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If you don't understand this film, the ending is about you.
24 December 2023
Negative reviews complain that "nothing is explained" or "the ending is abrupt" and "it was slow and boring". If you can't think critically enough to understand how this movie relates to you, then I either pity or envy you-- I'm frankly not sure which.

This film hits close to home; a horror movie for the digital age. The vast majority of people (Americans at least) do not realize how much they rely on technology EVERY day. The line between chaos and order is thinner than it seems, and the events of this movie explore the human reactions to a technological collapse.

The plot produces much to unpack about the way our world is interconnected, and highlights different ways that helps and harms us. The score can be unrelenting and the cinematography uncomfortable, which helps put the viewer into the shoes of the characters on-screen.

There is one motif throughout the film that doesn't quite land for me, as it relies on a heavy-handed (and rather obscure) metaphor towards the end, in a movie that otherwise feels realistic and grounded.

I found this film a refreshing change of pace from the predictable, forgettable, and over-explained movies in the main stream. If a Marvel movie were bubblegum, then Leave the World Behind would be a three-course meal.
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Hostiles (2017)
Brutal, Brooding, Heartbreaking, and Beautiful
8 January 2019
Hostiles explores the deepest of human connection, the darkest of human brutality, and the potential for forgiveness. A riveting slow-burn, which may be viewed as politically correct by some, but ultimately stands as an homage to greater humanity. Superb acting, driven direction, stellar backdrops, and well worth the time.
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How It Ends (2018)
7 August 2018
The ending is getting a lot of hate, which is amusing- as everyone points out it is very abrupt. But use your imagination people!

The production places a beautiful story in front of you with realism, driven story, suspense, and on par acting. Whitaker is the driving force of the cast, and the film uses real stunts, sets, and practical methods everywhere they can. It calls back to the old days of cinema when directors actually cared to make a film look real and believable.

If you like disaster/apocalypse films (like The Road, or Book of Eli- not Dwayne Johnson flying helicopters around) then you'll enjoy this.
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More Focus on Animatronics Would Have Made it Better
27 June 2015
I am kinda surprised to see all the negative reviews here. All things considered for a 4th installment, it was highly entertaining and it held true to the original franchise. I wasn't sure what to expect going in but I came out so satisfied!

First off, they did pay homage to the original animatronics in some scenes. The original animatronic artist didn't return, but some new guy did a pretty good job. When it comes to movie making I believe in traditional means-- having REAL THINGS ON CAMERA. It allows the actors to actually react to something instead of pretending in front of a green screen. It also lets the audience buy into the story. Although, I was disappointed because I know they could have used it more, so shame on them. They didn't totally sellout into CG like Peter Jackson, but they could have done better. After watching the 4th, I went back and watched the original Jurassic Park and the animatronics still look SO GOOD. I just wish the Jurassic World crew would have taken advantage of the opportunity.

Next, the raptors. Always man, always with the raptors haha. This movie kept the original respect for the raptors in good taste (because they were allegedly so smart, even though we really have no scientific idea haha). Anyhow, the raptors were more of actual characters than just monsters in this one. I admired the twist. The raptor movement has improved substantially since the original, it was less jerky and awkward looking. But that is also because they were using CG.

Now, Chris Pratt was a swell fit for the comedic relief; there is one character in every movie for that. I did miss Dr. Malcolm though. But they were able to take the idea of a Jurassic Park a step further and ACTUALLY HAVE A FUNCTIONAL PARK haha. So it allows you to see a side of the plot that never existed in the first three.

As far as the plot goes, obviously its just a bunch of people running from dinosaurs, but they still captured the original terror of it all, ya know? I mean Jurassic Park was frightening as a kid, and this movie kinda threw me back into my childhood of imaginative horror. I used to be afraid that freaking T-Rex was gonna tear threw my wall and eat my family.

If you are, or ever were a fan of Jurassic Park, this is a must see. If not, it is still worth the sheer entertainment of Man vs Beast. Nature finds a way...

PS I can't wait for a Jurassic movie in 4D, where they let people onto Isla Nubar and see if they can survive for 2 hours. :)
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Hours (2013)
21 January 2015
I have always been intrigued by the catastrophe/natural disaster genre. I admire the non-fictional originality of this film. I'm not aware if this kind of situation actually happened to any of the Katrina victims, but it's sorely interesting.

First of all, mostly solo movies are difficult for an actor to portray the story in a way that will hold the audience's attention. I was impressed with Walker's ability to do just that, as I also recently watched "Brick Mansions"-- his other final film-- and I was hugely disappointed. His reactions to the situation were mostly small; I was riveted as I watched his character, trying to decipher his internal emotions by his facial expressions and body language. With all he goes through, I could feel the stress and anxiety that surely plagued the character. I tried to place myself in his shoes.

