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Creep (I) (2004)
A fun cat and mouse horror flick featuring a Creep movie f a villain.
26 August 2021
First of all, the people who gave this movie bad reviews and a really low score we're clearly expecting Shakespeare not a horror film. With that being said, this movie doesn't have a complex plot or storyline but then again it doesn't need on. The film follows a woman named Kate who falls asleep while waiting for her train in the London Underground. What ensues is a Game of Cat and Mouse between Kate and the alleged Creep. Along the way she meets various characters who all fall prey to the Creep while she desperately try's to escape the Subway Tunnels of the London Underground. All of the acting is very competent and the movie's atmosphere is unnerving. The villain of the movie is very good as well. He looks, acts, and moves creepily and you never fully know or completely understand his backstory. The film makers do leave clues and Easter Eggs but they never flat out explain who the Creep is which I found to be very refreshing. The suspense and gore are very well done and overall, the movie is very entertaining. Forget the naysayers and enjoy the film for what it is.
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Stan Lee's Mighty 7 (2014 TV Movie)
There's a reason why Stan is called Stan THE MAN Lee!
12 August 2020
I remember when The Mighty 7 first hit the airwaves back in February 2014 but for whatever reason I never got around to watching this film until now. The first thing that I noticed right away was the beautifully detailed animation. The entire movie is very brightly colored and the individual character designs for the 7 and the rest of the supporting characters look fantastic. I also really enjoyed the sense of realism that Stan tried to bring to the story. It has a bit of a reality tv vibe which makes the story feel new and exciting. The other thing that impressed me was the talented voice cast. You can tell that the actors were having a lot of fun voicing their respective characters. It's a complete shame that this pilot film didn't have a chance to shine and grow into a full fledged on going series. From what I understand there were supposed to be two more TV movies in addition to the tv series but due to the fact the Hub Network got purchased by Discovery and was replaced with the Discovery Family channel, the entire series and films were put on hold. Stan Lee did say that POW Entertainment was working on continuing where they had left off but because of Stan Lee's Death in 2018, the Mighty 7 basically laid to rest with him. For what it's worth this little movie is super fun, the action is great, the characters were very cool and Stan Lee gave a sincere performance throughout the film. If you're a Stan Lee fan and want to see a part of his later work in the comic book/ animation genre than this movie is for you. I had a blast watching it and I'm sure any Stan Lee fan will too! As Stan The Man would say, Excelsior!
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Snatch (2000)
Guy Ritchie is one of the most underrated directors of our time!
17 June 2016
To simply put it, this is my Generations Pulp Fiction. With that being said I know there are people on IMDb who would disagree but that's just because this movie is not meant to be taken too seriously. Just like Tarantino, this movie is heavily character driven which is anchored on very clever set ups. The only deference is that the story for the most part is told in a linear fashion and it also happens to be much more lighthearted considering all of the violence. If you are a fan of knuckle headed crime dramas that are filled with over the top exaggerated characters, than this movie is for you. It has action, well fleshed out characters, hilarious dialogue, and a very intriguing premise that once you start watching, you can't help but want to know the films final outcome. Overall Snatch is very well acted and entertaining movie for fans of Tarantino style crime films.
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Captain America's origin taken to new heights.
18 January 2016
I can't help but notice that many people gave this movie a poor score and review for all the wrong reasons. Anyone who has ever read comics from the 1930's and 40's know that the technology displayed in this film was far beyond what was plausible back then but that same silly tech was featured heavily in the comics of the time. Is this movie perfect? No. Did Joe Johnston play it a bit too safe? Yes, but he in my opinion brought the same flavor of films like the Rocketeer (which he directed) and the look and feel of movies like Indiana Jones, while staying pretty faithful to source material, and trying to include the film in the MCU. I personally had a blast watching this movie even with its flaws but I couldn't help but enjoy it for what it is. Captain America is a period piece that manages to tell his and his supporting casts story while weaving itself into the mainstream Marvel Cinematic Universe.
