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True Detective: Night Country: Part 1 (2024)
Season 4, Episode 1
Catalog filler
15 January 2024
Show walks and talks like it is the next big thing since True Detective season 1 but when it is go time, we get something else. It just feels like something that we have seen before. And not in a good way. Like if it is the copycat version of the Terror or second season of the Rig (that we will never get). Something passable but not anything great.

Episode feels just cheap. It looks off-putting with it's heavy saturated color schemes and off-place CGI. It really fails to convey what cold dark paces really feel like and how heavy they weight on the surroundings.

Writing however is the biggest disappointments here. It also gives of the ingenuine vibes like the visuals. Everything seems to be skin deep and there is sense of that there is nothing of value under it if you dig.

Does not feel True Detective or Twin Peaks, more like that show that you see on the Amazon Prime list and think that you might watch it when you get the flue some day.
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Dune (2021)
So it is a remake of half of a movie?
9 November 2021
This movie really feels like it tries to remake Lynch's version of the Dune instead of going for purely fresh interpretation of the book. It is fantastic looking movie while still failing to deliver lots of the atmosphere it should be able to convey. For example, you really don't get the the desert feel of the Dune planet - maybe because every scene has extremely busy and bombastic music blasting behind it. Main fault of the movie is that it just cuts off. It doesn't deliver a full and proper story and it uses it's time for beautiful shots that are more of the shallow variety instead of deep pondering kind. It is still OK film but it is nothing special.
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Don't Give Zack Snyder Creative Control
3 June 2021
In the making of documentary the director+writer Zack Snyder straight out tells that one of his aims with this movie was to pile on tropes from zombie and heist genres. Who in the right mind thought that trope infested movie would be an interesting one? After that, some brain dead thought it would be a good idea to let Snyder to play as the cinematographer. Result is that this overly long, eye rollingly stupid movie looks like you are having problems with your eyes.

Just skip this one, you wont lose anything, rather you win by not losing time to this crap.
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Stowaway (I) (2021)
Boring, bland and what is up with that aspect ratio?
23 April 2021
To be honest, I managed to watch 1/3rd of this movie before I got so bored that for my own safety, I had to abandon it. There is nothing good here, maybe the ending might redeem it somewhat but... I just get bored even thinking about it.

Also why the idiotic aspect ratio? It is wider than Kubrick's 2001: a Space Odyssey's ratio. This was made for Netflix movie - not some big screen block buster. Even Martin Scorsese choose aspect ratio pretty close to common 16:9 for the Irishman.
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Cyberpunk 2077 (2020 Video Game)
Hints of true greatness but still incomplete (v1.06)
25 December 2020
First thing that we need to address is how buggy the game is. There are tons of bugs. Most of the are just visual and amusing, some make reloading a save necessary, some need you to start the game from the scratch (like disappearing legendary blueprints). You encounter these most likely in any game session that takes more than an hour. Despite how buggy it is, it is very stable on the PC. after 90 hours I have not yet witness single game crash.

Cyberpunk 2077 bigger problem is the lack of polish and general state of incompleteness. There are clear indications that parts of the game have been ripped out with a heavy hand. Like some stories in the game just don't flow like you expect them to - like there was few story bits that should have followed after something happens but there aren't. However unbalance and cumbersomeness of game's systems feels like even bigger issue. Many of the game's skill paths just seem like nobody actually tested them. Crafting and athletics are good examples of this. There is no way those skills can be raised even to half way during normal game time without some serious grinding.

Crafting takes another blow from the bad UI design that plagues the whole game. Map is terribly cluttered, getting rid of items is time consuming, crafting is slow, you can very easily destroy your one of the kind weapons by mistake etc.

There are several missteps with the world building also. As an example game world is heavily sexualized by bluntly suggestive adds, every other store front is a sex shop and so on. However, your sexual interactions are very limited and par of what you would expect from Netflix series aimed at teens. There is no dirt or grittiness here and that extends further then just the adult stuff. Unless we are talking about blowing heads of with guns, severing limbs and the gory violence - it has lots of that.

Under all the lack of balls, incompleteness and bugs, there is still a game that has potential to be good. General game play is OK, story is good and visuals are fantastic. It is just a game that needed another year or two of work before the release. Maybe someday, after all the fixes, it will be great game, no it is just OK.
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997–2003)
Far from perfect but still better than most
24 October 2020
There is lot of craft and effort put on a show with very silly premise. While show struggles to get on the gear at first, once it starts going it is just sublime and entertaining show. Now over some 20 years later, the show's meta narrative is still deeper than most current shows.The retro aspects of the show gives Buffy a great boost.

