character. While Shakur may have been the highlight of the film, the film itself is great. Like the films of its time, the hip hop culture is blossoming before our eyes with every frame. There is also a great supporting cast of young actors including Samuel L. Jackson when he was still known as Sam Jackson. Juice is definitely a favorite of mine and it seems like it never ages after 15 years. Scenes are still being quoted amongst my peers and has definitely lived up being a "hood classic".

Juice - *** out of ****
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Girl 6 (1996)
A sketchy comedy at best
28 January 2007
I am a huge Spike Lee fan and like any huge fan I enjoy everything he makes. Watching Spike Lee movies all these years I know what to expect going into a Spike Lee movie. Incredible dialog, incredible acting, messages or even incredible film scores (courtesy of Terence Blanchard). Spike Lee's 1996 effort Girl 6 however is a tough cookie. Upon seeing it for the first time, I was confused. There were a lot of elements in this film that I hadn't seen in any of Spike's films before. The cameos and the attempt to make this a straight forward comedy was some of the things I had never seen Spike do. But I had confidence in him and knew that he'd make this film watchable. Over the years I had been on the fence about this film and couldn't really figured out what I liked about this film. Was it the fact that it was a Spike Lee joint? Was it the incredible Prince soundtrack? So I decided to sit down and analyze the DVD of the film. We meet an actress (Theresa Randle) in the middle of an audition being conducted by Quentin Tarantino. We witness her walking out on the part because of demands and we also see her being dropped by her agent and kicked out of her acting class. Down on her luck, she looks in the classifieds and find phone sex companies looking for new ladies. She takes the job and we see Girl 6 blossom before our eyes. She has her highs and lows in the business but remains an aspiring actress at heart. Complete with fantasy scenes, Prince music, cameos and Spikes trademark shots Girl 6 was an OK comedy at best. Scenes made me cringe (see the Jeffersons/Good Times fantasy sequence), some made me laugh and the ending left me disappointed. I had now come to see what everyone disliked about the movie. But it wasn't as bad as everyone made it seem. Sure its a Spike Lee joint but don't expect it to be on the level of Do The Right Thing, Malcolm X or Bamboozled. Spike lapsed on this one but it still has its moments. 8 years after Girl 6, Spike would suffer the same fate in 2004's She Hate Me. Maybe comedy isn't his thing but Girl 6 (also see his child friendly 1994 film Crooklyn) separated him from the angry and controversial persona that the press made him out to be. Girl 6 is a mixed bag but it is watchable. I honestly can't say that I wouldn't sit down and watch the whole thing again.

Girl 6 - **1/2 out of ****
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House Party (1990)
The ultimate house party
28 January 2007
Fresh off the success of their 1988 debut album 2 Hype, Kid N Play was seen as marketable to mainstream America while hip hop was also burgeoning into mainstream. The former back up dancers turned hip hop superstars was casted as leads for two then unknown directors going by the name The Hudlin Bros. The rest is history. 1990's hip hop teen comedy House Party was an indie success and left footprints forever in the evolution of hip hop. Kid is still trying to get over the death of his mom and lives with his widower father (Robin Harris). He gets into a scuffle at school with bullies (Full Force) and when his father finds out, he is grounded. Being that he was grounded, it was preventing him from going to the "party of the year" being held by his friend Play. He decides to sneak out and go to the party. These events will lead to one crazy night. House Party is hilarious. Like one of the greatest comedies you'll ever see hilarious. Not only is it hilarious, but it captures the essence of early 90s hip hop culture. Positive lyrics, the flat top, jheri curls, the door knocker earrings, loud colors, Air Jordans, and who could ever forget the Kid N Play toe tap dance? House Party is the ultimate hip hop film that offer laughs even almost 20 years into its existence. House Party would go on to create a career for a unknown comedian named Martin Lawrence, spawn 2 sequels, a Kid N Play cartoon and its one liners are forever remembered by hip hop enthusiasts worldwide. House Party is definitely one of the greatest comedies I've seen and one of my favorite films of all time.