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Why better than the first live action film and a bit more closer to the Manga
6 January 2016
Being a huge fan of the original manga and a big fan of the first American film, Guyver Dark Hero is one of those rare exceptions when the sequel is better than the first installment. What makes this film better than the first movie is that they try to keep this film serious. Steve Wang and Screaming Mad George directed the first movie and as awesome it was seeing the Guyver done in live action, the tone and the pace of the movie vie was all over the place. The first film had comedy in areas where it wasn't needed and serious elements when things could have used a comedic scene to break up some on screen tension. The sequel is very different due to the fact that Steve Wang was the sole director. I'm assuming that Screaming Mad George wanted more comedy in the sequel and Steve Wang didn't so they parted ways. The sequel is by far the better movie for a number of reasons. They replaced the lead by casting David Hayter ( voice of Solid Snake in the Metal Gear video game franchise, screenplay writer of the X-Men movies ) who did a far better job than Jack Armstrong. David Hayter played the character of Sean Barker aka the Guyver very straight and very cool. The Guyver suit looked awesome on screen and was an exact adaption of the manga. They even went as far as to include some of the Guyvers other powers from the Manga and Anime. The the action and special effects for a 900,000 dollar movie are very good. The film makers tried very hard to Americanize the Japanese story while trying to stay as close to the original manga as possible. With such a tight budget they managed to not waste any money in delivering excellent costumes, action, makeup and special effects. This movie was made solely for fans of the Giyver and that's that. If you like the Guyver than this movie is for you.
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The A-Team (2010)
Good to have the A-Team back!
4 January 2016
As a huge fan of the original television series I was more than ecstatic when I read that they were making a live action feature film. People can say what they want about the original show but it provided children and adults with fun, exciting, adventures for these four soldiers of fortune . Being a big fan of the original series I was worried that Hollywood would not do the A-Team Justice but boy was I wrong. Yes it's updated for a modern audience but the core of the A-Team was not lost in translation in this film. The movie makers were able to take what was great about the shows premise and the characters by updating it without losing what the A-Team is and was. I think all of the actors were cast perfectly for their roles and it was fun seeing some cameos of the original cast sprinkled throughout the film. The movies plot surprising follows the original origin of the A-Team from the show and by adding certain liberties to the storyline. I'm not going to go into the plot because it's not important in reviewing this film. All you need to know is that I believe Hollywood did a fine job bringing the A-Team up to date without losing all the things that made them great back in the 80's. The actors had so much chemistry making this film and you can clearly see that they had a blast doing it. The movie paid homage to the original while still being fresh and new at the same time. They even went as far as to explain why B.A. Dislikes Murdock and why B.A. Is scared of flying. This movie has great action, perfect comedic timing from all the actors and it managed to jump start a new franchise. I for one hope they make another film or a series of films because the A-Team is timeless and are genuine American heroes. Bottom line is, this movie was made for fans of the original TV show and if you grew up watching the A-Team like I did, you will love this movie.
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The Punisher (1989)
Dolph was and is the best Punisher!
22 December 2015
As far as 80's action movie actors go, Dolph Lundgren never received the same level of stardom as Stallone, Arnold, or even Van Damme. Dolph has made some pretty good action movies over the years and the Punisher is definitely one of his best and one of my favorites. Growing up in the late 80's and 90's, the Punisher was one of the first Dolph Lundgren movies I ever watched. As sacrilegious as this might sound, I never watched the Rocky movies growing up so I never saw him as Drago. For me, the Punisher was my introduction to Dolph. As a huge comic book fan and a Punisher fan I loved this movie. In comparison to the more recent adaptations I still think that this is the best version of the Punisher to hit the screen. The action is nitty gritty, the kill count is high and Dolph plays the character like a man who simple doesn't care if he lives or dies just as long as the criminals get what they deserve.....Death! This movie is far from perfect but anyone who is a fan of Dolph, 80's action movies, and the Punisher, this movie is for you. My only complaint with this film is that the Punisher doesn't wear his trademark skull shirt. This simple fact can be overlooked due to the overall enjoyment of the movie.
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Ant-Man (2015)
Antman is definitely one of Marvels best outings in their ever expanding Cinematic Universe.
13 December 2015
First of all I would like to say that I was one of the many people who thought that this film would not turn out well due to all of the problems and changes that happened during pre and post production. When the news broke that director Edgar Wright left the project and parted ways with Marvel, I was extremely worried about how this movie would turn out . I've always been a huge fan of his films and I consider him to be one of the most innovative and creative directors in the business but the bottom line is that he refused to tie his Antman film with the grander Marvel Cinematic Universe and he spent ten years developing the movie with no results. Anyways I truly think Peyton Reed knocked this movie out of the park. Paul Rudd was awesome as Scott Lang and the entire supporting cast was great. There was just the right amount of humor and the pacing and editing was top notch. The movie never drags and the special effects and action sequences were unbelievable cool. The best part of the film is seeing how Antmans powers work and the micro-verse he inhabits while he's in his shrinking form. I think Marvel really did a fantastic job and I can't wait to see the next installment in the Antman franchise. I consider Antman to be on the same level of entertainment as Captain America the Winter and Guardians of the Galaxy.
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One of the best Slaher Films ever made.