It is shame that the HD-version that is on the streaming platform is very bad. It destroys most of the shot composition. They tried to make Buffy widescreen in spite the fact that show was designed to be 4:3. This results sometimes showing things you are not meant to see (like camera crew, light stands, etc...) and most of the time cutting parts of peoples faces off in weird ways or zooming way too close. Also color is way off in most of the scenes, digital effects are in different resolution, etc.

Still, recommended watch, even if you have to watch the inferior HD-version.
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Away (2020)
Just boring
27 September 2020
I couldn't even finish the first episode, it was that boring - and I am I guy who watches spaceX test launch feeds on youtube.

It is like everything genuinely interesting is squeezed out and replaced by boiler plate boring drama. Agonizingly slow pace whitch the show tries to move on doesn't really help things.

Still, it boggles my mind how boring they made things like being in the moon and fire accident in zero G. I guess performances and some visual effects are OK, but they too are shot in the most boring way possible. I just dose off even while trying to remember the episode...
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Star Trek: Picard: Stardust City Rag (2020)
Season 1, Episode 5
This is the episode where Star Trek died.
21 February 2020
Episode is bleak and cynical in the cringiest and edgiest way one can imagine. This shows that the writers have no idea what Star Trek is and or what to do with it. Shows futile attempts to re-imagine Star Trek in a creative intelligence vacuum results in deaths of previously interesting characters and in a ruin of those that survive.

If that wasn't bad enough writing here fails in every conceivable way. There is no proper setup for the emotional aspects. Overall logic is questionable to the point that the the show's world is just not believable. Writing fails also at many sci-fi related details so often that it has to be questioned why are they even trying to write sci-fi.

Bring back real Star Trek with optimism and good sci-fi writers.
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1917 (2019)
Amusement park ride trough WW1
9 February 2020
One shot gimmick of the movie seriously undermines the potential of the movie. Instead of normal immersive feeling of a good movie, you get what feels like on the rails trip following two soldiers on their way from point A to point B. This ride along feels very planned and convenient, seriously lacking organic touches of good story telling.

There are also few too many modern cliche's that erode the historical authenticity of the movie. Also for WW1 war movie, the whole thing just comes of as way too clean.

Movie as whole is not that bad but definitely not worth the hype it is getting.
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Tomb Raider (2018)
Avarage but promise of better springled in.
5 January 2020
Right of the bat this movie goes wrong by basically giving 3 long but boring action scenes almost in a row. They are: a practice fight in a ring, a bicycle race with paint and foot race away from street kids. Sounds tedious, right? Those things are almost half of the movie. All of them hammer at the same point: Lara is kind of reckless. We only needed one action piece to get that. More time should have been budgeted to exotic locations and character development.

End result is kind of a movie that is not really bad or good - just boring kind of average. That is a shame because there are glimpses of how entertaining Tomb Raider movie could be with Alicia Vikander (who is one of few really good things about this movie) as Lara Croft. However movie never gets into the gear and fails to deliver anything really worth your time.
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Not with a bang but a whimper
23 December 2019
Watching this reminded me of David Carradine movie Future Zone (1990) because of "mystery parents" plot mixed into general unambitious laziness. Rise of Skywalker in other hand reminded that there are more worse ways to go out than auto-erotically asphyxiating one self.

Almost every positive thing found here has to do with technical qualities of the film. Unfortunately frantic but still uneven pace wont let one to appreciate the skill that has gone to the locations, sets, costumes and such. Movie spends most of the time rapidly skipping from one scene to next, sometimes clearly forgetting some plot points on the way. Yet somehow movie finds time to indulge needlessly long expository dialogue scenes that fail to deliver anything else than telegraphed plot info.

