
12 Reviews
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Night Sky (2022)
24 August 2022
Everyone had different taste. That being said, at 64 this series was one of the best I have seen! It is a shame that quality programs get cancelled while junk shows like the Bachelor and such roll on for years.
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Accuracy Needed
26 July 2022
They might try to make the Documentary actually be more accurate by not referring to the Units invading as being all Marines! The US Army stormed these same Islands, and far out numbered the Marines. As well, there was no AirForce then, It was the US Army Air Corps. Try not to rewrite History please!
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23 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Close to the worst movie I have ever watched! Total waste of time and money! Typical reaction to danger, stand and wait to run until the Dino is right there, Plane crashes in at least 8 inches of Ice but the ice around it cant support the weight of a human? I could go on and on. Who writes this nonsense? Must have been someone born and educated in California!
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Red Dawn (2012)
fun idea
20 May 2021
These movies are fun to watch but North Korea as the enemy? Texas has a larger Population than them. Does anyone seriously believe any country can invade the US and Survive? You Liberals should be thankful the folks you call deplorable and hillbillies are well armed and would fight to their death to protect your sorry asses! We have more weapons than people, for good reason!
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The Outpost (2019)
Keep it real
2 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Not sure why folks that write these movies put an outpost in an area surrounded by high ground. Only an idiot would put one there.
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Great Movie
11 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
But for goodness sakes, multiple police cars and helicopter minutes after he is on the phone at a gas station, and then the chopper issues a call that he has crashed at mile marker 37 on a one lane road in the woods? Come on man!
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Overlord (2018)
Decent movie
12 January 2020
No Black Paratroopers ever deployed to Europe in WW2.
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Designated Survivor (2016–2019)
Interesting Take on the Constitution
26 May 2019
Really enjoyed the first part of the series, until the episode where the 25th Amendment is invoked and the acting President orders the execution of an American Citizen without due process, (sound familiar?). That all seems to be OK with the powers that be but a few shows later the show champions gun laws in violation of the 2nd Amendment. Wont be watching anymore.
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A Reckoning (2018)
27 August 2018
Clearly one of the worst movies I have watched, and I am 60 years old!
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Army, not Marines and Airforce
24 June 2018
Can the morons that make these movies try to research a little before the make these inaccurate wastes of our time. Army Soldiers dont call Sergeants Sir, thats the Marines, and the Army has Posts, not Bases, thats the AirForce. The movie was very slow and boring. Maybe OK to watch on free tv or cable, but dont purchase it on Pay Per View.
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Waste of time
4 February 2018
Not sure how this movie was rated as 3 stars on UVerse it is horrible!
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Dunkirk (2017)
Not worth paying for
23 December 2017
Not worth anyone paying good money for. OK for a TV movie on the history channel, but another subpar movie in my opinion!
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