
14 Reviews
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Rick and Morty: Rick: A Mort Well Lived (2022)
Season 6, Episode 2
Overall Disappointing
20 January 2023
What made Rick & Morty great in their early seasons is what made South Park great in earlier seasons, the willingness to go against both sides of the political spectrum.

This episode is just another spectacle of big corp pushing their agenda on the audience and content creators acquiescing to that demand.

I honestly don't care where you fall on the political spectrum, if you are unable to accept criticism, you don't understand comedy.

However, when a show or even an episode is solely focused on espousing one view point, the comedic value is lost. And, we the audience, are left with what is essentially, propaganda. Barf

Really sad, honestly.
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Derry Girls: Episode #1.4 (2018)
Season 1, Episode 4
Folks were focused too much on the Ukrainian
8 October 2022
The episode isn't supposed to be about her or her experience, it's about how the girls in a "war torn" country embraced and understood someone from a very different culture.

The highlight of the show is the hypocrisy of "Western" ideas and thoughts of those who come from a "less fortunate" area without ever speaking to or experiencing life in that area themselves.

And, my favorite part is the "B story" of Joe and what his girls believe is an indiscretion. This is one episode that is definitely geared more toward the faithful and those who have experiences within the traditional family framework.
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Derry Girls: The Agreement (2022)
Season 3, Episode 7
A decent ending
8 October 2022
This episode wasn't very episodic for the finale of a show of which I have experienced many hardy laughs and am sad to see end. Attempting to push, albeit cleverly subtly, multiple agendas, when they should have focused more on the immediate future these girls would be facing. Pick a lane and continue with it, don't insert slight insinuations here and there to ensure your program will pass the litmus test of what is acceptable. Yes, the intended overall focus was the good Friday agreement but to focus on how each one was going to vote and then reveal the obvious is pretty boring. But I guess that's what happens when you know your show has reached its last leg.
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Such an underrated episode
26 August 2022
Honestly, I expected a much higher rating. However, it leads me to believe that many of the people who watch this show haven't actually worked in the "low to mid" food industries. If you knew the practices that went on in many establishments you wouldn't eat out. I worked at Panera and I won't go into specifics but working at a "higher end" fast-casual establishment turned me to home cooking so fast, you're head would pop off.
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Corner Gas: Friend of a Friend (2006)
Season 3, Episode 14
Pretty Good dichotomy between big city and country
25 August 2022
A pretty surface level representation of what each representation expects. Yes, country people are more " simple" but guess what city are actually more "complex" than you'd expect.
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Corner Gas: Merry Gasmas (2005)
Season 3, Episode 13
Decent Episode
25 August 2022
Not much happens that wouldn't happen in a real life situation during the Christmas holiday. However, my one observation is that during a certain scene one character says to another a distance of travel that would take the other literally halfway around the world, which is impossible on a bus.
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Workin' Moms (2017–2023)
Season 5 Ruined It
10 July 2021
Was a funny, intelligent, at times Sex in the City rip off that made you laugh. In strolls Season 5 dripping with cliché stereotypes and PC nonsense that targets a certain audience at the expense of being overall relatable and entertaining. Watch 1-4 and if you're having a "Traditional Tuesday Brunch", you can stomach season 5.
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The director was as lost as the main Character
2 December 2020
Well, there is not a single likeable main character, which isn't required for a movie to be "good" but is necessary when the story is drenched in self-pity and a narcissistic main character.

The entire film has two well done scenes. Bruno with his grandfather, Toto, in the car and Bruno with his wife in the tent.
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Interior (2014)
Couldn't Even Make It 10 Minutes
24 November 2020
Just bad. Bad acting, bad script writing, bad plot, seriously just a terrible movie.
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The I-Land (2019)
If you have Literally NOTHING ELSE to watch, watch this
9 September 2020
Overall terrible acting. Won't go into much because it's not worth it. However, one thing kept pissing me off. They have this woman in this high tech prison yet they don't have a simple pair of handcuffs to keep her from whooping all these folks asses. Gtfoh
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You will enjoy if you are a writer, you will hate if you are a reader or watcher only
28 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is a film for people who care more about trying to dissect a "hidden" message from the director/writer.

I watch a lot of different movies. I enjoy a psychological thriller or even a film with very little dialogue. However, the actors must be able to convey that in a meaningful way and that doesn't happen here. At times the acting is akin to watching an audition tape.

Oh and the whole, she was mentally ill, there never was a demand/devil, I could have gotten behind if it weren't for two scenes: where she (Kat) is in the basement and repeatedly bowing to the furnace in a way that is unnatural, she moved at the same speed and ended up stoping in the same spot on both the bow and return up.

Also, while Kat is lying in bes that same night she is lying face down under her blankets when her body contorts for her feet to be placed in front of her head. Mental illness doesn't cause your body to be able to bend in "unnatural" ways without training and practice.

The premise of the movie is good, the execution is terrible.
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Last Ferry (2019)
Had such high hopes ...
2 April 2020
But alas, like most American made gay films, it was a huge let down. I literally fast-forwarded through 80% of the movie and was able to follow the story line 100%.

A story line that's actually unique to gay films was decimated with gay stereotypes.
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The Passage (2019)
Full disclosure: I haven't watched it but the preview made me sick
2 January 2020
The believable part of the preview was that the scientific community went beyond the norms of society and created a basically monster. And, that all seems quite likely. However, they went beyond the possibility of a likely to happen event, when they decided to give some child super powers. I want to watch a show that seems like it could actually happen not something that is so far from reality that I write it off as make believe.
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Men to Kiss (2012)
Could have been a fun movie
22 December 2016
This movie had potential to be fun but just took all the wrong turns. Tobias is not a like able character if you see him for how he really is, which is someone who manipulates and expects others to just follow. Ernie got it right when he said he lived his life like a perpetual kindergarten child.

The film moved me to hate Ernie more than anyone for being gullible enough to allow himself to be manipulated by Tobi and Uta. Then to be blinded by Tobi and his gangs attempts to "rid" themselves of Uta just because Uta turned out to be not who he expected. Which was, a very complementary persona to Tobi.

Not worth the watch.
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