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Little Forest (2019– )
Pure, Nurturing, Healing
30 October 2019
In the fewest words possible, this show is nothing short of remarkable. It's such a refreshing change of scenery from the usual lackluster shows in the U.S., where it's chalk full of forced drama and predictable twists and surprises.

There's a purity to this show, where a group of adults and children come together in a remote location apart from the noise and pollution of the city, to just experience life and nature and... be present. It's nurturing, healing, cleansing, and all the above.

Highly recommended, possibly the most authentic and beautifully done program of the year, if not the decade.
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Deadpool 2 (2018)
A Surprising Sequel
20 May 2018
I'll keep this as short and simple as I can. Based off the trailers, I was expecting an "Avengers" team-up crapfest of a sequel -- but I will say that the trailers did not do this movie justice; in fact, it was almost downright misleading (in the best way possible).

The first 15 or so minutes were somewhat sloppy and stale, and a lot of the jokes landed flat. But the last half is where the movie really gets good, and it made having to sit through the beginning completely worth it.

Some characters from the first film have a much smaller role, while others (well, one other) has a bigger arc that suits him well. Yukio was surprisingly delightful to watch, and her chemistry with Deadpool was the strongest out of the bunch.

This sequel is far less funny than the first one, but it has more heart, which in my opinion makes it as (or almost as) good as the first one. I'd highly recommend it to anyone who enjoyed the first.
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Not Bad At All
5 February 2018
It's pretty much what anyone might have expected from a Cloverfield film set in space: a cross between Life and Aliens -- nothing more, nothing less. Mostly predictable plot, a few surprises and scares, but great acting nonetheless. In a way, the film was a disappointment in that it could have been tremendously better, but sci-fi fans shouldn't be disappointed, providing that they're looking for entertainment above a smart, well-crafted film.

Some gripes are about the beginning -- which was a bit haphazardly done, and the ending -- it was expected for the film, but could have gotten there much better; it was more or less forced in just for the sake of tying it to the original Cloverfield film. Elizabeth Debicki's character was a highlight, although a lot of people might not be huge fans of her role in this considering how poorly her character was set up throughout the film.

All in all, watch it for entertainment and some mild Alien-esque scares, but otherwise the reaction you'll be left with at the end is "meh."
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A CrapFest of CGI
30 June 2017
Giving this film a 3 out of 10 is an extended grace on my part. In truth, I don't hate the "Transformers" series, especially since the first one was decent enough and actually quite fun to watch. But progressively, they've turned into a crapfest of wasted CGI, and this one takes the cake.

A waste of 217+ million dollars worth of CGI. At the end of it all, the only thing that you will ever remember about it is the nonstop explosion of cars, Optimus Prime saying "This is my home!" and "I am Optimus Prime!", and Megatron hissing "Optimus!"

...That's about it. Really. I finished the film less than half an hour ago since I've written this review, and I've already forgotten what the movie was about. If you want exploding cars and robots, go for it. Otherwise, you'll be wasting almost three hours of your life, and this is time that you'll never get back.
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Okja (2017)
You Won't Regret Watching This
28 June 2017
Being a fan of the director's work, I built this movie a bit too much up in my head. But honestly -- it delivered on everything. It's funny, it's sad; there are happy moments, and deep emotional ones. But despite the drama and comedy going on in this, it also addresses problems going on in our world, and really made me think about these issues.

If you're a fan of the director's previous work, especially "The Host," then you won't be disappointed. Even if you're not familiar with his work, you won't be disappointed. If you can get past the slight weirdness of this movie (which might not fit everyone's taste), I can promise you that you won't regret watching this.
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Iron Fist (2017–2018)
Great Cast Weighed Down by Main Actor
18 March 2017
Even though I gave it a 1 star rating, I voted it as a 3 because the main and supporting cast MINUS Finn Jones were the saving grace of the show.

I really wanted to love this show, which I kind of did in a way, I guess. 99% of the time, I am not a fan of critics. I think that they have their own sad, pretentious ideas on what films and TV shows should be, and I had hoped that this show would prove them wrong. As long as the film or show is entertaining, I consider it a win. And not to mention how Iron Fist was something I was anticipating as much as I (now) am The Punisher.

Finn definitely looks the part, and is fairly great at the fight scenes, but his acting is incredibly unpolished and plain cringeworthy. His delivery is arguably the worst, and his mannerisms (whether intentional or unintentional) are worse than some first-time actors I've seen in low-budget short films or B monster movies. I'm surprised Netflix chose to cast such a mediocre actor without even a halfway decent film résumé for such a big part.

The saving grace(s) of the show were Jessica Henwick (as Colleen Wing), Jessica Stroup (as Joy Meachum), and Wai Ching Ho (as Madam Gao). Their acting was superb and did their characters justice. I'm just disappointed that their star performances were weighed down by Finn Jones' subpar acting and presence. The critics were right -- he lacked charisma or charm. I found myself unable to enjoy over half the scenes in the show because I was busy cringing at Finn's unexceptional acting.

