
4 Reviews
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Call the Midwife (2012– )
One of the best series on TV
11 January 2024
I can't say how much this series is amazing. It is British which for me isn't a bad thing. It covers health care for women & babies throughout the early 20th century. Really covers the history of how their medical system evolved. I am an American and have great respect for what they did & still try to accomplish. It does show some flaws in their system. The acting is top notch. Throughout watching, I became emotional with the characters and unlike Hollywood series, some of the main characters come & go. Also like the fact that they don't all look like models. I highly recommend this series!!!!
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Did those 10/10 reviewers actually watch it???
17 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I took my 6 1/2 year old grandson. First the movie began hopefully with a few subtle jokes. Of course I began to jokes. Case in point: cat on top of roof shouting "The Samarai is a Dog!" And the gong covered Dog. Not unbelievable with Mel Brooks involved. My grandson had no idea why I chuckled. However. I was the only one in the theater because most parents are at least 30 years younger than me. There were a few other chuckles....however my Grandson 1/2 way through wants to go home cause he's bored. As did several other families. No way anyone would think this is 10 of 10.
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Departure (2019–2022)
Great plane crash story - like most of the cast
24 February 2022
If you are going to write and produce a series based on an investigative team; please leave out the teenager with the stereotypical teenage angst. I couldn't wait to fast forward past it. The main character tells her co-workers, we have a limited amount of time to save these passengers but then goes off on little side missions & has to deal with a horrible step child. Then you begin to get into what is happening with the crash & the camera switches to the kid doing stupid teen stuff and being very annoying. Why can't you have 1, just 1, series where the main character is happily married & the kid isn't a total screw up. They do exist. I don't mind strong female characters at all but they have to have tragic personal lives. I've decided not to pursue this series any longer.
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David Tenant Always Great to Watch
15 February 2022
I love the way this British film was very happy to show American prejudices and faults from history but completely ignore Britain's. The British empire was fraught with prejudice against Black's, Asians, Irish, etc...... They didn't pass equal rights until 1965. Women in England were just as much second class as any where else. Ridiculous. I thought it was just Hollywood who loved to rewrite history, glad to see this idiocy is everywhere.
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