
1 Review
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fun and quotable
24 October 2010
The movie was fun and quotable. From "sparkle tits" to "you can't let life hold you down and stick it's balls in your face." The cast seemed to work well together and actor Scotty Cox delivers a great performance in acting like a character that is completely opposite his true self. All the music used in the film is from acts local to the South West Michigan area. All the actors in the film are from South West Michigan, and are mostly stage actors. It's difficult to go from stage to film but most of the actors pull it off pretty well. All in all this low budget independent film is worth giving a look. This is the second film from this production company. The first one being "Love Cancer" which sadly is not available. Both movies are fun and quotable and you can see the progression in skills as the production company continues to mature!
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