
44 Reviews
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Feast (2005)
Feast your eyes on this movie....
11 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Good gory fun. Big Wes Craven fan here. I'll be unbiased. Unknown actors are good in this movie. The script was ok not the best but there was action from the get go. Not too much monologing. Good practical effects. I do love my Creature Features. The comedy wasn't cheesy and was timed well within the movie!

Spoilers: Lots of blood and gore and the creatures looked quite decent. This movie brings me back to the 1980's horror movies. Give this movie a watch. I'm going to watch the second and third of Feast and hopefully I will have a bigger Feast of blood and gore.

Would I recommend this movie? Yes I would.

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Rogue (2007)
Great Croc movie!
20 August 2022
Strewth. It's Mick Taylor ( John Jarratt). I only knew it was him after watching this movie several times. Love the cast especially Celia Ireland (Wentworth). I think according to her her accent she's playing an Irish character. I'm biased here as I am a huge Radha Mitchell fan she's good in this movie. I like learning about the history of the country and animals especially the croc As as I refer to them as dinosaurs. Amazing animals. My friend in Thailand runs a Croc hospital for healing hurt Crocs that sadly have been poached for their skin etc or hurt in man made traps.

I am an animal advocate and without 'living nature' there would be No Us! This movie always pays tribute the infamous Croc in Africa named Gustav. A big boy/girl. Unfortunately Gustav attacked and killed many many people over the years but I am glad he was never caught and killed. Crocs don't have a primal conscience.

They're born to eat and make little crocs.

Long love the Crocs.
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The Wilde Girls (2001 TV Movie)
You'll have a Wilde time enjoying this movie
12 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Good movie. HUGE ONJ fan and her daughter was fab in this movie too as well as A Christmas Romance. Character Sierra was funny and relatable. I'm sure ONJ did some reminiscing of her own whilst making this movie. Tried so hard to get this on home video or DVD. No luck. I think it's available to buy in Pan Asia.

Very apt role for ONJ been an animal and nature lover her character is a Vet of some sort! I reckon she came up that role herself as she is also Ex Producer of this movie!

Chloe should make more movies as she's very talented. I've seen her (movie speaking ) transition from little girl to teen to adult on the silver screen. More roles for Chloe please.

This isn't a masterpiece but one for ONJ/CHLOE fans. Loving the house too. Talent certainly runs in this family.

Want to see more of Livvy&Chloe in a 'happy happy' movie with very little drama.
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Hallowe'en Kills with no Thrills
27 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Very disappointed with this pile of poop. I am a massive fan of the franchise but this movie was unbearable. No new storylines,acting is terrible. I am leaving this review short as I have nothing good to say about this movie. Spoiler Gruesome killings but if you have some time to spare do not watch this tripe.
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Gentleman Jack (2019–2022)
Gentleman jack is back
21 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Gentleman jack is back with a proverbial 'bang' I so love this program. I love Anne's Direct communication with the camera and it makes me feel so much more involved in the story as if I am literally with her going through what she is going through if that makes sense.

And as it's in Hd I'm looking for goofs. I'm guessing the shoots digitally removed any signs of modern day stuff ie cars. Telephone poles etc.

So far I haven't seen any goofs.

Back to Ann. We all love a three way love triangle and poor Ann is in one.

I love the campiness of Anne and she delivers her part very well. It's clear to see that she's in the driving seat with her relationship with Ann Walker.

Sweet Moses that woman can travel. Well she has the means to.

I like her shrewd but honest approach to business.

SPOILER ALERT; Oh and not forgetting the Sowden clan. I thought they upped and did a runner cos what happened but no. They stayed. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? Time will tell. So all these Mini sub stories are brill and keeps me entertained. It's in a different league to BCC1 tv program Tipping the Velvet.

I Will a further review of the whole of season 2 cos atm I'm only in episode 4/8.

Please let there be another season.

IMHO the second season is much more pacy, more humor more of everything that is good.

Got to buy the dvd set!!!!!

