
16 Reviews
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Ghosts of War (2020)
starts off like every other war movie then......
15 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Starts off like every other war movie then......

the americans take shelter in a house for the night, and now no wait its a haunted house ghost war movie while ... theyre still being attacked by nazis? No, no not ghost nazis real nazis are attacking the haunted house... hmmm interesting combo so far....

and then some of them survive the night but.... now theyre stuck in a perpetual time loop like its Groundhog's Day with Bill Murray? Ummmmm ooooook..... why not i guess ...

so ... now its a Groundhog Day ghost haunted house allies vs nazis war movie, ok now im all caught up.

Wait no plot twist... you've all been stuck in the matrix this whole time. Oh Billy Zane what have you done now you put me in the matrix.

The end.

I mean... its a trip all right...
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Shoresy (2022– )
shoresy and your mother....
13 May 2022
A show about the best character in the best comedy of the century? I think the only reason I'm not crying is that I already cried a little bit. Give your ba11s a tug, this is gonna SLAP.

They just better keep makin more!
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Risen (2021)
no spoilers because....
26 April 2022
... nothing actually happens. You keep waiting and waiting.... and nothing ever happens. This should be a 5 minute internet short, yet it somehow drags out for an hour and a half. Supposedly the trailer cuts it all down to 2 minutes, but im not giving this movie another 2 minutes of my life. Deuces.
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The Rookie (2018– )
dont understand the hype, and im a fillion fan
2 May 2019
First of all i think nathan fillion is great in everything he does only reason its not a 1 in my book and the only reason im still watching even though im a die hard crime show addict. the show just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. everyone treats each other like garbage all episode every episode and it just leaves you feeling rotten at the end of almost every one. there are VERY few feel good moments you should expect from a cop show when and where they catch the bad guys and save the day. whats strange is the show seems like its trying to be somewhat realistic... the lousy way the cops treat each other and the public they certainly nailed on the head ... its not an over the top hawaii five o or other gun toting superhero cops show. yet theyre getting into sometimes two shootouts in a DAY when that kinda stuff takes you out of duty for weeks or months at a time. most police officers never even DRAW their weapons in their entire careers let alone get into a shootout. i guess rookies just dont have to learn or do paperwork either anymore. stuff this over the top wouldnt even happen in the late 20th century gang ridden crack epidemic los angeles let alone today. unrealistic, feelsbadman, and overall ludicrous. man i really must like fillion cuz 4/10 seems to be pushing it.
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Cold Pursuit (2019)
cookie cutter liam neeson garbage fest
1 May 2019
I mean seriously, what percentage of liam neesons movies are about him avenging and or rescuing his family? oh, wait, i forgot. i literally couldnt care any less.
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Terribly spectacular my dear Watson
27 April 2019
If you sit down expecting some theatrical masterpiece, then I suppose you've never heard of Will Ferrell. But I think I've figured it out. People tend to hate what they don't understand. Therein lies the problem. This is perhaps the most nonsensical idiocracy since, well, Idiocracy. The masses just might be too stupid to realize and then comprehend the sheer stupidity of this movie. They even nailed the satirical representation of Robert Downey Jr.'s iteration of Holmes. I didn't last 10 minutes before I was BELLOWING with laughter. By 30 minutes, when I read most had left the theaters, my sides hurt and I was in tears. It's hard to fathom having such a lack of a sense of humor, but then again, I've met people. People suck, as does this movie. And that's the point. If you don't get it, you don't get it.
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a steaming heap of mediocrity. and time warps.
24 October 2018
Even my ADD riddled brain thinks this show hops back and forth in time too much. granted i'm only half way through this series, yet strangely i'm still waiting for something to actually happen. crazy chick still crazy in the present? cool. crazy chick still crazy back in the day? wait now were 3 days ago... still crazy? ok just checking. now i'm at episode 5 and they're recapping/explaining/whatever what happened back in ep 2... or maybe 3... oh man i've lost track... again. and were only half way thru. also waiting for something scary to happen not just loud bangs and screaming. lots of screaming. that'd be nice from a horror show these days wouldn't it? and there's about 10 main characters spread out across 20 actors to add to the clusterfudge. but hey maybe something will actually happen these next 4 hours and i can change this rating. but im not counting on it. or perhaps it'll have an astounding ending which would somewhat explain the hype. or perhaps not.
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Maniac (2018)
2 October 2018
I literally cannot fathom why this show has gotten such good ratings. and that is not a milennial literally that doesnt remotely mean literally definition... i have absolutely no idea WHATsoever. none. this is the 5th time ive attempted started watching the show, and only because of a heinous case of insomnia did i succeed in viewing. i figured it would put me to sleep, but i was wrong. my brain was trying to figure out the point... to which there is none, and it is now stuck in an infinite loop of garbage. i originally gave this a rating a 3. i was wrong yet again however as this show just gets worse with each episode. what is this recent infatuation with "hey lets just make stuff as weird as humanly possible" that makes people gobble it all up and come back for more? its even more confusing than this show. but i digress. each episode seems like it was done with completely different writers and staff as each 45 minute block of garbage is so different it becomes painful, and at the same time manages to flow worse than a clogged toilet, which is where i guess the script was kept. only thing that would remotely make sense to me. who knows though maybe i just dont do enough drugs to get it. this show just might require a healthy dose of acid to comprehend. if i can dissuade just one person from wasting 7 hours and change from their life, i consider this review to be a great success. i mean, one of the characters actually says "i have chronic hypothermia. my skin's temperature is 106 degrees" thats not a spoiler. because not only does it make a negative amount of sense - nothing makes sense, mind you - thats just how ludicrously and horribly everything is done in a nutshell. in case you're wondering: hy·po·ther·mi·a noun the condition of having an abnormally low body temperature, typically one that is dangerously low. at least they spent 4 seconds doing their research.... wait... they even messed that up too.
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The Domestics (2018)
15 September 2018
Yet another reason why you should give just about any horror movie over a 4 at least a flip thru. You never know what hidden gold is out there till you go diggin. I loved every minute of this movie even thru the end credits cuz good ol Crazy Al, the only radio DJ left in this post apocalyptic masterpiece, narrates OVER said credits, located on your dial at 99.2 KILU. What a call sign. What a station. WHAT A FLICK. If you love post apocalyptic stuff, and I honestly don't know how anyone couldn't, give it a go!
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Legion (2017–2019)
11 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Sadly, season 2 episode 1 is as far as I will ever make it. Spoilers are just for that episode... if you can even call them that, cuz this is just going to be complete and utter NONSENSE. Apologies for the rambling pace, but that's kind of the flavor of the show after all. i wanted to rate this show less than a 4 but the first season DID show promise.

