
9 Reviews
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Teen Wolf Too (1987)
If you weren't there you won't understand
14 February 2016
So, before there was Internet , Hulu , Netflix,- back when cable TV was something for rich people- there were video rental stores. These were vast warehouse like buildings filled with videocassette tapes ( yeah this was before DVD ) that you could rent for 24 hrs for about $4.00. If you are too young to remember this then you probably don't believe me. Ask an old person, they'll verify these facts. You can understand that this was a huge, profitable industry. Therefore it was necessary to have thousands of titles to fill the shelves. As a result thousands of puzzlingly worthless films were produced in this era. If you watch teen wolf too expecting a good movie - you have missed the point. Did you expect it to be scary? It's not. Did you expect it to be funny? It's not. Special effects? Nope. What it is is +/- 90 minutes of something to watch that wasn't otherwise available on broadcast TV. There are literally thousands of similarly worthless films from the 80's that were made simply so the rental store would have full shelves.
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Spy (2015)
29 June 2015
OK, so if the Godfather is a 10, and Plan 9 from Outer Space is a 1- this movie is a solid 8. Is it groundbreaking ? No. Is it making an important statement on the social and political issues plaguing the world? No. It is a comedic spoof of the spy movie genre. So if you go into this movie expecting to be challenged emotionally or psychologically you will be disappointed. But if you accept that what you are going to see is a silly comedy with some action and cameos from "big stars"- then you will get what you paid for. It is an entertaining silly comedy. I'm guessing that's what they were going for and they succeeded.
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Convict (2014)
Awful. Cheap. Stupid.
12 March 2015
Great thing about IMDb is that users can submit reviews. Bad thing is that people directly involved with the film also get to submit reviews. I wonder why anyone involved would want you to see this. It's an embarrassment. So here's the real review. First off, I love prison flicks, I love Australian movies and there are some awesome Australian prison flicks. This is not one of them. The actors are amateurish and wooden. The cinematography is cheap looking. The script is idiotic. A plot is a series of connected events that logically progress to tell a story. This film has a situation instead of a plot. A situation can be fully portrayed in about 2 minutes. That makes this nonsense about 90 minutes too long. Bad directing, bad script , bad acting - it's a complete waste of time.
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This movie still sucks the old way
5 March 2015
IMDb doesn't offer a zero star option. One star is exponentially more than this movie deserves. I recently saws film with an identical plot starring Michael Caine. That one was so so. The writing, directing and acting are amateurish and wooden from start to finish. This would be awful if it was a thousand times better than it is. Dreck, rubbish, crap. What can one say about this embarrassment? If you have a houseplant, watch it grow for 90 minutes and you will have seen something infinitely more entertaining than "we still kill the old way" IMDb wants 10 lines of review and there is not enough content in the film to warrant 10 lines of text.
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Death Proof (2007)
Really unpleasant
23 February 2015
So, being a fan of Kurt Russell and having enjoyed Tarantino films I thought I'd give it a shot. The movie stars several really unpleasant looking women. OK, actresses don't have to be attractive but if they are going to be butt ugly they should at least be able to act. So butt ugly actresses acting badly and portraying gross characters. Whatever it's a psycho killer flick so maybe it will be nice to see them terrorized and murdered. I wore out the fast forward trying to find the part where this gets watchable. There is absolutely nothing in this film worth seeing. Shame on everyone involved. The money spent making this film would have been better spent sending them all to film school for several years.
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13 February 2015
I'm giving this film 3 stars only because - objectively speaking- as a film it is relatively well done. Here's the problem: this is propaganda in the guise of a historical or educational document. This film is purely propaganda and for those who may view it who lack the ability to critically digest it's message it will, like all good propaganda, convince them that this message is accurate and truthful. There are equally insidious opposing ideas presented in the films of Michael Moore, for example. As entertaining as they may be, facts are often presented in a skewed light to influence their purported meaning or significance. I suppose there is a place for all of these films, unfortunately you only get one side of the story. In a perfect world this sort of rhetoric posing as historical fact would be viewed in the same sitting with a film from the opposing team. Sadly most viewers don't make good trial judges. This is a very very right wing document. If you watch it, take it with a grain of salt. I recommend the same when watching a Michael Moore film. These guys are all selling an agenda. The actual truth lies somewhere in between.
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Funny Games (1997)
Top 3 all time
7 February 2015
This is, simply put, one of the best films ever made. Stanley Kubrick attempted to evoke the brutality of Funny Games with A Clockwork Orange. Whereas Kubrick was successful in conveying the terrible senseless brutality of Alex and his cohorts, nothing in A clockwork Orange matches the cruelty and disregard for humanity in Funny Games. This is one of the extremely rare films that actually forces the viewer to feel something. It challenges the viewer to continue watching. It leaves the viewer changed afterward. The acting, directing and cinematography are all superb. This is perfection. It is impossible to be ambivalent about this film. Either one is completely repulsed and unable to watch the whole thing, or completely entranced and captivated. This is art. If you want entertainment this is not for you. This film is moving and provocative. It depicts life as it actually is. Bravo.
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I Am Legend (2007)
7 February 2015
Let me begin by saying that Richard Mattheson is my favorite author. Also, I am Legend is my favorite book. Regardless of how you feel about this film- read the book. So this is the second time that this masterwork has been completely butchered. The first iteration being the ridiculous "Omega Man" starring Charlton Heston. Only the barest aspects of the book made it into that movie which was a disgrace in every sense. So, why is it that filmmakers recognize the greatness of the book but feel the need to completely change it? It is not about action and it is not about an African American. Why not just make a good version that is true to the book? The story deals with the boredom of survival, loneliness,alienation and the objectivity of right or wrong. This new version reduces it to a cheesy vehicle for the Fresh Prince of Bel Air. Yeah, don't forget that's what Willl Smith is. Read the book, it deserves a more serious film than the 2 cheese feasts that are very loosely based upon it. I overlooked the good movie based on the book " the last man on earth' which can be seen for free on YouTube. This is fairly true to the book and probably the best performance Vincent Price ever did.
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I Origins (2014)
Snooze fest
7 February 2015
This is the movie equivalent of tech-no/trance music. It is slow, dull and without substance. I generally like Micheal Pitt movies but I lasted about 20 minutes. If nothing interesting occurs in the first 20 minutes of a film there is something seriously wrong. If something actually happens later on in the film it happens too late.the characters are too dull to care about and the story is nonexistent. Michael Pitt usually picks better films. This is a case of a film trying to be artistic without any compelling story or character elements. I don't even know how to classify this film- it doesn't contain the necessary elements to be a drama. It's really a series of boring situations rather than a cohesive story.
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