I don't buy anything unless it's 110 pc great.

Gentleman Jack certainly lives up to her name she is chivalrous -tenacious caring- funny and steadfast. - Enjoy this great ride.
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Follow the yellow brick road
6 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Ah. Love this movie inside and out.

My Mom went to the theater when it was first released.

Love everything about this movie Including continuity error's which are strewn everywhere Even though scarecrow didn't have a brain he was the so-called leader of the pack for example when Dorothy and her crew started fainting on Poppyfields hill as I like to call it The scarecrow (and on many occasions) he took the lead and was 'using his non brain' for logic. Leading all others to safety.

I have to say the Practical effects for 1939 were mine blowing and Optical affects really was in his early early early infancy so props to the special effects department I'm sure I'm not the only one but I can't help but sing along to every single song from start to finish and there's great comedy moment send it to especially with cowardly lion. If the movie was made today it would cost $60,000,000 US. WOW.

My dog kept barking at Toto. Lol. He got paid much more than the human cast. Double pay for the dog handler and Terri.

A timeless classic and after watching this movie I became a huge Judy Garland fan.

Question. Was Prof Marvel a con artist? A charlatan As scammers described back then.

Enjoy the great ride.

I love these lines: I hope my strength holds out I hope your tail holds out lol.

If I had one wish from the wizard of Oz I'd ask for world peace and all animals to be indefinitely protected.

Don't forget -"There's No Place Like Home"

Enjoy ............
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I will definitely have another slice
5 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I will definitely have another slice!

Good conclusion finale to the AP series.

It It was a nice trip down memory lane for me watching the reunion. I also felt I was with All the main characters on their journey pre-and post reunion. I so wanted Heather and Chris to get back together. They were so sweet together.

Moving on. You can sense the overall maturity of the characters except Stifler. I knew he wouldn't change for all the money in the world.

His boss is a d***. At least Stifmeister didn't lie about his job totally.

Per usual I love Sitflers Mom the cool Jennifer Coolidge. She doesn't crap from her son.

The flash backs were cleverly done and not too nostalgic. This movie shares the characters evenly. Not too much of this one and not too much of that one. This movie has Deffo sentimental value to it in abundance.

I always wished my dad was like Jim's. Kind, caring and supportive.

I Think if there will be a fifth installment it possibly could be about the characters children and their antics and their lives as teenage virgins and we the audience can see the differences reminding us of our times have really changed.

Back then social media was in its infancy but in 2022 I could only imagine the commotion and the long lasting effect it would have on them.

Time to pass the torch (literally).

This sequel is a slice of everything. Nostalgia- maturity -responsibilities but also feel like a kid again which is great.

I felt for Jim's wife but I found her to be too moany and whiny throughout the movie. Found her annoying sometimes but that's just my view.

There's this one time at band camp.... I still love How she delivers that line -brilliant!

I did like the 'Wedding' (3). Especially when Stiffler ate the dog poop ewwwww.

Enjoy. It's a great ride you won't want to get off off. .................
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Armed but not so fabulous
5 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
As much as I the new and old cast in this movie there was no spark. Predictable and unfunny. Too much bickering between Hart and Fuller and not enough action. The storyline sucked.

I feel the writers and producers (Sandra Bullock) rushed this movie in many ways!

Why don't sequels do as well?

This movie fell flat on its butt without any way of recovering from it unfortunately. When I first heard about a sequel I was so Syked. I hope there's not a third movie. I was doubly disappointed with this movie cos Bullock produced it so I was expecting it to be better than than first. Nope. Didn't happen.

I felt the returning cast members didn't really want to be there.

Weak script. Weak story. Weak characters.

But we got to see the snake McDonald was. I didn't like the way he treated Hart in the first movie Nearly Taking the credit for the investigation.

I loved it when Hart pushed him into the water.

He got what he deserved.

It's not a bad movie overall as there are a few and I mean very few memorable moments.

