
4 Reviews
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A so bad it's good Christmas movie.
25 December 2022
Is this a Christmas movie? Yes. Is it a good Christmas movie? No. It's terrible. However this is one of these movies where it's so bad it's good. And the movie knows it. I can't take anything seriously from the plot, the characters, the dialogue, you name it. And that's what makes it enjoyable because it knows it's bad and it has fun with it, and I did too. There's so many plot holes and things that don't make any sense and some of the acting feels like the actors are saying these lines for a quick and easy paycheck. I know Charlize Theron said that she doesn't like this movie, but I did. The first act gets to the point, the second act adds some drama and suspense that doesn't feel forced, and the last act is where the movie gets interesting for me. So while it's bad, I'm going to admit that I did have fun.
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A unique Christmas movie.
25 December 2022
I guess this is a Christmas movie. It's probably the weirdest and strangest Christmas movie in the genre. Problem is I wish it had more to do with Christmas than what I witnessed. Now I'm not criticizing this and saying it's horrible because it's not, but it is really gothic and unique for Batman and Tim Burton too. When Tim Burton directed the first Batman yes it was goth but it wasn't too goth like this one is. This one he went full Tim Burton from the cinematography, costumes, props, you name it. There are some shots that are done really well, and there are times where it goes a little too far. Besides Michael Keaton, one of the highlights is Christopher Walken and Michelle Pfiffer. Danny Devito as Penguin is a unique take, where he gives a good performance one scene and another scene where he needs to chill. So overall, it's not a terrible Batman movie like some others but it does have its moments. And I don't think this counts as a Christmas movie.
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Guilty pleasure Christmas film
6 December 2022
Ok first of all I don't know why people hate this movie so much. Is this better than the TV version? Absolutely not. I'm pretty sure there wasn't an explosion in the book, just going to throw that out there. It's certainly not a perfect Christmas movie but it does have heart. I saw this movie as a child and I thought it wasn't bad, and now watching an adult the dialogue is full of words that are seventh grade level that I started to break out the dictionary. Ron Howard does an amazing job of flipping the script where we feel for the Grinch's pain and makes the WHOVILLES the villains. Anyway it may not be perfect but it does have heart so back off.
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Star Trek (1966–1969)
The best of the best
6 December 2022
Let me just say that I'm not a big fan of Star Trek in fact I never much cared for the Next Generation.

But this is Star Trek at its pinnacle. And people may say "but Drew, Picard was way better than Kirk." Or my favorite one is "but Drew, those special effects were garbage."

I choose this one over all the other ones because we all know the effects are cheesy, but where it lacks it makes up for amazing sorry telling. And it's filled with philosophy and life lessons that can still be applied todays life. And you can't help but live Kirk as well. He's something I inspire to be. Anyway that's it.
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