What once began as something watchable has turned into anything but in my humble opinion. this show has dissolved into a bad acid trip. now, i love weird shows and just about anything sci-fi, but i just cant take this show anymore. why you might ask? well, after women with mustaches are speaking in 1980's style horrifically fake computer voices while standing around some dude with a basket on his head ... the protagonist then says "so im supposed to find the shadow king inside of a daiquiri" because part of the liquid is strawberries, naturally because of their conductivity. everyone knows how conductive strawberries are that's why you cant pick them in a rain storm. this is so far beyond ludicrous that i don't know of such a word to use. or even if one exists. maybe this show made one of those up too, but i missed it. anyways, so he goes into this sphere which prompts, yes, A DANCE OFF. because why not have a DANCE OFF whilst locked inside of a daiquiri filled sphere amirite???


yes, the floating balls from the phantasm series have made an appearance. why? because the sphere this dude is in is now 4 inches across. and levitating. so hes trapped in this now-tiny sphere and theres no liquid in it anymore because of reasons so hes all screaming but then he stops because suddenly hes in an empty room and he meets this lady. and now theyre literally playing pictionary to convey information to each other for some unknown reason. or maybe ive just stopped caring. either way.... im out. not even the dude from flight of the conchords can save this nonsense for me.
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Don't waste your time..... this movie blows.
8 April 2018
Did you know that when winds are so strong you see cars are just sliding down the road, that people can wander around just fine, its just a little tricky? Just walk in the opposite direction that cars are sliding - no big deal - its just a little bit slower is all. This movie is unbelievable. Literally ... as in most things that happen are so head-slappingly unbelievable that it defies description. I love cheesy ridiculous movies too. This is just way too over the top lunacy. And not in a good way. Shoulda shredded the script instead... pretty decent actors just wasted their time....
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Slasher (2016–2023)
*SPOILERS* read to save 8 hours of your life.
1 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I am writing this review in hopes of saving a fellow human being 8 hours of their precious life.

This is a strong contender for the worst show I have stuck it out with until the end. In fact, the only reason I kept watching was to watch these dumb f***s die horrible deaths. Every single head slappingly bad decision made is worse than the last. A few brief examples:

Hey, there's a psycho killer on the loose. Leave town? Hell no! Let's sleep in the same house my whole family was murdered in!

Hey psycho killer, let me go to an abandoned barn and interview you all by my lonesome ... 'cuz nothing bad will happen to ME!

Hey I think this cop is awful at his job at best, a killer at worst. Oh, you want me to get into the back of the cop car NOT the front so I'm locked in here with you? SOUNDS LEGIT.

"Don't touch that its evidence" she paws all over it while looking at the cop with an "I'm smarter than you so shut it" look all over her face. I mean who needs fingerprints of the mysterious masked killer, right?