Second, I felt the movie places large emphasis on the importance of family. I believe a father's first priority is to care for his own, and provide for this family. I felt a strong sense of this in the writing, as Nolan did everything within his power to save his adorable baby girl.

In connection with that, the director did a swell job of always having something happening on screen. Nolan was always trying to do SOMETHING to help his situation. Unfortunately at times, it still got a little dry.

I admired the small inserts of comical relief; it was just the right amount.

Finally, the ending was just heartwarming; I had a subconscious smile on my face that lasted.

Overall, I praise the originality of this film and the obvious efforts that were put in by all those involved in the project. Definitely worth my time.
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20 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
On my evening to myself, I thought I would watch Paul Walker's last film. I though, "Hey, it will probably be decent." I couldn't have been more wrong.

This movie is awful. It's hard for me to concentrate and pinpoint which element is the worst over the feeling of how abhorrent it is. I'll make it quick because it's hardly worth my words.

Collier is a apparently a bullet deflector. Nothing hits him when he is always dead center in the enemy's sights. So annoying.

The car scenes were so shoddy, showing the speedometer registering at 80MPH when it's clear to see the vehicle is really going about 30. At one point Collier and the french guy crash into a red Jeep Cherokee going 80 and the van doesn't crunch an inch. Oh, and in the beginning when Collier crashes the Greek's car into the barrier (also going 80) he seems fine and dandy and the airbag didn't even go off.

Tremayne's character is completely inconsistent, being such a stereotypical drug bully the entire movie until the end, where he has a sudden moral mid-life crisis and decides to run for mayor. Not to mention his acting is terrible, along with everyone else in this shipwreck. The acting is so flat I was bored out of my mind.

The girlie fight scenes were just an excuse to get a lot of up-skirt camera shots with a side of bouncy cleavage.

The story is drier than the Sahara, being a ho-hum revenge line with no morals ending in a turnaround propaganda-like, stick-it-to-the- man, power-to-the-people warm and fuzzy as Paul Walker drives through the streets waving to his thug buddies and blowing kisses to the schoolkids.

The ONLY semblance of a redeeming factor was the parkour. Too bad it was ruined by cheesy side-by-side backflips and excessive use of slow-mo. Any director who uses slow-mo more than twice in a movie is immediately discredited in my book.

Well look at that, I've spent twice as many words as I wanted to. This movie is trash; don't waste the electricity.
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Frontera (2014)
A Welcome Relief
19 January 2015
I'm a big movie buff and I focus on the values of writing, production, and entertainment. I'm tired of all the buddy-cop, cookie cutter action movies these days. They are ALL THE SAME. I look for movies that have interesting ideas.

Frontera was a welcome relief to my annoyance with the current movie industry. The writing was very well done and the pacing was perfect. I felt interested and engaged the entire time. I like how the Mexicans actually spoke Spanish. Even though there were a lot of subtitles, it was much more realistic.

I loved the implications of importance placed on the family. The families of Miguel, Roy, and the sheriff are all placed in extremely difficult situations which must be overcome. I feel like most people could relate to these situations in some way-- I did. In addition, the things that Miguel's wife goes through sheds light on the circumstance and difficulties of those looking for a better life. The maltreatment and suffering they go through are real.

Finally, I loved the ending. My heart was racing because I had established a personal affection for the characters. This movie was well worth my time.
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17 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Aside from the shooting contest scene, I found the second movie to be a bit more believable than the first. The two have similar plot lines, the whole 'behind enemy lines' thing, but the ending to the first was ridiculous:

As the soldiers are chased down by an enemy squad in the first movie, they are pulling off head shots like it's a carnival shooting game; and nobody is even good at those. They way they hold off that squad, taking out so many of their men is completely unrealistic and it puts the German soldiers in an unfair and somewhat insulting light. Nobody shoots that good under that kind of pressure, no matter what side you are on. But I digress.

Saints & Soldiers: Airborne Creed was a lot more believable in this regard and I was satisfied. I felt there was a MUCH better balance between the two sides in how they engaged in combat. Casualties taken on both side were realistic, and there were no crack shot superheroes. I also enjoyed the interaction with the French freedom fighters; it's something I never really considered in a time of war.

I could tell this movie had a larger budget than the first as well, there were a lot more vehicles and fly-overs and such, which gave it a larger feeling. The acting felt real, and the emotional scenes were done well; it gives you something to connect to as the viewer.

Overall I think this is a notable low-budget war flick that appeals to your humanity; definitely worth a watch or two.
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