First Luke Cage and its poor ending (the later episodes), and now this with Iron Fist. I'm just really hoping that Finn's acting gets about five times better in The Defenders, or he has a minimum amount of speaking roles in it.

Fans of Netflix/Marvel shows like Daredevil and Jessica Jones, watch it. It's fun, the acting is great (for the most part), and if you can get past the slowness, it's entertaining enough. But don't expect to be dazzled by Finn Jones, because he certainly disappoints.
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Jason Bourne (I) (2016)
A Huge Disappointment
7 August 2016
This is a prime example of why a film editor should not have been brought on to write a script as big as a Jason Bourne film. The film's pacing was a bit off, and the dialogue was almost amateur, not to mention rushed. But the biggest problem was probably the plot development, which become more and more predictable throughout the film.

On a high note, Matt Damon was as good as ever, and Tommy Lee Jones made for an incredible and intimidating head of the CIA Division. The acting wasn't the problem, although Alicia Vikander's seemed a bit off, which was a huge letdown.

The only reason I gave this film a 3 out of 10 is because the other films, especially the Bourne Ultimatum, were so great. I don't know what the studio was thinking when they green-lit the script, but it just goes to show that Hollywood is starting to get lazy and desperate.

I'd recommend this film to any action fans or even Jason Bourne fans, but expect to be disappointed.
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The Revenant (I) (2015)
Simple But Captivating
2 January 2016
I personally found the film, like it says in the summary, simple. Anyone who's seen the trailer or read the plot of the film will get exactly just that -- a film about survival. It's survival to its core, and I've personally never seen a film that captures this more realistically. It's real, it's brutal, and in some cases, just downright frightening. The use of natural lighting does not disappoint, and it really is a beautifully shot film. I found myself captivated by every scene, and the actors (especially Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hardy) did a wonderful job of portraying their characters.

But besides all that, the film really is simple, all terms aside. There really isn't much of another story going besides the one mentioned in the plot, and the side story that is there isn't as interesting as the main conflict of the film. The scenes that lead up to the main character's quest for survival is emotional and interesting in itself, and although there were bits and pieces of it mentioned throughout the rest of the film, I personally found that it didn't play much of a part as the essence of the film or main character's motivation as it could (or should) have.

I highly recommend this film to anyone who appreciates the art of cinematography as I do, but anyone who's looking for an incredibly complex film with layers of stories such as Inception (also starring Leonardo DiCaprio), you might find yourself disappointed.
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A Major Disappointment
16 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The film definitely lives up to the horrible comments and anticipation of how much it would bomb. I figured there was no way it could be that bad, and that everyone was just hating on the film for the sake of it. But I was wrong. When I thought the film couldn't screw up any further, it did just that.

There are too many reasons to list why this film did so horribly -- one of which being the unnecessarily long beginning which took twenty minutes too long to reach the actual point in the film that we all knew was coming.

Another thing was how they "killed off" the villain (which we all knew would survive), and not bringing him back until the last twenty minutes of the film. The leading fight was a huge disappointment that ended much too quickly.

This was definitely a major disappointment, and I found myself finding the last two Fantastic Four films (which were bombs as well) much more enjoyable than this film. I wouldn't recommend anyone watch it, and hopefully Fox comes to their senses and decides to return the rights back to Marvel.
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Ant-Man (2015)
Near-Perfect, But Worthy Marvel Film
8 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This film was perfect in almost every way. I never felt bored for a single second throughout the movie, and Luis and his gang had me cracking up every scene they were in. Every character was well-defined, and Darren Cross was a badass villain who went beyond the normal power-hungry villain stereotype.

The only thing that I was disappointed about was the fact that Yellowjacket only appeared briefly at the end of the film. I found myself waiting for him to make an appearance, but when he did, it was short-lived because he was barely in the film at all (Darren Cross as Yellowjacket, that is).

I thought that this film deserved more than the 80% rating it got from Rotten Tomatoes, but this film is definitely a Marvel film that I actually found more enjoyable than a lot of the others.

Can't wait to see Ant-Man in Captain America: Civil War.
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Ted 2 (2015)
So-So Beginning But Perfect Ending
4 August 2015
The beginning was very weird and not nearly as smooth as the first movie was. It felt like they tried to copy a lot of jokes and gags from Family Guy, which didn't work out as well as it did on the show, but was still enjoyable to some degree.

I was worried the movie was going to go downhill just like the first fifteen minutes or so, but when Amanda Seyfried's character was introduced, the rest of the movie went perfect. Funny jokes, memorable scenes -- this is definitely something I'd recommend to anyone who enjoyed the first movie.

Basically, this was a near-perfect sequel, and I'm planning on watching it again very soon.
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