13 December 2015
The New York Ripper is a film for those who have a fondness for the long gone sleazy 80's horror genre. It's truly that simple, they just don't make films like this anymore. There is something about the 80's that created some of the best horror films. You simply just can't replicate that moment in time when It comes to these kind of films. For me personally that was the best decade for horror movies and all of the sub genres that are included. This movie is not for everyone but it delivers on all accounts. It has a surprisingly well developed plot, decent acting, very attractive women, trashy New York locations, gratuitous sex, nudity, deeply disturbing gore, and a very unsettling killer who happens to sound like Donald Duck. This film has a very good plot and some very good plot and story twists. I highly recommend this film for Folchi fans and anyone who enjoys disturbing slasher flicks.
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Micheal Jai White is simple a badass!
26 November 2015
First of all I'd like to point out that people who poorly reviewed this film or simple dismissed it as a straight to video B-Movie clearly missed the point. If you think going into this movie you were going to get Oscar worthy acting, high budgeted local and special effects, you simply missed the point. This movie intentionally has a simple plot which I'm not going to get into because that's not the reason to watch this movie. This film also doesn't need a crazy budget for what it is trying to accomplish. This film is all about showcasing Micheal Jai Whites brutal, high flying martial art skills and excellent stunt work. That's really it. I can honestly say that this movie was made to show how great of a martial artist he is and it amazes me that this guy doesn't get more work in mainstream Hollywood movies. After all people would be surprised to know that Jai White is just about 50 years old and he looks and moves like someone who is in their 20's maybe even early 30's. If you are a fan of the action films of the 80's and 90's, this is a movie for you. Micheal Jai White absolutely brings his A-Game in the fighting sequences. Any fan of the action/ martial art genre will enjoy this movie. I will finish by saying, turn off your brain and enjoy the killer fight scenes. I just hope they decide to make a sequel.
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Micheal Bays Ninja Turtles is a complete joke compared to the original!
25 November 2015
First of all I'd like to say that it is a crime that this movie has such a low rating on IMDb. After painfully watching the new Ninja Turtles reboot or remake or whatever Hollywood is calling it, I felt compelled to rewatch the first Turtle movie from 1990. What makes this movie so special and great is how the film makers were able to blend the original Eastman comic and the very popular cartoon of the 80's into a coherent, dark, action packed, and humorous movie without making it feel to far fetched. I have always been a fan of practical effects. In a time before CGI, the film makers were able to use makeup, costumes, and puppetry to bring the Turtles to life. The Ninja Turtles in this movie look a thousand times better than the awfully designed CG Turtles in the new movie. This movie also captures the dark and gritty side of New Yorks underbelly while still being able to lighten the mood using the Turtles offbeat humor. The other aspect of the film that works well is how they tackle the Foot Clan. By using kids who come from broken homes and giving them everything that a young boy would want, gives the Foot Clan a perfect opportunity to brainwash these kids into being indoctrinated into their crime syndicate. As far as villains go, I found the Shredder to be very Opposing who commands the screen with his pure evil presence. This movie is just a ton of fun and it is cool all the way around. I will admit that I do have nostalgic values when the t comes to this movie. I just hope a new generation of kids will be able to appreciate the original. Overall forget the New Turtles movie. This is the real Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!
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Ninja (2009)
Evil versus Good and good always triumphs!
25 November 2015
This movie is by no means an excellent film. This film is a throw back to 80's action flicks with an emphasis on martial arts and the Ninja subculture. The acting is not very good but the action set pieces are excellent! This movie showcases Scott Adkins amazing martial art skills and stunt work. Anyone who grew up watching 80's action movies and ninja movies will enjoy this film. The sequel to Ninja is on par with this movie and I'm always surprised that Scott Adkins hasn't been tapped to do more mainstream movies. Overall I found this movie enjoyable and I hope they continue making sequels as long as Scott Adkins is the main hero/character.
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Supergirl (2015–2021)
Supergirl is well.... Super.
23 November 2015
Many comic and sci fi fans have been criticizing this show. I will admit that it is a bit cheesy and some of the acting and dialogue needs work. With that being said, this show does have a very attractive lead who plays a very likable character. Supergirls moral and ethical ideals are the same as Superman and she stands for the same things as her super cousin. The Special effects impress me for a television series and the show runners are using actual villains from the comics. This show is far from perfect but it is very entertaining, full of like able characters, Supergirl is nice to look at and the show knows not to take it too seriously. I think people need to lighten up and take Supergirl for what it is.
