
14 Reviews
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Role Play (2024)
Wow - waste of talent
12 January 2024
When I first saw this movie was out I thought it was a comedy. It started out like it could've been a comedy, then I thought "this is just a bad comedy." Then I thought, this is just a bad drama or action flick and now, half way through, I had to pause to look it up and see what it's listed as and found out it IS a bad action movie. Very bad.

The acting is fine but what a waste of talent. The writing is mediocre at best. The directing is awful. I thought maybe it was his first time directing but no, he's done a lot of work - good work. This is, most likely, his worst work to date.

The movie might've had a chance as a comedy, it could've had a chance as a serious thriller, it never had a chance as an "action" movie. I watched just over half and just can't hang in there's truly that bad. The only good thing about watching this was turning it off.
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The Killer (2023)
Don't operate heavy machinery after viewing
10 November 2023
Not sure what Fincher was thinking, if at all. This is a snoozefest. Very basic flick that, because it was so hyped, you're waiting for the good stuff to come and then it's over.

Fassbender is good, all the acting is good, but that's like saying all the fish that played pets in the tank did a really convincing job of it.

Can't really comment much on the writing because, though there's a bit more dialogue than in Redford's "All is Lost", there's hardly enough dialogue to grade.

The aliases he uses are the most entertainment you'll get out of this movie.

It's like being waterboarded with dreariness. The only thing good about it is that it ends.
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Lucifer: Pin the Tail on the Daddy (2021)
Season 6, Episode 4
Hate what they've done to Chloe!
24 September 2023
She went from being this complete badass, capable of dealing with anything, including her BF being the devil, and now she's a neurotic mess, weak, no confidence at all.

This show has done some really stupid stuff - the dancing, music, animation, like the writers have multiple personalities, but that they destroyed Chloe, had her revert to the most needy person ever scripted, just shows they should've ended the show with season 5.

She went from being this complete badass, capable of dealing with anything, including her BF being the devil, and now she's a neurotic mess, weak, no confidence at all.

This show has done some really stupid stuff - the dancing, music, animation, like the writers have multiple personalities, but that they destroyed Chloe, had her revert to the most needy person ever scripted, just shows they should've ended the show with season 5.
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FUBAR (2023– )
A great series - if it was done in the 80s
3 June 2023
The writing is really the problem here. There's no wit, it's very flat, and beyond predictable. It's as if the writers took a bit of Scarecrow and Mrs. King, Remington Steele, the A-Team, and My Two Dads, mixed it all together and came up with this. Unfortunately it's not so bad to achieve cult status.

The leads do as a good job as possible with the scripts they're given. I struggled through 3 episodes and just can't do anymore. Milan Carter's character is like it was developed by a 10 year old educated soley by bad tv tropes - he pulls it off but it's painful to witness.

With just a bit of effort - and talent on the writing staff - this could have been enjoyable. But it appears it's something thrown together just as a vehicle to take advantage of the Arnold brand. It's unfortunate his first foray into TV had to be so terrible.
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Almost unwatchable
20 October 2022
Sofia Wylie and Jamie Flatters are the only performances providing any redemption to this movie. Fishburne, Washington, and Theron give the worst performances of their careers. The supporting cast doesn't support at all. Even those with no lines can't seem to act at all. If Paul Feig is given another directing job after this it will be a case of charity. The dialogue is ripped from a collection of stale fortune cookies. Even the special effects look like some 10 year old did them at home on their home computer. I only watched it to the end so I could have bragging rights that I was able to survive the entire viewing.
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Hawkeye: Hide and Seek (2021)
Season 1, Episode 2
Kate's mom drags this show down
5 December 2021
Eleanor Bishop owns and runs a security firm? And is so easily duped by Jack? And so readily ignores Kate's observations? WTF? Don't hire that security firm for anything...LOL Unless she's not being duped and is trying to "catch" Jack at something? I get it - not everything can be written perfectly but the mom thing really sucks at this point. Hopefully the character will improve or just vanish.
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NCIS: Face the Strange (2021)
Season 19, Episode 5
Just wrong!
10 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
So Gibbs gets to be a team leader after 7 years but McGee, who is going on 20 years (18 with Gibbs's team), who has done some serious stuff in his career, is passed over for a guy who got fired from the FBI??? That's just messed up.

Then there's Sean Murray to consider - same kind of deal...standing fast in this show when others have left, having lots of fans, having grown this character - along with the writers - isn't seen by producers to be able to lead the show??? That's also messed up.
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NCIS: Great Wide Open (2021)
Season 19, Episode 4
We knew it was coming
16 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Pretty good way to wrap it all up! Like how it there was a bit of an open-ended thing going on and wouldn't be surprised to see Gibbs appearing down the road in an arc or two.