House Party - ***1/2 out of ****
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Class Act (1992)
Still a hip teen comedy after 15 years
28 January 2007
1992's Class Act was hip hop duo Kid N' Play's first and only movie together that wasn't part of the House Party series. Duncan Pinderhughes (Kid) is a straight cut bookworm and Blade Brown (Play) is a troubled teen fresh out of jail. The two start high school under weird circumstances when they're school records are switched. Pinderhughes ended up being placed in a class of roughnecks while Brown went to the more established honor roll classes. When they learn of the mistake and confront each other, they try to use the mishap to their advantage to straighten out their problems. For example, Pinderhughes, because he was nonathletic, needed to pass gym and Brown just needed grades in general. From there on the film is one big laugh riot. The culture clash between the two plays off great on screen. Pinderhughes is used to finer things in life (classical music being one), he has great manners and is usually around kids of his own intellect. Meanwhile, Brown grew up in a rough environment and the streets definitely gave him the tough and mean persona we see. Usually films like this don't really do well with age and they're seen as "90s comedy". But 15 years later, scenes from Class Act are still being talked about and laughed at. It also helps that it is shown on HBO and BET a lot these days. Class Act is a refreshing comedy and has definitely stood the test of time.

Class Act - *** out of ****
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Rocky Balboa (2006)
Sly and script almost KO'd Rocky VI
23 January 2007
16 years after the dreadful Rocky V, Stallone is back in the ring for the highly anticipated Rocky Balboa. This time around Balboa is brought back into the ring by hype stemmed from a fight simulation seen on TV pitting him against a younger and tougher opponent Mason Dixon. Best known for knocking out then champ Roy Jones Jr., boxer Antonio Tarver takes on Balboa in this installment. For people, like me, that aren't too familiar with previous Rocky films, this one has a very nostalgic feel. Most of the film you're sitting through flashback scenes and eager for the actual fight. This ordeal becomes dragged out and tedious quickly. Another minor problem with the film is the horrendous speech of Slyvester Stallone. Not only has he aged terribly but his slurred speech is the worst thing I've ever heard in my life. I can't go without mentioning the cheesy dialogue in this film. However, the entire film serves as great pre-fight entertainment for the actual fight. Minor distractions (Sly's speech slur, dialogue and overly dramatic flashback scenes) still can't take down this film and the incredible final duel between Dixon and Balboa.

Rocky Balboa - **1/2 out of ****
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Strong performances make for an inspiring film
23 January 2007
The Pursuit of Happiness is the true story of a man named Chris Gardner who was left alone to raise his son under difficult circumstances. Will Smith delivers probably the strongest performance of his entire career in this film. Most of the actors and actresses, including Thandie Newton and Smiths' son Jaden, are strong in the film. Stronger than the performances is the message. The film stresses that we must dream high and achieve. It's the same thought that made the real Chris Gardner a billionaire today. It's an inspirational and emotional film that I highly recommend for the entire family. Will Smith's performance is nothing short of Oscar worthy in this heartwarming film.

The Pursuit of Happiness - ***1/2 out of ****
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Dreamgirls (2006)
Best Film of 2006... Hands down!
23 January 2007
On the silver screen some 20 years since its Broadway debut, Dreamgirls is nothing short of spectacular. The large star studded cast included Grammy winner Beyonce Knowles, Oscar winner Jamie Foxx, legendary comedian Eddie Murphy and American Idol hopeful Jennifer Hudson. Dreamgirls is a story of three hopefuls getting their big break and the hardships that coincided with their stardom. Although she has top billing in the musical, Beyonce is triumphed over the acting and vocal performance of Jennifer Hudson. Hudson, who just came off a Golden Globe win, could be well on her way to an Oscar with her performance. Eddie Murphy's portrayal of James 'Thunder' Early was not too different from any other role he has done with the exception of his more dramatic side. But nonetheless, Eddie was great. The music was incredible and with great presenting, a nod to the Ziegfeld Theater in NY, made you feel as if you were watching the actual Broadway performance. To wrap things up, Dreamgirls was one of the best films that I've ever spent my money on or experienced in theaters and is the best film of 2006. And one more thing, Jennifer Hudson is well deserving of an Oscar trophy.