In fact I enjoyed the end Bloopers more than the movie!!! Sandra's 'hart' 😉 was in the right place. It just didn't deliver. I can see why it was a Box Office Flop.
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Piranha (1978)
They're eating the guests.........
22 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I love that line.

Kudos to Joe Dante. Love his movies btw! Yes another Jaws rip off but this movie is so enjoyable to watch (over and over again). PS I love 'Jaws'. Great movie. Jaws Deffo trail blazed future creature features. Eg. Small town-Small seaside resort - What separates this movie from the other creature feature movies is the actors and the great comedy lines delivered by them!

The wise acre jokes were timed well and not 'forced'. I just turned one year old when this movie was produced and released. I've always been into Creature movies. I wonder where the cast are now today (2022).

I must point out that the fake blood actually looked very realistic especially for that period (1978). I'm glad the lil girl survived. She was savvy and smart even for her young age. Good actress too.

I was overdue writing a review for this great and funny movie. I only usually write IMBD reviews if the movie was worth writing about. I like to share my thoughts and views on here with no negative feedback from other Reviewers. I am still hoping they release this on DVD and BR REMASTERED. This movie is an oldie but a goodie.

One little 'negative' comment for me is the ending. I felt it to be tame and weak. But hey, that's just my opinion.

Enjoy this feast of fun-horror-gore and humanity.
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If These Walls Could Talk 2 (2000 TV Movie)
If this movie could talk.......
27 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I love this movie. Timeless and factual. Great cast for all three segments especially the third act with Ellen and Sharon. Brill. Looking back at the cast in their younger years they were so talented even back then.

'There're out of Jesus'. Love that line and I always have side cramps from laughing so hard.

I especially love the third act. The comedy elements are fantastic and I love the end music by Natalie Cole. It gets me dancing every time! Kudos to Anne Heche!!

The first act was more sombre. Very sad.

They should make a third installment maybe incorporating Transgenderism and Fluid sexuality.

Enjoy this big slice of history. It is a rollercoaster of emotions from the getgo. Enjoy.
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Vinyan (2008)
Vinyan running for the hills ......
19 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Movie started out exciting and had me hooked for a good part of 50 minutes then it ran out of steam and deflated big time. Even Wikipedia (I'm guessing) didn't know what the heck was going on with this movie hence the brief brief about the movie in Sypnosis. It was like following the yellow brick road to nowhere!!

I loved the location and scenery!

For me I wasted 90 mins. I more enjoyed watching my cat clean herself !!!

Tbh it was a silly, nonsensical and boring movie.

The writers must have Acquiesced for the remaining 20 minutes.

The characters were as doll as dishwater and a lot of moaning going on from both sides. Like I said the first 10 minutes you'll feel that the movie will be gone summer and you get a good feeling but that soon dissipates. It is out the worst movie and it's definitely not the best movie but I would be pushing it towards the worst movie for me I have seen recently and also really bad script.

IMDb are generous with the current rating for this tripe!!!!

The only thing that was heartfelt in this movie was the tragic tsunami that actually did hit the area and surrounding areas ;( Thank you for taking the time to read my honest and candid review.
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Fawlty Towers (1975–1979)
Checking-in .......
24 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Love this show. Love the anagram words on the billboard.

What a cantankerous man Basil Fawlty was. Would never want to work with someone like that. He was all take take take and never gave back to his wife or to his staff. He was obnoxious to his patrons except for the ex soldier. I was dumbfounded when The Germans episode was aired. Did not like that episode at all. I really felt sorry for Polly, Manuel and Terry. Don't forget the classic Basil beating his clapped out car with a tree branch. A slice of great comedy history there!

I reckon there should have had one more season finale.

My two fave episodes are Communication Problems (K What ) and Waldorf Salad ( walnut gone off) Checking out now. . . . Don't come again lol.
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The Place hasn't changed much.....
9 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Watched this movie last nite. It was good. A few jump scares but to be totally honest there was nothing at all new brought to sequel. I still like the main characters but the supporting cast was average. CGI monsters were good and we get to see a lot more of them but there's no new 'smart' moves or behavior from the monsters like in movie Tremors and other monster flicks.