I could NOT wait to see all these dumb fools get slaughtered. It was the one solitary reason I actually watched this complete and utter garbage until the bitter end. This show is basically the movie "Seven" but awful and stretched out over 8 hours. Each of the kills attempts to pick one of the seven deadly sins and runs with it until the bloody end of whomever committed such an atrocity. Like lust and anger... I mean you GOTTA die for something as sinful as those, right? I was, however, pumped to see that old angry broad die by getting chopped to bits. That's why this gets a 2 instead of a 1.

P.S. SWED. Just like the graffiti on the wall said.
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American Crime (2015–2017)
the show you'll love to HATE. no spoilers, just a precautionary warning on what you're about to get into.....
10 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Part of me wishes I could just trash this show, but it IS actually quite well done. Very nice camera work, and pretty decent acting. At least, I pray this is acting and none of these people actually act like this in the real world. The unfortunate and tragic part is it just how accurately it portrays the potential depravity of the human race. Every single main character is AWFUL, each in their own wretched way. In fact, no, awful is far too good of a word. You've got your heartless gang bangers, you've got your drug dealers disgracing their military uniform, and back stabbing cheaters, degenerate life destroying gamblers, you've got your murderers, and your thieving prostituting junkies that'll do any and everything for their next fix. You've got not one, not two, but essentially half the people in the show are racists, and not just your run of the mill confederate flag waving scumbag, but racists on such a horrifying level it will chill you to the bone at the sheer depravity of it all. Your jaw just might hit the floor while your blood runs cold from the things that come out of these people's mouths. The only two you'll notice right away AREN'T racists are murdering thieving pimping/prostituting smack junkies. Go figure. The police ... well they aren't any better. And every parental figure on this show has contributed in full to the complete and utter rock bottom of each of these destroyed lives. I can't wait until each of these terrible human beings gets what's coming to them. I just can't wait. Because I hate them ALL. Each and every single one of them.

So strap in, get ready to grind your teeth in anger, and skip the popcorn cuz you just might puke it up. It's THAT unsettling. You've been warned.
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Olympus (2015)
so bad, its actually painful to watch
10 April 2015
i really like mythology, so i gave it an extra point. 2/10 is probably better than it deserves. oh, where to begin? well, the script is just head-slappingly god awful. after 10 minutes in i gave up the head slaps because i'd be concussed to the point of brain damage by the end of the episode. i mean, so badly written its soul crushing. a barrel of monkeys on acid smashing keyboards could have written a more comprehensive script. its just that bad.

special effects? well, there's a cyclops in the first minute or two. then apparently that was the point where they ran out of money because it seems as if that point and for the rest of the episode was people running through two inches of sand across a green screen.

i literally made more entertaining movies in college on a 200 dollar camcorder. this show is just embarrassing.
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12 Monkeys (2015–2018)
big ol heap of MEH
14 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Well, I enjoyed the movie, so I decided to give this show a shot. I was very unimpressed. First of all, I feel like it was written by a team of 12 monkeys with ADD. Why? OK now we're in

The year 2047

Blah blah blah technology stuff happens ... oh wait a main character died?

The year 2017

No worries, lets just jump back here and grab him from the past before he died. Ahh, dying apparently means nothing, when essentially there's infinite copies of the same person ... great.

The year 2045

Was that really 3 minutes of one time then we're jumping back to

The year 2047

Wait why did you even bother with 2045 showing basically nothing important...


OK, back here now I guess, hey lets try and stop the plague from killing every-

2047 ... really? Hey lets try and stick with one time for more than a minute or two

2035 You're just throwing darts at a dartboard marked with years, aren't you?

2047 Didn't they just say this guy can't survive too many more jumps?

2017 We grabbed him from the PAST ... BEFORE all that! DUH

2045 I give up.

2047 ...

2069 2017 2047

2015 Is when i stopped watching this show.
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Banshee: We All Pay Eventually (2015)
Season 3, Episode 10
If 11/10 was an option, I'd click it. *almost* no spoilers! (unless you didn't watch any of this season)
14 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Unbelievable. Very very few episodes of the garbage that's on TV these days literally leaves me on the edge of my seat. Let alone for basically the entirety of the episode. I don't throw out 10/10 ratings for anything too often, but this one rightfully gets it. From Proctor's shenanigans with his smack dealing, to the sheriff's thieving and tom foolery, every minute of this episode is epic. Complete with a superb cliffhanger ending to the season. Absolutely amazing. The only thing that upsets me is now we have to wait another 8+ months for more. Maybe I'm still too pumped up from this episode last night, but right now I can't think of a single episode of any show I've watched that tops this.

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