Dreamgirls - **** out of ****
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20 October 2006
Jennifer Connelly's character was given a house by her father in his death will. In the matter of eight months, she loses the house. She was supposed to pay business taxes and she never owned a business. It clearly was an accident but now she is homeless. Ben Kingsley's family is Iranian and their daughter was just married into a rich family. In order for him to pay for her wedding, he took on jobs (highway construction, convenience store clerk) without his family knowing. He came upon a notice with a house being put up for auction. He buys the house and plans to renovate to sell for 3 or 4 times the amount. Jennifer Conelly's character confronts him and is the spark that ignites an explosive battle for the house. The film was really heavy on my heart towards the end with the tragic events that took place. It's a fine example of culture clash. Here's an Iranian family coming to America to live a good life and not one of "gypsies", on the other hand, here's an American citizen struggling to live. They come from different backgrounds and see life from different perspectives. It was a really deep film and very tragic. Probably the most tragic film I've ever seen.
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The Grudge 2 (2006)
No sophomore jinx here
14 October 2006
"The Grudge 2" is the follow up to the 2004 hit of the same name, and follows a young woman (Amber Tamblyn) who is exposed to the same mysterious curse that haunted her sister (Sarah Michelle Gellar). The events of the film takes place just days after where the first film ended and throughout the film we are shown flashbacks linking the young woman's story to a family and another young woman. "The Grudge 2" takes us back to the original form of horror. We are at a time where the American audience can no longer be scared. Instead we are treated to other "horror" films that gives us more shock value (i.e. gore, blood) than actual horror. "The Grudge 2" gets kudos for doing that and actually separating itself from the crop of films coming out this time of year. Unfortunately one problem that plagued the original carried on to this installment, and that is the story. Once again I got the feeling that the story wasn't strong enough and we're left, especially at the end, unexplained on certain events. However, "The Grudge 2" is a popcorn flick and nothing more. It is also far superior than the original. The creepiness of it all makes up for the story and is welcomed at a time where gorefests occur more than a good supernatural thriller.
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Idlewild (2006)
Outkast has us marching to the beat of their drum with 'Idlewild'
25 August 2006
Before I say anything I would like to point out that I am a huge Outkast fan and expected nothing less from spectacular from this film. The duo is probably the most eccentric and likable persona's in hip hop today. Sure on paper the idea of a 1930's hip hop/blue/jazz scene may seem silly, but you'd have to see it to believe it. "Idlewild" is about two friends Percival (Andre 3000) and Rooster (Big Boi) that grow up in different lifestyles but have the same dream, that dream is make it out of Idlewild and into show business. However both are stalled by family life and trouble with Trumpy (Terrence Howard). Percival meets a woman that goes by the name Angel Davenport (the stunning Paula Patton) and with her he plans to be loosened from his father's (Ben Vereen) grip. The film serves as one big musical containing new original music and some songs from their 2003 diamond selling CD "Speakerboxxx/The Love Below", and is the directorial film debut of their long-time music video collaborator Byran Barber. Barber does one hell of a job and makes the film so visually pleasing. Every cut and angle put you right in the middle of the frenzied action going on in "The Church". Also some familiar faces such as Cicely Tyson, Ving Rhames, comedian Bruce Bruce and Ms. Patti LaBelle pop up from time to time. The boys from ATL do it again, but this time it's a visually entertaining film with catchy grooves that'll have you humming the songs on your way home from the theater.

Idlewild - *** out of ****
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A powerful and emotional documentation on this nation's worst disaster
21 August 2006
Spike Lee has made his most powerful work yet with "When The Levees Broke". It has only been one night and two hours, but this documentary has moved me in such a way. I lived to see this on television but nothing quite put me in the middle of this disaster than this documentary. In depth interviews with the mayor, governor and citizens of New Orleans and the Ninth Ward was so stripped down and raw, I couldn't do anything but weep. This is really the first motion picture or anything of that like to make me cry. I felt like I was there and experienced it. One thing that I applaud Spike for was keeping it real. Nothing was censored, which comes to no surprise because it's on HBO, but vivid portrayals of the environment such as dead bodies or backed up sewage, were shown and even when it wasn't you felt like you could see or smell it. The frustration of the people of New Orleans pierces your heart and you could do nothing but feel for them. In two hours, "When The Leeves Broke" taught me things and gave a lot of insight on the Hurricane Katrina fiasco. I eagerly await the final two hours.
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Being a shoe head, this film was heartfelt...
25 July 2006
I am an avid shoe collector and have been this way for years. I go on forums and talk about shoes. I got my first job the summer of last year, just to get two pairs of shoes. I applied for a job at a major shoe retailer just to get first dibs and a discount for Christ's sake. Shoes are a big deal for me. So when I heard about Just for Kicks I was excited. Another thing, I am an aspiring filmmaker and my dream project is a documentary, like this, that caters to people like me. And unlike a lot of other documentaries I've seen, I wanted to do something that dug deep into this culture.