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Avenging the Avengers
8 November 2015
First off I'd like to say that I think the sequel to the first Avengers definitely lived up to my expectations. Yes the magic of seeing these characters together for the first time wasn't as dramatic but I will say that the team as a whole really functioned like a well oiled machine and everyone knew their role. This movie was flawed in areas and was not perfect but it still delivered as an entertaining Marvel adventure. The scale and scope was much grander in comparison to the first and I loved how they focused a bit more on the other Avengers who are not the main stay trinity of the group i.e.; Cap, Ironman, and Thor. Personally, Vision stole the show. His scenes were really cool and exciting and not to mention hes just awesome to look at. I thought James Spader hit it out of the park by giving Ultron some real gravitas. I also really like how they started to set the stage for Civil War. I believe that the films short comings will be forgiven and made up in Captain America 3. Overall Avengers Age of Ultron was highly entertaining and I don't think it deserves all the hate it has received. If you are a Marvel fan then this movie is for you.
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Ash vs Evil Dead (2015–2018)
the Evil Dead are back and there's only one man who can fight the Evil. His name is Ash and he's one hell of a Deadite Slayer!
8 November 2015
When I first heard that Sam Raimi and company were contemplating bringing the Evil Dead back and make it into a TV show, I was extremely excited but I had my reservations. When I saw the early teaser trailer and the final promo trailer, I knew us Evil Dead/ Bruce Cambell fans were in for one hell of a treat. I think any E.D. Fan Would have been happy with another sequel starring Bruce Cambell reprising his role as Ashley but taking the Evil Dead into TV territory is even better in my opinion. As the TV series goes, it follows the events of Evil Dead 2. From a television standpoint I can understand why they decided not to include Army of Darkness. By keeping the shows plot around the events of Evil Dead 2 they are able to streamline Ash's storyline by keeping things simple and to the point. Not only did Bruce Cambell get back into great shape for the role but he hasn't lost his touch as our shotgun toting, chainsaw wielding Deadite Slayer. Sam and company were able to bring us up to speed with our main character and jumpstart the series effortlessly but they also added some new characters to round out the show by complimenting Ash's personality. The special effects are great and I'm happy to see that they are using practical effects when ever possible. The show is extremely gory and funny and it's nice to see that the show runners don't take things to seriously. After all this is the Evil Dead and humor is just as important as the gore and action. I will admit that the show is far from perfect but who cares, we have an Evil Dead TV show staring Bruce Cambell as Ash and he kicks ass and takes no prisoners wherever he goes! True Evil Dead fans will love it, I just hope there are enough fans to keep this show going because I can't get enough of the adventures of Ash and his misfit sidekicks! Let's hope the ratings stay up and we get more than a few seasons. Hail to the King baby!
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Marvels first outing with The Man Without Fear
21 April 2015
Since the release of Marvels new Netflix Daredevil series, I thought it would be appropriate to revisit this TV movie. I have always been a fan of The 1970's Incredible Hulk TV show. I thought Bill Bixby played the human side of the Hulk very well and quite honestly, I don't think any of the newer actors have come close to his portrayal. What makes the three TV Hulk movies interesting is that Bixby intended to finish the Hulk saga since the television series ended abruptly without giving the show or story a proper farewell. The first Incredible Hulk TV movie featured Thor and the story of Donald Blake while the second film featured Matt Murdock aka Daredevil. You can clearly tell that this film intended to be back door pilot for a future Daredevil TV series because the story mostly focuses on Matt Murdock and his war on crime against the Kingpin. This movie is by no means great but it does do something's right and for me it was fun seeing Bixby reprise the role of David Banner. As I understand, Frank Miller used the look of Daredevil in this film when he wrote his retailing of Daredevils origins in his Man Without Fear mini series. It appears that Marvel, Netflix and co were also heavily influenced by Daredevils look in this film when they were designing Daredevils urban ninja costume in the current Netflix series. If you are a fan of the 70's Hulk show you will definitely find some entertainment in this. If your curious about where Daredevils black ninja outfit came from then this movie is worth a watch. This movie is cheese but in a good 1980's way and if you love superheroes as much as I do, then give this a watch.
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Lightspeed (2006 TV Movie)
With better actors, a better script and better production, this could have been great
1 January 2015
I know everyone on this site hates this movie and I can completely understand why. With that being said I actually found this movie extremely entertaining in it's; so bad it's good category. Good old Stan loves creating superheroes and with his POW Entertainment company, Stan is taking his newer comic creations and bringing them to life via live action or through animation. The plot for this film is as cliché as it gets but if you are as big of a Stan Lee fan as I am, you won't care. Lightspeed lights up the screen with heroics, fighting against the Evil Python. Fans of Lees work will find this movie entertaining because it's so bad it's good.
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