6 Reviews
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Just stop making it ...
7 June 2024
"The Strangers" falls short on many fronts, making it a less-than-enjoyable viewing experience. From the outset, the main characters are frustratingly inept, constantly making decisions that defy common sense. This undermines any potential for the audience to feel sympathy or connection with them, turning what could have been tension into sheer annoyance.

The acting fails to redeem the characters, with performances that feel flat and uninspired. This lack of depth is compounded by the poor writing, which does little to develop the plot or characters in a meaningful way. Dialogue often feels forced and unnatural, further detracting from any sense of immersion.

While the cinematography shows moments of competence, these are overshadowed by the abysmal lighting, particularly in night scenes. The poorly executed lighting makes it difficult to follow the action and detracts from the overall atmosphere, which is crucial in a horror film.

Overall, "The Strangers" is a disappointing sequel that doesn't live up to its predecessor. It feels unnecessary and poorly executed, leaving viewers wishing they had stopped after the first movie. In the end, one good "Strangers" movie was enough, and this installment adds little of value to the series.
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Ruined by the bad main actress
26 December 2023
Its a decent horror movie but really the lead actress killed the whole experience for me , the way she acted the dialogues .. and the choices they make ..! I mean why wont they just leave !!!

Red flags all over the place .., and yet margo insist on staying there . And the funny part is shes just scared as they are .. bad writing terrible acting Really ruined this movie I really wanted margo to die .. and thats a bad factor in horror movie that you want the main character to die Hope the director learned his lesson never to work with this writer and actress again A lot of money wasted on this movie ...
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I was at the edge of my seat
16 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Finally a great adaptation... Amazing deliveries, amazing storytelling I mean they hit the jackpot white this one The beginning white the relationship between joel and the kid was very heartwarming, i was crying when the kid died I really was at the edge of my seat This is the way to do adaptations from video games Learn people.. learn The acting ..! I mean omg The casting is right on . And the dialogue's are brilliant Im dying too see whats gonna happen next although i knew already Thats how good of a show this is Congratulations to all the cast and crew Looking forward to next episode's.

From ashkan.
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Prank Encounters (2019–2021)
Do you really think people are that dumb ?!!!!
20 May 2020
Common !!!! Theses are not hidden cameras ...!! Theses are not real people!!! Are you kidding me ... make a show .. make money .. i don't care .. but at least be honest !! This is really wrong ..
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Kingdom: Episode #1.2 (2019)
Season 1, Episode 2
This is just dumb..!!!
9 May 2020
I mean don't get me wrong its perfectly shot but the plot is so dumb ...! Really !! Whats the time limit of being turned to zombies ..!! 4 hours..? 2 minutes..?!!! Really see it again and think about it .. !
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The Hunt (II) (2020)
Really entertaining!!
14 April 2020
I mean what do you want from a movie ... action comedy thriller..! This one has it all .. and sure some plot holes but .. come on ! Its good enough
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