Just for Kicks is one of the greatest documentaries, and not to mention most insightful, that I've ever seen in years. I never sat through a movie that almost felt like it was made for me. Another thing is that my knowledge of shoes is so vast and it never occurred to me that this movie would teach me things that I didn't already know. It covered so much on the culture, from Run D.M.C. claiming their possessions on "My Adidas" to the Air Force One phenomenon of recent.

I had an idea for a sneaker documentary myself and as of recent I started doing more research to find out what I didn't know and champ all the other documentaries. But now, I feel like I can't beat this movie. This is top of the notch and no other film can document this movement as well as it was documented in Just for Kicks. Interviews with huge figures in this culture such as Scoop Jackson, Bobbito Garcia and the greatest designer of all time Tinker Hatfield gave this film a huge plus.

This film serves as a historic recording of this culture that can be very beneficial to those wanting to start this hobby. I strongly recommended this film to those people and those nostalgic collectors that like looking back at these images and reflecting on the past.

Just for Kicks - **** out of ****
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Little Man (III) (2006)
The Wayans barely make it
14 July 2006
Written by Keenen Ivory, Shawn and Marlon Wayans, I expected their new release Little Man to be full of laughs like their other films. Surprisingly this one falls flat, but quick laughs get them past. A midget ex-convict (Marlon) is fleeing from the police after stealing a diamond and while in a store he places the diamond in a bag carried by a man and wife (Kerry Washington and Shawn Wayans). To get the diamond back, both the midget and his partner (Tracy Morgan) devise a plan that has him posing as a child and getting access into the family's home. After seeing films like Scary Movie and White Chicks, you kinda figure out the Wayans humor and go in expecting them to follow up. But instead the film is too tame and dull and is revived by quick scenes that get you to laugh. I was really disappointed with John Witherspoon's character because he didn't do the signature improvisational routines that he does in other movies. It just wasn't what I expected but I can't say that it wasn't worthwhile seeing the film, maybe I had too high of expectations but it wasn't really my cup of tea. I can watch it on TV but I'll skip buying the DVD.

Little Man - ** out of ****
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The best in the series...
26 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
To explain X-Men: The Last Stand in a word, it would be incredible. X-Men: The Last Stand starts off where X-Men United left off and we see Jean Grey evolve into the Dark Phoenix. Her presence poses much threat to the super mutants and triggers a war between the good and the evil. Joining the cast is veteran actor Kelsey Grammar as Dr. Hank McCoy, or the Beast, and sultry actress Dania Ramirez playing a supporting role as Callisto.

One thing I liked in particular is that Halle Berry's character Storm got a lot more presence in the film. I thought that she was overshadowed in the last two films. This film was a lot more action packed and the story is very complex. My warning to all, pay very close attention to it and you'll reap the benefits after the end credits. :)

Great film, go see it! X- Men: The Last Stand ***1/2 out of ****
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Slither (2006)
Decent popcorn flick, but not that impressive
1 April 2006
Universal's new offering Slither wasn't something that I was really looking forward to, but it was everything that I'd expected. It's the ultimate B-movie with horror and comedy included. There are scenes in Slither that made me laugh a bit and squirm a bit but it wasn't anything to impress me. I understand that it isn't meant to be taken as a real horror flick but I left wanting to see more. It's a decent Friday night popcorn flick but nothing that'll really make an impact on you. At the end, Slither is a bit of a mixed bag for me. The humor can be funny at times but get downright corny and as for the horror, there's nothing here that's going to scare you but the slimy creatures may make you squirm.

