
5 Reviews
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Never Seen Again (2022– )
For anyone who likes true crime framed in political narratives
9 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I love true crime dramas and this show looked to be right up my alley. A show dedicated to helping solve missing persons cases? I'm watching it and telling my friends about it! I thought for sure I'd love it

The cop linked in the first two cases absolutely looks shady as can be. The show lost me, though, when they started talking about Black Lives Matter and George Floyd. And comparing one of the missing young men to Emmett Till or anyone else who were victims of lynching just looks completely ignorant. I couldn't keep watching after that.

It's really unfortunate that it's not just a show about shedding light on missing persons and looking for information on their cases. The show is otherwise well done but will undoubtedly lose viewers due to their efforts to politicize these stories.
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Evil (2019–2024)
Not bad if you don't mind wading through social agendas
27 August 2022
I thought the premise of the show was interesting and unique. A couple of skeptics join a team to investigate demon possessions for the Catholic Church.

There are some interesting episodes. Several story lines that are sort of left for the viewer to decide, which might bother some people. That's fine with me. What is the killer for me is that about every third episode, the explanation (or part of the plot) is that one of the people being investigated is a "racist." And I don't say this as that's my interpretation. They literally spend half the show talking about how a character's (or the Church's) racism plays into the explanation. It's not only overdone, it's simply lazy and dumb writing. I've watched first season and half of the second but I just don't think it's worth the effort to wade through all the preachy social takes.

This show seems like a real missed opportunity. The acting is quite good and the content could be very cool. There's a bit of X-Files and Grimm mixed with the Exorcist.
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Veronica Mars: Years, Continents, Bloodshed (2019)
Season 4, Episode 8
It's like Joss Whedon wrote this
23 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A comeback of a long lost and canceled-too-soon show is sort of an urban legend. It's the tall tale of fishermen. It's the thing that people long to happen but doesn't. Pipe dreams. And yet, VM season 4 is proof of Bigfoot. Our beloved characters and stories are suddenly revived with fresh storylines. There is great rejoicing among the Marshmallows!!

Season 4 is hip, interesting and even the intro song has a cool, updated feel. We love it! All those loose strings of season 3 and the movie are coming together in a story we can not just believe, but we actually like. Amazing!

We're even lured into the new season with an earlier than announced drop date (of the entire season!). Who does that?!?

Veronica and Keith are still lovable. Neptune is still Neptune. Slightly familiar characters and plots seduce us into believing that Veronica and her dad will still prevail. But, no. It is not to be so. Rob Thomas has gone to the dark Joss Whedon side. What the audience doesn't want will prevail. The lead female can't have it all. AND your favorite character dies.

What the Eff, Rob!???!
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Could have been great
22 October 2021
It started out strong with examples of internet shaming that are both recognizable and more nuanced than Twitter outrage allows us to explore. Remember the guy who bought all the hand sanitizer in early 2020? There are even some cultural psychologists who weigh in on human tendencies and behaviors and offered insightful commentary.

Then, they brought in the gender studies experts. It all went downhill from there when they started explaining how women who get internet-shamed are victims of the patriarchy. Roxanne Gay weighed in to tell us it's not "cancel culture," but is actually "consequence culture." Unless, of course you're a woman of color, then it's just racism.

It's really too bad that it took the turn it did because it had such great potential to be objective and reflective.
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Chosen (2003)
Season 7, Episode 22
A fantastic ending to an epic show
28 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This show has its ups and downs. There are goofy parts with sub-par special effects and Buffy's pants are difficult to relate to at times. The CGI revolution happened during this show and you can watch it happen throughout the series. With all that in mind, the series finale is pretty remarkable. Most series finales leave at least a portion of viewers unsatisfied (Lost, Sons of Anarchy anyone?). With the first couple viewings I felt the same about BTVS. Then I realized how clever the finale is. There really aren't any sub-stories left hanging (there are lots of implications and open-ended plots).

I hate that Anya got axed (she's one of my favs) . Faith finds some stability (thank goodness!). Spike comes full circle in his character. Willow's GF survives but is kinda annoying but Willow's basically over Tara. There are sweet references to the first season. Angel shows up and keeps the door open for Buffy and Angel in the future. Dawn is no longer whiny and annoying.

Honestly, I'm not sure what else you could ask for in a series finale. This show is seriously under-appreciated in a larger context and Joss Whedon needs serious counseling for his clear problems with relationships (why does no one in his shows ever get a happily ever after?). I love this show and the ending is pretty perfect.
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