
8 Reviews
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Forrest Gump (1994)
Storytelling At Its Finest...Capped By A Superb Performance By Tom Hanks
14 March 2009
This is one of those evergreen movies that you never get sick and tired after watching it several times. This movie is about a very less than ordinary man who does more than ordinary things in his life, his name is Forrest Gump. Forrest is a man filled with innocence living in a not so innocent world. He goes through life like everyone else but achieving great things that most normal man can only think of dreaming.

He went through college by being in the college football team and met the president while doing that. He serve the military and got a medal for his bravery in the war. He got into the the American ping pong team and become the first foreigner to ever set foot in China after so many years. He survived the hurricane and got to become a millionaire by selling the scrimps he caught and he ran for 3 years and gave inspiration to a few people along the way without realizing it. All the things he achieved in life is redundant to him because the only thing that matter to him is a girl name Jenny, the love of his life.

For those of you who have not watched this movie, I don't know what you have been doing the past few years because this is a movie that no one should miss.
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A Very Disappointing Movie
13 March 2009
I just came back from watching this movie and if you are thinking of spending your 10 bucks on watching this movie, i will advised you not to. This movie is better off being shown on the Disney channel rather than the theater. The movie was terribly made with terrible special effects as well. I expected much more from Dwayne Johnson but in this movie there is nothing much he can do. I heard this is a remake and it seems that it is not a real good one.

Dwayne Johnson should stop making this kind of movie before his movie career goes down in smokes. He can do better than this rather than being the next Tim Allen. The only good thing that you can take away from the movie is AnnaSophia Robb who really look good on screen and i expect her movie career to blossom in the next few years. If you really into kiddie movie with special effects from the 90's, than you should watch this movie, otherwise, spent your money wisely.
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Right Up There With All The Classic War Movies
9 March 2009
This is one war movie that will touch your heart and make you realize how ugly the war can get. The movie is about two brothers who got into the war after being drafted in. The elder brother tried to do the best he can to protect his younger brother and get him out of the war

This movie show how someone can change during the duration of the war. The battle scenes in these movie is right up there with any Hollywood production and it really felt like a real war was shown on screen. The horror of the war is well showcased in this movie with people being blown up and headshots being delivered. This movie brought entertainment and also the value of having someone care for you during hard times. Overall this movie was entertaining and touching at the same time with quite a few emotional scenes that will make you reach out for some tissue papers to wipe away the tears.
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Burn After Watching
8 March 2009
I have no idea why most people would rate this movie so highly. To me, this is the most disappointing highly praised movie ever. This is at best just an average movie that you would watch at home when there is nothing else on TV.

I don't know why the Coen Brothers are so highly rated in Hollywood, their movie are mostly average and carry an almost similar plot in every movie. This movie consist of the same thing, it include an idiot who wants to get money from someone and somewhere along the way someone get murdered. There are a few more characters in this movie that are quite redundant.

If you are hoping to go and watch a movie for entertainment wise because you are bored or just want to have a few laughs, then you should avoid this movie at all cost. This is just another Coen movie which gets high rating from their fans because they consider it to be a work of genius but in truth, it is far from that.

I went to watch this movie because of the good reviews that it got from newspaper and magazine and let me tell you, avoid the same mistake as i did when it comes to a Coen Brothers movie. It seem as if they are critic proof. I spent 10 bucks on the movie and got burn after watching.

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Taken (I) (2008)
A Typical Action Movie = Awesome
7 March 2009
Liam Neeson star in this movie about a father who find out that his 17 year old daughter was kidnapped while she was abroad. What the kidnappers didn't know is that Liam Neeson has some amazing skills that he pick up while working for the government before he decided to retire. Using the skills that he attains from the government, he tracks down the culprit that kidnapped his daughter and punish them.

I honestly did not believe that Liam Neeson can kick some ass, but in this movie he certainly looked the part. Liam Neeson is basically playing an older version of Jason Statham in this movie. He goes around whacking everyone that is in his way and does it very convincingly.

Maggie Grace plays his daughter. Even though Maggie is older than what she potray on screen, she doesn't look as if she's her age, she looked very young in this movie and pull it off as a teenager.