I feel this movie was rushed to cash in $$$$ fast!

It was lackluster and I didn't feel any real urgency from the actors when they were been pursued. I would watch this again in a few years time. The first movie was the best. I was emotionally invested as I wasn't in the sequel.

Give it a watch. You be entertained for 95 minutes but don't expect too much from the story or the characters !!!!!

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Money Train (1995)
I've passed my stop ....
31 December 2021
I was generous giving five star rating as I like Snipes, Harrelson and J Lo but I was incredibly disappointed with Money Train. I found there was too much bickering and not enough action.

Won't say much more about this flop.

Overall if you have time to spare watch it but you might find something else to do or watch during the movie.
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On the Buses (1969–1973)
A great ride.....
30 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
On the buses is so similar to the Carry On franchise. Saucy but not offensive comedy.

Stan's Mom was so much like my Mom in her traditions and morals.

Would have been nice to be introduced to Jack's family like Arfa's. I can't think of one nice thing about Arfa. What a vile man and disgusting how he treated poor Olive. I would say it was a marriage of convenience for them. I have so many fave episodes. My cat likes the series too.

Love ole Blakey. He had a soft spot for Stan and Jack and they were his only buddies really.

So my mom told me that back then women did fancy the older gent.

Also it's nostalgic for me although I was born in 1977 I feel OTB is relevant and still stands the test of time.

I still remember the ole bus conductors. None of them like Jack. Lol.

The OTB movies were brilliant too. I had the privilege to meet Anna Karen and Babs Windsor too.

Lovely to see OtB passed from generation to generation. My granchildren love the show.

"Hold on very tight please. " Ding ding.
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Bloodthirsty (2020)
Thirsty for more..........
20 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Good, decent and emotive.

Yes. I (and my cat Pixxi) liked this movie. It was different.

Spoilers: I thought for most of the movie she was hallucinating and she was transforming into a 'monster. ' This movie is dark with no light comedy.

Unknown actors but the main character Grey held it together. Predictable but good movie and I loved Grey's vocals. Good ranges if that WAS her actually singing.

This movie isn't everyone's cuppa but give it a try. Small production with big results. If Grey was going onto become huge pop star she would have been the most popular Lycanthrope ever too. Lol. I'd buy her albums.

I liked the creepiness from Vaughan character.

Spoiler: I reckon he killed and ate his Gf Greta.

His explanation on how she died just don't right with me.

Chilling ending. Not saying. Watch it and see for yourself. :)
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Dog Soldiers (2002)
A Dogged movie.....
15 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Right. Love this movie so much I have taken time to write my fair and honest review on Dog Soldiers. Firstly I like John Pertwee and his dad (Worzel Gummidge).

In this movie the story was good. Very funny comedy and at the right times!

I was very surprized to see Sgt. Wells very well after been sliced by a lycanthrope. Twas funny at first but with these types of movies you want realism maxed out. That didn't happen. Director forgot and was more focused on pushing forward the story. ! Spoiler: I'm glad dog survived.

Another gripe (and there's not many!) was the back story of how the family became lycanthropes. That was the icing on the cake for me. Even if it was a brief story. Better than no story.

I think character of Cptn Ryan was not malevolent enough.

Meaning (after been captured) he was quite placid but he was the main antagonist. Disappointing there.

Overall slightly predicable but fun movie and I felt for everyone including Ryan.

Watch and enjoy. Shame there wasn't a sequel/prequel to tell us the back story of the lycanthropes.
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Great White (2021)
Great white turd
2 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'm actually being generous here given this movie this rating. I was going into this movie with not a lot of expectation. Compared to deep blue sea, even the Meg this was Chow mein not luxurious sushi!! Slow paced and why oh why do things get a bit interesting towards the end of the movie?!

