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The Mayor of Casterbridge (2003 TV Movie)
An Amazing Story
9 August 2007
THE MAYOR OF CASTERBRIDGE was the first classic novel I ever read, and was, I believe, the reason for my adoration of them. So, it was with some trepidation that I approached this film, knowing how badly destroyed some book to movie plots can get, and having grown up only knowing miniseries as something not so great.

I was thankfully very wrong. The movie was written just as though the novel were played out before your eyes. The characters were perfectly cast, the most minute detail noted (note how Susan Henchard looks pretty at certain angles, and plain the rest of the time). There were no major diversions from the plot, and only a few small details left out.

Over all, this did justice to a great novel, and while it is not for everyone, it is a must see for any Hardy fan.
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Pearl Harbor (2001)
It has some good moments
24 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
When PEARL HARBOR was first released, I was, I admit, a silly teenage female. While watching the film, my thoughts were not focused on how historical it was, how well the plot developed, the emotions, or the acting skills. Instead, my thoughts went along the lines of: "Josh Hartnett! Ben Affleck! *SQUEE!*" I am pleased to say that this is no longer the case. I finally watched the film with a critical perspective, and must agree with many of the reviews. The romantic plot, to put it mildly, was not good. The actors were not very good, the script wasn't very good, and the dialogue was just awful and trite. I often found myself rolling my eyes and wondering when in the world they would get to the good action part.

As for the Pearl Harbor bombing sequence, that was (in my opinion) an amazing scene. The background music fit the mood perfectly, the effects were beautiful, and it just seemed to overall capture the true tragedy of the events. Of course, this was all ruined by the appearance of our two 'heroes'. They killed the mood, and I could just hear all of the preteen and teenage females in the world sighing and staring at the actors.

The after sequence of the attacks, in the hospital and the ships, was also quite well done, I thought. I found it very emotional and tragic. Of course, I did not feel this way when it was once again ruined by the appearance of the title characters, but lucky for me, they did not show up to much in either of these sequences.

After that, the movie just went downhill. We had to witness more cliché 'plot twists', I suppose they meant for the pregnancy to be, and we had to see the actors attempt to act (and fail miserably.) But by far, the worst acting was shown at the end, when the character Danny dies. I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing. The whole thing was like a parody of a death scene, complete with touching speeches. I half expected Danny to whisper: "The light! I see the light!" He didn't say that, though he did mention being cold.

Overall, I suppose I must give two grades.

Acting: 1/5 Bombing sequence: 5/5.
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Anastasia (1997)
Simply The Best
22 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I have seen many, many animated movies featuring princesses and romance and music, most of them Disney. And after comparing ANASTASIA to all of these 'classics', I must say that I like ANASTASIA the most.

First, lets address the whole historical aspect. NO, this movie is not historically correct. One would be in a world of hurt if they were to try to use this to teach a child a history lesson. I am a person who is usually bothered by major historical inaccuracies. Of course, I admit that I know very little about this time period and about these events. To someone who is very interested in these events and is very knowledgeable on them, this movie might bother them. But keep in mind that this IS a children's movie-not meant to be historically accurate. It is meant to be fun, and this it accomplishes.

It is in the music that distinguishes this movie in my mind and puts it in a category of its own. The songs are simply amazing. There is not one song that I do not enjoy. Liz Callaway is just wonderful as the singing voice of Anastasia. When she sings "Once Upon A December", I get chills every time. It is such an eerie and beautiful, haunting song. And paired with the scene in which it is shown in, with the ghosts all dancing, well, it's hard not to be moved. And then there is Jim Cummings, singing as Rasputin. "In The Dark Of The Night" is also an amazing song. Very fun, yet still a bit scary. Of course, these are just two songs out of many wonderful songs. If anything, get the soundtrack, as it is just wonderful. The music blows all of the Disney songs out of the water, in my opinion.

Now, the romance. Yes, of course there is romance, this is a cartoon princess movie, after all. But it is not the love at first site plot that is so familiar to Disney movies. The romance is slow and just full of tension. Never before have I been able to feel such sexual tension between two cartoon characters. But the bickering Anya and Dimitri is just wonderful. Such chemistry! It is nice to see two characters get to know each other before falling in love.

Overall, this is just a wonderful movie. I remember loving it when I was younger and it had just come out, and I love it just as much today. I highly recommend this movie to everyone.
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Excellent Movie
21 May 2006
Recently, my sister and I have taken it upon ourselves to rewatch all of our 'classic' Disney movies. While I admit to enjoying a fluffy light princess movie, I thoroughly enjoyed this one.

THE BLACK CAULDRON was quite dark, and obviously not meant for children. The first scene alone was enough to give anyone the creeps, and would probably scare a child out of their mind.

The main character is, to put it gently, somewhat of a wimp. This is a nice diversion from the regular 'have no fear' royal prince that most Disney movies feature. It also had a princess who actually helped *do* something, unlike many Disney movies where the prince does all the work and the princess sits and looks pretty.

The villain, however, is what made this a truly unique Disney film. He was scary. I honestly got very creeped out upon first seeing him. Unlike many villains from Disney movies, he had no humorous qualities, no stupidity. He was just creepy and evil. If I were a child, he would give me nightmares.

Of course it had the typical humorous sidekick on both the villain side and good side (what Disney movie doesn't have one?) and the happy ending.

I can't say that I have ever read the books, and I am sure that had I read them, I might have been somewhat disappointed in the film. But as it is, I found it very enjoyable, albeit somewhat scary.
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End of Days (1999)
Somewhat good
16 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Overall, not as bad as it could be. During the scene where the devil attempts to sway Arnie, it sounds like some kid acting in a high school informational vidio used to show kids peer pressure. The ending was actually quite exciting...that is until they went all 'Alien' on us and showed the devil in some weird alien form.

There were some things that just didn't have a place in the movie, but overall, it was pretty well done. I would have liked to see it better explained and perhaps better executed on the part of the screen writer, but still. Arnie actually did something other than blow up people and kill them (though he did that as well)...a huge surprise to those who regularly view his movies.

A good rental film, though I wouldn't buy it. It's worth viewing.
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