And I certainly hope they don't plan on brinding Gary Cole onboard to replace Harmon - that would just be ridiculous. Consider - Gibbs has been solving cases for "25 years" and McGee has had his back for "18 years." That means Gibbs had his own team after being an agent for just 7 years (likely more) and here's McGee, going on 19 years - almost ready to hit his 20 year retirement if he wants - so the writers better not screw the pooch and keep McGee down! Not only would it strain credulity but it would certainly doom the show. And, when you figure they may be able to squeeze 2-4 good years out of it, that would just be to bad. For me - I'm done with the show if they don't hand the team to McGee.
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For All Mankind (2019– )
Crash and burn
13 August 2021
Good premise, good acting, solid, etertaining writing in season 1.

But, unfortunately season 1 was followed by season 2.

Apple must've switched writers between seasons because season 2 was horrid.

They took interesting characters, with depth and solid back stories, and turned them into caricatures of soap opera stars. I would say the show became a soap opera in season 2 - that would elevate to a level undeserved - it became something gratuitous, foolish, inane, and, given the character development from season 1, requiring a suspension of belief of everything we came to expect from the characters we followed for the first year.

Just atrocious what they did to this show :(
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NCIS: Out of the Darkness (2019)
Season 17, Episode 1
The entire storyline is ridiculous
20 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Ziva, killer and investigator extraordinaire is on the run for years from a single woman (who has a crew) and she has no idea why this woman wants her dead. What BS. Ziva had/has the resources of NCIS and Mossad and contacts all around the world and she decides not to put those trained killers/hunters/investigators to work going on the offense after one person and, instead, hides for years? The "I'm Ziva, mysterious, dramatic, living in my own head at the expense of all else, is old and tired." And how many times are the writers going to drag out the old "this person must die because it's revenge for Ari being killed plot???" And, if all that wasn't bad enough, the characters, all of them, go totally off the rails, acting nothing like years of character development should lead them to act. If this was a pilot there would be no season 1 to follow.
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First Man (2018)
Makes walking on the moon incredibly BORING!
23 November 2018
This movie was awful - at least the first hour, because that's all I could watch. It was a struggle to make it through that much.

Barely any dialogue, the camera work is so close, and shaky, during the flight scenes that you can't make out what you're seeing, and the whole thing was just an incredible downer. The characters have only two emotions - serious and somber. It's an emotionally dark movie, draining, and did I mention BORING!?
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NCIS: Fragments (2018)
Season 16, Episode 5
One of the best episodes
25 October 2018
NCIS is a great show all around and they've done some incredibly moving episodes but this episode may be the most poignant. A toss up with the one with Charles Durning guest starred as a Medal of Honor recipient. A very similar storyline as well.
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Sicario (2015)
21 December 2015
Poorly done - it's not character driven and has, until the 60 minute mark, no discernible plot, which, given it's a plot driven script, is difficult to watch.

The first hour of this movie that could easily have fit into 12 minutes. 3 minutes if you just wanted dialogue ;) It's not quite an action flick at all - it's more suspense/thriller. The problem, for me, was that you can't have suspense without a story and you don't know, until 53 minutes into the movie, what, exactly, is going on.

While the acting is good, I just can't bring myself to suffer through the entire "greatness" of this movie….I don't doubt that it may pick up and get better, but after an hour of "wow, this is dragging and painful…" I just can't risk that it may continue on at the same pace. It's long periods of filler with moments of talking and Brolin smiling a lot, Blunt soul searching, and Benicio grumbling stuff.

There was also a 3-4 minute scene, where hardly nothing was said, that this kid wakes up dad, mom is cooking, then we see the dad in his police uniform, and then nothing further with those characters…and that was about 15 minutes into the movie…so 45 minutes go by with them not being seen again? Maybe they appear at the 61 minute mark ;)
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If you have nothing - at all - better to do….
25 April 2015
Great acting. Great FX. Great score. Terrible movie.

So we expect a dose of incredulity in our sci-fi but in the good movies there's a continuity, a thread of sustainability, throughout the story. The story will show you what is what and then follow those within the storyline.

This movie is just all over the place. It's like 100 different people directed it. It could've been great by staying on a level…maybe going dark and troubling like Blade Runner…or light and amusing like Guardian of the Galaxy…or just a straight-up sci-fi action flick.

But, instead, we get giant lizards, cleaning toilets, and a mash-up of Cinderella, Maid To Order, Mortal Instruments, and Highlander - all good movies…but they just don't fit together.

It's too bad as Kunis is very good and it would be great to see her delve into a solid series - and Tatum, Bean, Redmayne - everyone was great. Have to put this one on the directors/writers simply trying to make this one have it all - and ending up with it having hardly anything.
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