There is no real plot, no real characters and even audio mix somehow misses the mark. Star Wars should be better than this and fans deserve better.
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Fastest Car (2018–2019)
Interesting concept, mediocre execution - now with 2 seasons
3 October 2019
Show just spends too much time on the people and not enough on the cars. Most of the sleeper cars are really interesting and unique, so it would be nice to have more content about them. Unfortunately most of the time is spent trying to build some sort of personal drama story - which usually ends up being some sort of sob story involving the past. It is very repetitive with it's drama, so car person can skip to the end race without really missing anything on the episode. Also, it would not hurt to have a single professional or just a good driver for the super cars, since usually they have really nothing to say about the car (other than the price, how nice it is and that it has launch control) and almost every super car lost has been due to driver messing up the launch.
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Interesting premise, lackluster execution
19 July 2019
Most of the documentary is about the documentarian having an obviously faked phone calls. Another big part is about pseudo-intellectual ramblings by the narrator over some FX crazy stock footage - both of those things have very little to do with what should be the main material of the documentary. The actual interesting aspects like Bob Lazar and his story get very little attention. There was potential here but who ever was in charge of this mess really dropped the ball.
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Fear the Walking Dead (2015–2023)
Ultimately wasted potential
15 July 2019
Starts out as interesting and separate take on zombie apocalypse. It gets better for a a while and season 3 is probably best season of the WD shows. However, they really took huge misstep on season 4. They wrote some major characters off and to replace them, they gave cardboard cut outs and most annoying character in the TV - Morgan. If that wasn't bad enough, they also changed the writing, the look of the show and everything that made this somewhat unique and interesting. Quality drop was so huge that I have no interest in 5th season and beyond. Shame because there was something here for a little while.
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Star Trek: Discovery: Project Daedalus (2019)
Season 2, Episode 9
Textbook episode of bad writing.
15 March 2019
Tilly tries to save someone by sending a video of herself. Person to be rescued begs to be blown out of the airlock as quickly as possible.
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Nightflyers (2018)
Wannabe sci-fi horror
18 February 2019
Nightfliers tries to mix elements of Event Horizon and Expanse into something entertaining, but what comes out of the blender, is a disappointing mess that is filled with self importance that it does not deserve.

Event Horizon mimicking works to a degree, however the tension is never held long enough for any horror feelings to really start to creep onto the surface of the screen. What also brings down this mood is somewhat muted acting-style on the certain characters.

The Expanse - wise this really fails. It really isn't proper sci fi. There are many stupid mistakes when it comes to science stuff and that is because the whole science-aspect is there just for superficial reasons (mostly to do cool looking space-stuff).

What you got is an attempt to do something - don't know really what, but it is hard to recommend it.
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Star Trek: Discovery: Brother (2019)
Season 2, Episode 1
Ghost of the episode
29 January 2019
Every line uttered rings false, and there is painful hollowness to everything that this episode puts out there. It is really hard to figure why they made this episode the way they did and what are they actually trying to say with it. With this cast and budget there really should be some evidence of spark in there but there just is not.
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Interesting premise, shoddy execution
27 September 2018
Idea of the show is solid but it lacks severely in it's focus. "Plot" segments of the show are clearly fake. It is understandable that they are done to tell a coherent story. However these bits are the least interesting part of the show. How the actual mechanic work is done is never shown or even rarely discussed. This is obviously the area that most people watching a mechanic show is interested about. Viewer needs details and look at the action and the end product in more revealing light. Right now this offers little to those who are interested about the premise. Needs realism and grit.

Edit: in season 3 same problems still exist and some aspects have gotten worse. The faking-parts stand out so much against some genuine moments. Whole 3rd season seem like it was either designed completely or retrofitted to fit the "virus of unknown origins" -plot line. Also, why did the Woody already have the Gotham Garage spiderwebs on the frame before they bought it? Getting sloppy?

Things are not made better by the very short season. Make a season to be 20 episodes or so and show things like how that fire survivor bike got those transparent carburetor bits and such.
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Paradise PD (2018–2022)
Boring, bad and waste of time
1 September 2018
All this show has is lazy edginess in it's violence and light sexual material. Attempts to make jokes are just pathetic and everything falls flat. It feels like 13 year old saw Family Guy and tried to make his own cop version of it - and yet managed to make it worse then the premise. Waste of your time and waste of Netflix's money.
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Transformers movie wearing Star Wars skin.
16 December 2017
If you are expecting revolutionary fresh take on Star Wars, you will be disappointed. If you are expecting more of that "good old Star Wars", you will be disappointed. If you expected this to carry the good set up that episode 7 delivered, you will be disappointed. If you were expecting Star Wars version of Transformers movie, you will get your moneys worth.
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