Another predictable movie and tbh a waste of money. There is quite nice back drops and scenery throughout but that does not make up for the lacking storyline, predictability and the ultimate outcome. Tbf there was only one bad CGI shark moment. I guesstimated the length of the shark considering it was on TV on a small screen and I was only out by 1 m not bad day! I predicted 16 feet but the shock in the movie was about 14 almost 15 feet in length. I guesstimated the length of the shot considering it was on TV on a small screen and I was only out by 1 m not bad day! I predicted 16 feet but the shark in the movie was about 14 almost 15 feet in length. Close. The ending was the only remote sense of excitement and fear and emotion (for me). Would I watch again? Probably in the far far far future! Would I recommend this movie to others? Perhaps no unless I disliked them. Hehe.

SPOILER: I am been fair here. Oh yes. I was really happy Michelle survived.

There hasn't been a really kick ass movie after deep blue sea There hasn't been a really kick ass movie after Deep Blue Sea. The Meg my review.
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Mild tremors
22 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Well Burt def went back to basics. Not giving anything away here but Burt was 'rusty'. It's like logging onto the computer after ?? Years (no spoiler) and updating it.

Beautiful settings/scenery and my gyal from Orange is the new black is in it. Yay. Good humor. Well timed. BIG DISAPPOINTMENT as far as Creature kills. Camera got shoddy during kill scenes.


I didn't see full scale ratios of the creatures. Underground or on land. The movie felt rushed and lazy.

Spoilers. Is Burt really d-e-a-d?

He Can't be. He is the Mascot of the Tremors Franchise. It's like making a King Kong or Godzilla movie without King Kong or Godzilla in it.

There's a huge group of soldiers throughout the first half of the movie and then very quickly There's only a few left. We didn't see what happened to them and how they got dispatched (eaten).

I did like the bios on the creatures.

Jasmine was a filler for Helen Shaver in Tremors 2. Very similar. ! Spoilers.

I laughed out so loud when they were saying Travis was in a Mexican jail. I was rolling on the floor laughing saying Yep that is a typical Travis thing to do -well what he did to land up in a Mexican jail was no surprise to me at all!

I wouldn't buy the dvd. I have the movie stored and kept on Sky Q HD.

I only have on DVD Blu-ray tremors the original and tremors the aftershocks for me they were the best tremors movies after that they just got silly and more sillier.

Is this the end for the tremors? I hope not. Yes these movies are ridiculously entertaining and nonsensical but I think the loyalty lies within the first movie.

Watch and enjoy this But for me unfortunately the movie was 'little after shock tremors.' But for me unfortunately the movie was little after shock tremors. Also the movie is rated 15. BFCC Should definitely consider changing and lowering the certification to PG 12 as the kill scenes were badly badly badly edited and no gore shown. Lots of blood and creature growls throughout this movie. !!!! The worst I've seen in a long time in a horror action movie so again very very disappointed. Should definitely consider changing and lowering the certification to PG 12 as the kill scenes were badly badly badly edited. The worst I've seen in a long time in a horror action movie so again I was very very disappointed. This particular movie could've easily been broadcast on pre-watershed daytime TV with parental guidance of course With obscenities edited out.

Quite disappointing. There was some homage scenes and a repeat of Burt infamous lines. You will know them when you hear them.
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Cosmic Sin (2021)
It was A cosmic sin making this pile of cosmic poop.
5 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I gave this pile of garbage a 'generous' two stars cos Brucey was starring in it. So I automatically assumed there would be lots of action, tongue-in-cheek humor, and silliness but there was none of the above in this bland vanilla movie. The money should've went to a better cause I E charities I automatically assumed there would be lots of action, tongue-in-cheek humor, and silliness but there was none of the above in this bland vanilla movie. The money should've went to a better cause I E charities. The production value was very very cheap and this was before I Wikipedia the movie. After I watched the movie I checked the movie budget which was $7 million but the production felt like it was on a $700,000 budget instead! The characters were as exciting seven day old puke. Tbh I can't remember much of the movie but I am not watching it again to understand it. I really don't care. Did watch another great movie called Odd Thomas. I will definitely be writing a favorable review on that movie. Ab Fab!