Slither - ** out of ****
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ATL (2006)
A genuine and heartfelt story about growing up in the ATL
1 April 2006
ATL is the first feature film from hip hop video director Chris Robinson and stars both rappers T.I. and Big Boi from OutKast. It's a coming of age story set in Atlanta, Georgia and follows five friends as they compete in the local skating rink and go through their trials and tribulations. I was really impressed with the acting of both T.I. and Big Boi. I like the direction that rappers are taking by getting into Hollywood. People like Ludicrous are getting a lot of attention for their acting and if that continues hopefully we can see more of them on the silver screen. The beautiful Lauren London plays T.I.'s girlfriend New-New. Every time she graced the screen it was a wonderful sight. Aside from that, there are a lot of strong performances in the film. Many people are dogging this movie and labeling it "another rap movie" but it's really good. It's a heartfelt and genuine film and separates itself from the rest with the humor and message. It doesn't glorify violence or drug dealing, though it is in the film, but denounces it and calls for teens to make right decisions in their lives.
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Inside Man (2006)
Spike and D is back... Inside Man is a must see!
25 March 2006
Spike and Denzel team up once again for his latest "joint" Inside Man. Inside Man is the story of a cop that matches his wits with a clever bank robber played by Clive Owen. I know it's going to sound very redundant, but this is an entertaining heist flick. Everyone may jump to call this film Spike's first "mainstream" film, but this is very much a Spike Lee joint. From the signature dolly shots to the social messages in some scenes, it's all here. Spike also benefited with the stellar cast that includes Jodie Foster, who looked stunning by the way, and veteran actor Christopher Plummer. Spike's work on this film showed his versatility. Most of his films are seen as indie's and to think of Spike making an action flick was too absurd, but he pulls it off here so smoothly and we could probably see more like it from him. It was a breath of fresh air after the critically panned She Hate Me, a movie that I somewhat enjoyed but wanted more out of. Inside Man was everything that I expected it to be and more. It is a fun, entertaining and suspenseful film that will hopefully champ this week's crop of trash at the box office.

Inside Man - ***1/2 out ****
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Worth a good scare
11 March 2006
The latest release The Hills Have Eyes is the re-worked version of Wes Craven's 1977 cult classic. I know this review might ruffle some feathers for someone that, like me, have a great appreciation for film but it is a good popcorn flick. To go see a movie like this one, you have to be open minded and not expect an Oscar worthy performance. I really like films like this that gets the audience's participation with all the screaming and shouting. The Hills Have Eyes makes this possible by putting in some dumb characters making dumb decisions, all to get the audience riled up. I enjoy films like Crash or a well developed film with a great plot and great performances but sometimes you need to chill out. There's nothing wrong with getting a good scare and having fun at the movies. The Hills Have Eyes is a gore fest and does well getting the audience somewhat shaken with horrific images and endless gore.

The Hills Have Eyes- *** out of ****
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Madea is back and funnier than ever!
24 February 2006
Tyler Perry is back as the gun toting Madea in the comedy Madea's Family Reunion. In this film, a relative of Madea comes to her rescue while she's in a abusive relationship with the man that shes going to marry. Tyler Perry takes multiple roles again as Madea, her brother and his son Joe. The film has an impressive cast that includes Blair Underwood, Lynn Whitfield, Cicely Tyson and poet Maya Angelou. The story of the film progresses and makes the film a sort of edge of your seat drama but it's the humor of Madea that'll have you rolling.

Both Blair Underwood and Lynn Whitfield were great as the sinister characters throughout the movie. It's definitely a must see for anyone. It saved me from sitting through the "comedy" called Date Movie. Madea's Family Reunion is great.

Madea's Family Reunion- ***1/2 out of ****
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Date Movie (2006)
Comedy? A horror at best...
24 February 2006
I never had high hopes for Date Movie but I initially thought that it could be worth my time to get out of the house. I paid $2 to get to the theater and $9.25 to get in. What happened from there on cannot be explained. For more than an hour I sat through this movie that they call a "comedy". Date Movie is possibly one of the worst movies I've ever seen. Not only is it one of the worst that my eyes had to endure but the absolute worst that I paid to see. The jokes were dead. The material in the film could've probably worked maybe 7 years ago.

The movie theater was as silent as a funeral and if I could slap someone for spending $11.25 I would've. But the story doesn't end there, there is a positive side to it. Madea's Family Reunion was released this weekend so I left and saw that instead. Let's say that now I feel like my $11.25 went somewhere. Date Movie is garbage and no one should spend any bit of their quality time on this trash.

Date Movie- 0 stars
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