
8 Reviews
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Wickensburg (2022)
25 October 2023
Terrible acting by the two kids and even though I respect and like Denise Richards, this does not do her justice! There's a part where Willow is reading Elliot a part of the book ( 44 minutes in) and is saying about a warlock coming to the town and taking revenge. It then shows the page she is reading from and her finger moving along, pause it, you can then read about a conversation between King Arthur and Lancelot!! Nothing to do with warlocks and witches. The acting of these two is very amateur, and its no wonder they've only done 7 movies/TV between them. The person who give this movie a 9 and raved about it has certainly led a sheltered life OR was part of this drabble of a movie!
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Was enjoying it!
28 September 2021
I was enjoying this movie but I couldn't watch Eli Brown anymore trying to be Heath Ledger when he was the joker! It definitely had something this movie and wished I could have stuck it out. Why can't actors make a role their own? Seems everyone wants to paint the Mona Lisa! NEWS,it's been done already!!
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Cold Blood (2019)
Leon it's not!
4 July 2020
This movie had potential but seemed to just lose its way after about 15 mins. After the decent start to the movie it seemed like it was being made up as it went along and the girl got quite annoying. Could have been a lot better with a bit more thought.
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The Courier (2019)
2 July 2020
Has Gary oldman gone down the bruce Willis path,where any movie will do?Starts off where the courier has 10 mins to get to this job,which is 2 mins in movie world,and 20 mins later she's just got there!! I knew this was going to be rubbish from that and a few other hints along the way,acting/dialogue/sound in fact everything down to the lighting. Im pretty miffed about giving it a 1 actually as it doesn't deserve that and those with a high review of 5 and over in fact 2 and over must have had a seriously sheltered movie life..Give it a miss.
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Line of Duty (2019)
26 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Whoever wrote/cast/directed this movie must have been about 12 and it must have been some kind of school project! Aaron Eckhart really let himself down doing this movie.The villain could shoot every other cop with his eyes closed but when it came to officer penny(Eckhart) and looking through his sights,he missed by about 10ft,and from about same distance away! One of them movies were you've seen everything in other movies. Absolute garbage.
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2 minutes was enough!
15 August 2019
I did 2 minutes of this movie. As soon as I saw one landing craft,which the same one was used to look like 3 or 4 in different shots,and a couple of destroyers(probably models or silhouettes) in the background I turned it off. There was literally hundreds of ships,landing crafts and thousands of soldiers on that beach that day,this movie made that beach look like Blackpool beach on a cold day in January!!
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16 June 2019
I did 10 minutes of this rubbish and in that time 8 was giving it a second chance. It was like watching something my secondary school in the mid 70s put on at Christmas,a bunch of 15 year olds being directed by the chemistry teacher. If you read a review before a movie and you read this I BEG YOU not to waste a second of your time on it. As for spoilers,I don't think anyone's got that far into it to give anything away!!
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Beta Test (I) (2016)
A wasted hour and half of my life!!
5 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This is the first review I've done and I'm doing it because of the utter garbage I've just watched.There should be a "bin it board" where all movies have to be watched by the "B.I.B" and if they don't make the grade,BIN IT!!The actors were like puppets,only you couldn't see the strings,the 60s Thunderbirds come to mind!Action scenes,well,I've seen 10 year old kids playing toy fighting outside what would put this rubbish to shame.Now a lot of people say they wouldn't give any stars if they could,but I'm giving it one and for one reason only,the girl(the voice) on the phone was surely an Oscar winning performance compared to the other so called actors.This movie has beat my all time worse movie by a mile,robin hood with smiley Russel Crowe!!!!!!
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