If you are looking for an action packed action movie, then this is the movie for you.
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Watchmen (2009)
Mr Snyder Got It Right
7 March 2009
This is one of those movies where you either love it or hate it...Well, i loved it. Maybe it is because i had already read the graphic novel and my expectation for the movie was quite high. Mr Snyder met my expectation and most probably many more who had read the awesome graphic novel.

Mr Snyder tried to do a scene by scene adaption of the graphic novel and he nearly did that to perfection (perfecting it is impossible) without leaving anything important.Mr Snyder had to get the cast right and he did just that(with the exception of Mathew Goode as Ozymandias).

Jackie Earle Hayley steals the show as Walter Kovacs AKA Rorschach. He suits the character perfectly, from his nasal voice (unlike Cristian Bale's Batman) to his dazed look as Walter Kovacs and mannnerism of Rorschach. His voice over from reading Rorschach journal was what people imagine when they read the graphic novel.

Billy Crudup as Dr Manhattan...well he did not need to do much because Dr Manhattan is somewhat close to an alien than a human. I usually tend to imagine Keanu Reeves as Dr Manhattan as it would suit hiim perfectly. The manner he speaks and move is what Keanu would be good at.

Patrick Wilson is another perfect fit as Dan Dreiberg AKA Nite Owl II. He got the side parting hair on him and those big glasses which gave him the nerdy look that is required. He acted as the kind hearted guy who deep down inside misses the vigilante days after retiring from it.

Malin Ackerman as Silk Spectre II...well she is hot and that is what most fanboys wanted to see. Enough said.

Jeffrey Dean Morgan did not have as much screen time being The Comedian but he did the best with the screen time he gets. Being the scumbag in the movie and got killed at the start of that gave the setting to the whole movie. The Comedian gave two hoots about who he offends or whatever decision he made, whether it's wrong or right and Jeffrey did just that to the character.

Matthew Goode as Adrien Veidt AKA Ozymandias...Well he just doesn't fit, from his frame to his hair and the way that he talks. It all seem wrong to me.

Overall Zack Snyder did what most people thought was impossible, bringing the Watchmen onto the big screen. Most of the credit should be given to him. Everyone should watch The Watchmen.
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An Audience View - Brought Us Back To The 90s Action Movies
19 November 2008
After 12 years Bruce Willis is back as John Mclane, the character that launch him into superstardom. I love the 1st and the 3rd Die Hard movies but not so the 2nd, so went i heard the 4th was coming out, i was hoping that it would not be like the 2nd of the trilogy. It turns out that this is most probably the best action movie to come out of the 21st century. Gone are the movies like Lethal Weapon, Speed or Face/Off. Those movies were popular in the 90s but Hollywood decided to stop making those type of movies entering the 21st century. We rarely see those type of action packed movies anymore where the good guys get the bad guys.

I wasn't disappointed when i went to watch this movie in the theater. The action got going right from the start and it didn't stop right to the end of the movie. This time John Mclane has a hacker as a partner played by Justin Long. Justin was convincing as the hacker because he does have a nerdy type of look in him and always play those type of characters in his previous movies. One thing i did not like about this movie is the villain. Timothy Olyphant does not look like a villain to me, he did not give a memorable 'villain' role in the movie like Alan Rickman did in the 1st or Jeremy Irons in the 3rd.

Overall this movie was great to watch and i have watched it more than once. It's good to see John Mclane again after an absent of 12 years and hopefully he does come back and kick those bad guys behind in another sequel
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The Chaser (2008)
An Audience View - A great thriller from the Korea film industry
19 November 2008
This is most probably the best Asian movies that i have ever seen. I did not expect much when i went to watch the movie but boy was i wrong. I was fully satisfied with this film because it had everything. The movie had suspense, action and abit of humour put into it The hero in this movie did not look like the hero that everyone is used to, he is rude,total disregard of other people's feeling and most of all he is selfish and only thinks about money and himself.But as we go along through this movie, we discover that he does have a conscience and goes out one of the girls he sent to the maniacal and psychotic killer in the movie.

The cast in the movie gave a solid and believable performance especially ha jung woo as the villain in this movie.He showed no remorse or feel any guilt in killing those people.Overall this movie is great and if you like to watch any Asian movie, than this should be the one for you
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