Back to this POC.

There were No laughs. No character building. Cheap production. Bad script. Bad everything.

Please don't waste 95 mins like I did.

I did watch it all the way through. Had to.

I do hope the next Bruce Willis movie will be redeemed.

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Unhinged (I) (2020)
My heart was unhinged
26 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Are you not entertained? Well I sure was for the next 95 mins. I like Crowe's work in this movie. Guy over the edge. Yes. There is a generic reason/s why he went off the rails big time. Predictable.

The tension was palpable. Fast paced. Nice change. Very short monologues. Yay. Keeps us involved all the way.

A couple of surprizes on the journey.

Spoilers: Lots of victims.

I have recommended this movie to many peeps.

I do not usually write reviews unless the movie exceeds brilliance!

I didn't feel any empathy for the antagonist.

You will understand why at the prologue!

Enjoy this deranged (I mean that affectionately) movie.

I love the ending 'final quote. '
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Double Tap is double c**p!
5 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I was Absolutely disappointed With this sequel. It felt rushed. The jokes were forced. Not good! There were very few 'funny' moments throughout but very disappointing to say the least. The movie felt amateurish and supporting cast did a mediocre job. There was too much lateralization and too many monologues. To he honest I was more entertained watching my cat Pixxi cleaning and pruning herself!!!!!! Watch this and waste 95 minutes of your life if there's nothing else to watch.
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30 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'm been generous with my stars here. I like Danny Boyle movies but this movie under delivers and many plot holes. I usually write reviews unless they're really worth it. Yes its nice change to see 'mature' antagonists in movies. One IMBD reviewer said the same. Anyway good acting all round. Tension builds up nicely throughout but nothing exciting came to fruition fifteen minutes towards the end. I loved the house. Stunning locations but that's not good enough. It was quite predictable. On a positive note I empathized and sympathized with Yvonne but blaming her son was LOW. This movie could have really excelled in the right direction but wasn't to be. I have seen way better Lifetime movies that were much more riveting and exciting. Give this one a miss. You are not missing out on anything! 75% of the movie was way too nicey nicey. Thanks for taking the time to read my review.
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The Watcher in the Woods (2017 TV Movie)
The Watcher watched and enjoyed this movie
8 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Good movie. I like Angelica Huston. She was perfect for this role. She was creepy, unpredictable and melancholy. I liked all the characters except the Dad. Bit of a moaner and vocal sceptic. Yes these type of movies are incredibly predictable but with this one it's predictable but enjoyable. Good comedy and it wasn't forced. Question. The Welsh locals all had London accents. Huston accent I couldn't determine. The production was spooky with nice locations. I will watch the original version and compare them. A family friendly movie with some scares and finally I am glad Karen ends up safe with her Mom.
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Crocodile (2000 Video)
Don't hate the croc
23 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Loved this movie. Out of All the croc flicks I have seen this one is far the best one. Such a shame this movie is totally underrated. Not too cheesy and I felt for these kids. The SFX were quite decent. Plenty of action after ten or so minutes into the movie. Spoilers: Bug spray saved the guy's life. Not giving too much away as you'll have to watch this movie. Ultimately for me (from the beginning ) the Momma croc was only protecting her eggs. Of course she's going to do anything to protect them. Ok the reason for the Momma croc attacking and killing those kids is sub standard and not very original but it works! The ending was heartfelt for the survivors and Momma Croc which is extremely rare in horror movies old and new. !! Spoiler alert: I am so happy Momma Croc didn't die. She had every Right to live her life (with her babies). In a way I'm glad they didn't do a sequel. If it's not broke, don't fix it. I highly recommend this movie. Nature can be dangerous but if you respect it then all will be ok. I will be reviewing Crawl movie next on here. More reviews to come.
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